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Awesoome AF August

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    Awesoome AF August

    Good morning...

    Pauly, thanks for the suggestion for the August thread...I needed it as I am really tired today and just got up. Here is that website you asked about: It is good, I have been enjoying it so hope you do to ifyou decide to look at it.

    Lav, wow, you will be busy this week! Enjoy.

    Dill, hope your party went well.

    Cyn, hello, hello!

    Have a great Monday, AF.

    Morning friends and Happy August I'm so over July glad it's done with, Star,I think Nora had mentioned that site in the past so it must be pretty good, so now we're in a new month and I just realized that I hafta renew my drivers license and my hair license before Sept,Eeks,luckily I can do them both through the mail but that's extra money I didn't plan on, yesterday was Louie's cousins birthday and he told her what we got her little monkey! Hello Lav,Cyn and Dill hope we all have a wonderful Monday
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Good afternoon friends!

      Well, August is here & I am happy about that. This Fall girl is ready for a change.
      We are having another thunderstorm right now with tremendous tropical type rain, geez. I only hope for some cooler weather after this but probably not.

      I went to Curves this morning & the boys & YB survived, ha ha! It's time he gets a full dose of these crazy little boys. My big dog was up sick again overnight after having a much improved week. There's no rhyme or reason that I can figure out for these episodes. No change in food or mecicines.....just don't know.

      Star, thanks for moving us into August. Yes, we are awesome & AF

      Pauly, did you really buy a monkey for a gift or was tgat just hopeful thinking on Louie's part??
      I have done all my license renewals online for as long as I can remember. It's especially good when you are running ladt minute, Lol I imagine Nevada has a similar website for that stuff. I also use that site ti fike & pay my business taxes, which I need to do right now.

      Hello to Dill & Cyn!
      I hope everyone has a fantastic AF day & month ahead!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Lav,I was a saying that Louie's the little monkey, he can't keep a secret haha,the gift was a Shopkins strawberry scented pillow and his cousin said that she hopes she'll get that specific thing to Bobbi so I know he told her,I'll never wrap presents in front of him again haha
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Ha ha pauly! Can you tell I can't concentrate much when the boys are here??
          They are SO LOUD I really can't hear myself think, Lol
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Hello all - sorry to be out of touch.

            Again this year, it's one long day after another -yesterday was an 18-hour day! Tired now, so can't really think of too much... I hope all are well. Star, thanks so much for starting us out on August! I will take some time soon to look back at what I missed last week.

            In the meantime, I'm hoping that you are all well and keeping on in the AF life.

            Take care -


              Good morning...

              Reminded again what this disease does to us. A friend with 17 months sobriety, relapsed. Right back to where he was, it is horrifying, drinking every night to blackout alone, can't stop. Family members don't know what to do, it is a nightmare. We all have to protect our sobriety with all we have. Sometimes I think that when you are in the middle of it, there is not enough judgement to stop. Being under the influence so much, you are not able to make the choice to quit, you need detox. I know this is not true for everyone, but I feel that this person could/will die soon if they do not get help, again. I have known several young people who have died in the last few years from booze, drugs, pills. Let's cherish today and our ability to be AF one more day.

              Lav, you are a grandma warrior, I don't think I could do it! Love always wins but whew, take care of yourself and I like it that you are having YB help!

              Pauly, how cute taht Louie spilled the beans about the gift. Hope your Monday was great! Mine was OK, kind of long, and know, already Tuesday!!!

              Cyn, so good to hear from you, I know you are taking care of yourself in the midst of lots to do.

              Shout out to Dill!

              Have a good one.


                Morning friends, Star,so sad about your friend,17 months sober! I'll bet he's overwhelmed with guilt and baffled by this happening,I wonder what caused him to relapse? There's always something going on when it happens,peeps don't just fall into a vat of alcohol, I have sympathy for him and hope he can get back to reality soon I am on another forum and I see people who relapse after years so we always hafta be on guard I think, Lav,trust me I understand how boys are haha,loud,hyper,demanding,always hungry etc and you have it times two! 1 Louie is plenty Dill,where'd you run off too?Cyn,an 18 hour day would just about kill me! It's great to keep busy but I don't like being too busy,first of the month and every yucky person on the planet came in to the shop yesterday, I hope it's not like that today but I'm sure it will be, I'll get thru I always do hope today is grand for us all
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Hello All, I'm still here!

                  Star, story about your friend falling off the wagon was very sad and scary. I agree with you that it is difficult for someone in the throes of addiction to get a grip. I wish someone could just throw a net over him, drag him to a padlocked safe room and let him dry out.
                  Thank you for sharing that story.

                  Pauly, hope your day today wasn't as 'hairy' as yesterday! LOL

                  Cyn, wowzers! You are busy! When do you get to return to sanity?

                  Lav, I'm ready for Fall too. It will be here before we know it! I think I'll go shopping tomorrow for some back-to-school supplies for the grandkids. I was at Walmart yesterday and it seems like the school supplies are flying off the shelves!

                  Hot here today. I did just a short amount of time in the yard and had to throw in the towel after 20 minutes! I'll try to get out earlier next time.

                  Have a great AF Tuesday everyone.

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    Good dvening friends!

                    There wasn't a minute to spare today but everything was done including a trip to the dentist & getting my granddaughter settled in for the week. We have beautiful weather here tonight, shocking after all the crappy storms, excessive heat & all. I imagine it won't last long.

                    Star, very sad to hear about your friend. I think it could happen to anyone IF they don't completely close the door on AL. That has been the single best piece of advice, glad I took it to heart. I hope he gets through this before he gets hurt.

                    Cyn, 18 hr days are rough, too rough. Please find a few minutes to take care of yourself & come home healthy

                    Pauly, funny but I need a haircut too, ha ha! Mine grows so darn fast, it' not funny.
                    I was just thinking I need to get in there before all the back to school haircuts begin. That's job security for you

                    Dill, I just can't do much outside on those hot days. I force myself to get the chickens fed & watered then run right back inside. If it cools down after dinner then I like to go out & pull some weeds or something. Do your grandkids get specific lists with required back to school supplies? Seems a little weird that they do that but helpful in the long run I guess.

                    Wishing everyone a peaceful night!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      No way Lav I'm taking back to school weekend off!! It's not the kids that bug me,it's the helicopter moms that are irritating!
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Star - I really like that site too. So often something will just click when I read it.

                        Hope everyone is doing well.
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Good morning...

                          Thanks for the feedback on the relapsed friend...detox may be needed the relapse has been going on for a month, I guess. So sad, I do agree taht you have o shut the door completely, and recreate your life in many ways. What changes have you made since being AF? I don't hang with people who just wnat to drink for bars, no drink fests, what would be the point?

                          Lav, I love summer so much, fall too, and winter till New Year's Day, then it becomes rough for me. Enjoying the evenings now that my patio is almost done. They have two things left to do. Sent me the bill though. Haha. I called and told the owner I will pay once the entire job is completed. I have dealt with contractors in the past: once you pay them you never see them again. So, no pay till done.

                          Dill, so great to hear you are well and busy too. It is HOT, but this is the time of year for that. Any boat time or too hot for that right now too! We have not had rain for a long time, I am busy watering new plants early morning and evening. It is worth it, new grass is coming up and looks so bright and green. Did you get thought your book? I am slowly getting through my second book on the Raj, then I am done with that subject for a while.

                          Pauly, school already started here, we were at the Mall on Sunday and it was crowded with kids/parents buying for the start of the school year. Your salon sounds busy! Did your daughter start her new job yet? Hope it works out for her, she deserves to have a job with less anxiety.

                          Cyn, check in when you can, you are busy, we know! Take care.

                          Nora, are there any other websites you look into? Thanks for the feedback, nice to hear from you.

                          Have a wonderful AF Wednesday!!!!!


                            Hello All,

                            Star, it is not too hot to go on the boat because there is always a breeze on the lake, and we can swim off the back of the boat, too. But, we haven't been going to the boat. It seems as if we have lost interest in that hobby. Mr. D is planning on putting the boat on Craigslist soon. We can use the money to help pay for the little travel trailer we are getting this Fall. Yes, I did get my audio version of Hawaii but I haven't started it yet. I had to look up "Raj". I didn't know that was the term for the period of time that Britain colonized India. I wonder if you ever saw the Masterpiece Theatre series Indian Summers? Last summer was season one. It's a series set durning the Raj. It's really beautiful and well acted.

                            Lav, the school district posts an extensive list of school supplies for each grade and they get very specific, even requesting some items by brand name! Between the 2 children we spent $75 dollars on school supplies! Crazy! They even ask for things like Clorox wipes, paper towels, tissues, and hand sanitizer!

                            Hi Pauly and Cyn. Welcome Nora.

                            Happy AF Hump Day everyone!

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              Hi all -Happy Hump Day -

                              Quick check in here. All is plugging along, the patrons are happy with the performances, so that's always good news.

                              We had a big, brown visitor to our guest house last night. Someone reported seeing a bear in the area, and sure enough when we got home around 11, I went into the kitchen and saw that the screen had been bent and almost punched through! Thank goodness something scared it away, or it couldn't quite get through the screen - the house would have been a mess if it had gotten in... I know that bears can open refrigerators and pantry doors and help themselves! So now all garbage has to go out of the house, and all windows closed and locked when we leave the house. Even the car has to be locked - I guess they can get into cars as well!

                              OK, that's my story for today. Star - so sad about your friend, I wish his family good luck and hope that he 'wakes up' in time. Dill - hope you are able to sell the boat! Lav - stay as cool as you can! Pauly - I don't blame you for wanting to stay away from 'helicopter moms'!

                              Take care all -

