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Awesoome AF August

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    Good morning...

    Lav, I have experienced exactly what you did with your grandsons. On Christmas, the other grandmother gave him 5 or 6 cookies and he went nuts, kicking his legs, hitting, running around and into things, I had scratches on my chest. It was horrible and not his fault. My son was the same way. Whew, no more sugar on your watch. Hope your day is better today.

    Dill, what a lovely post thank you.

    Pauly, hope you are feeling better.

    Cyn, good to hear from you.

    Gotta go, woke up a little later than usual. Happy Hump Day!


      Okay Lav I do my best not to criticise, and if I don't have something nice to say I keep my mouth shut.
      But this, well I just cannot look the other way ....

      Today was not exactly spectacular
      For some unknown reason my DIL stopped at Dunkin Donuts this morning & picked up a bag of donuts & a sugary chocolate milk drink for each of the boys before she dropped them off at 8:30. When I saw that I ran to the kitchen & fixed them scrambled eggs & turkey bacon. I told them they had to eat the protein before consuming all that sugar.
      By 10:45 the younger one was bouncing off the walls & fell sound asleep by 11. You've never seen such a hard sugar crash, geez!!! He was cursing at me, throwing things at me, threatening me, unbelievable. When she returned after 5pm I told her NO MORE sugar for that kid!!!!

      The junk I have seen parents send their kids to school with over the years amazes me.
      Now, my mother may be mentally ill, but I have to thank her for not allowing us to eat McDonald or fast food of any kind growing up. I cannot imagine what would possess someone to give little kids Dunkin Donuts & chocolate milk and then drop them off somewhere for the day?
      Incredible. I am on this new theme of not taking things personally. What people do is about them, not you (or me... you get it). This one, well I find hard not to take this personally. In fact, I find it rather criminal. Actually, I would stop watching the grandkids for a while unless it was your idea.
      Let her experience the inconvenience of caring for her own children. I will bet she won't give them any more Dunkin Donuts that is for sure.
      Last edited by Eloise; August 10, 2016, 07:25 AM.
      (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


        Hi everyone,

        It's just a quick hello from me today. Things are really hectic here lately with family issues. I'm trying hard to be supportive and detached at the same time. Not pulling it off real well! I'll keep working on it.

        Happy AF hump day all.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Good evening friends,

          I had a much saner day today with no kids here, ha ha!!

          Eloise, my DIL (I think) is so focused on her own BS at the moment that she just does this stuff without thinking! She knows full well that I am always happy to feed the boys a decent breakfast when they come over. I have an idea that the donuts were some sort of bribe or reward or some such thing. She won't be doing it again because I told her if I see them walking in with donuts in the future I will tear them out of their little hands, LOL
          Btw, my DIL is a licensed child behavior specialist - she knows better!!

          Star, the older grandson didn't have any sugar reaction, just the younger one. He also reacts rather strongly to artificial colors too, just like my son did. They really can go nuts in an instant.

          Dill, I hope everything is OK with your family. We will be thinking of you :hug:

          Hello to Cyn & Pauly, hope you are both well.

          I have to spend the next few days focused on getting an embroidery job started & finished. I don't mind spending the time in my nice cool shop when it's so nasty outside!

          Peace to everyone.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Btw, my DIL is a licensed child behavior specialist - she knows better!!

            omg, shame on her Lav!

            Bribing small children = double shame.

            She owes you a big apology and a Caribbean cruise (or something better!)
            (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


              Good morning...

              Lav, it was alot cooler here last night, only in the low 80s, went for a walk. So, maybe it will move East and give Lav land a visit. Great you had a day to do your own thing. I am doing better, conference today, not regular work, so lucky me.

              Dill, I hope things are OK for you, I know your son needs lots of help. We had drama here too with my son Monday night, stuff that a normal adult would not burden his parents with, but he still acts very immature. I tried to stay detached, got angry, then cooled off. Don't need the drama. I know you have grandkids involved and whatever is going on, they come first.

              Hello to Pauly, Cyn, and Eloise.

              Have a great AF Thursday.


                Hi All, It seems like my days keep getting away from me! This morning it was up and out early to go with Mr. D while he did his bloodwork. We had other errands to run which is why I rode along.

                Yes Star, the stress and tension is related to my son. Mr. D as well because he can be quite difficult. I don't want to go into it here. But I have to detach in more ways than one! If it were just our son and he didn't have the children, I'd step away from a great deal of it. But you just can't do that when innocent little ones are in the mix. And truly, my son is trying his best to be a good dad.

                Lav, I hope your embroidery project went well. As hot as it is outdoors, an indoor activity is a good thing!

                Hello Pauly and Cyn. Greetings and welcome, Eloise.

                Peaceful AF Thursday one and all!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Good evening friends,

                  Got a fair bit of work done this afternoon but have a lot more to go. I can't complain when I get work, especially if it keeps me indoors in the AC, ha ha!

                  Eloise, ha ha!!! You have no idea how many times I've thought my DIL OWES ME BIG TIME!!!!

                  Star, I will gladly accept the cooler westher if it ever gets here. The weather reports are dismal, to say the least. I hope your conference day went well. I used to love having a day out of the hospital & get paid for it too.

                  Dill, a whole day can get away from me so fast it sometimes scares me. Is it our age or what?

                  I hope the drama with the adult kids settles down quickly. It's rough, our kids will always be our kids. I think we need to remember that we worked hard & taught them well - they will work things out & be OK.

                  Hello tp Pauly & Cyn!

                  Peace to all tonight!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Good morning...

                    Well, yay, it is Friday already!!! This week went quickly. I am going to visit one of my brothers for a few days, leaving work early today, driving up north, but checking the weather, it will be hot there too! Looking forward to a road trip, solo.

                    Lav, sorry to tell you the hot weather is back with a vengeance. Way to hot to take a walk or do anything but be in water!

                    Dill, sorry to hear you are going through a rough time re your son. Us too, then it gets better for a while, I hope. Yes, if my son had kids it would not be a good thing as he has a hard time taking care of himself. This constant strain causes marital stress too. Sending you positive energy and support!

                    Pauly and Cyn, hope your weekend starts our well. To all, a great AF Friday!!!!!!


                      Morning friends, Star,you have a safe,fun trip I'm jealous actually, I told hubs let's just fill up the tank and do a road trip to see my family for the weekend, he of course came back with excuses, the cars not running right, money's tight,meh,thought of just taking Kell,Louie and Brady and going ourselves but Kell is getting a new job so it's better to wait,Dill,no stress allowed! It's so crazy that when I had kids I thought once they're 18 I'm done,my goodness that's when the REAL work begins! The worry, the stress,when they were little we defo had more control, now that they're adults our hands are tied,Lav,thanks for the links you sent me Cyn,hope all is good in your neck of the woods, have a great day
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        OMG, it's 91 degrees, 62% humidity, feels like 104 degrees out there!
                        Today the second of the four fans in the chicken house broke down
                        I just sent YB on a mission to find a sturdier replacement, the girls are suffering.

                        Star, I hope you enjoy your weekend. Quality aline time is good for the soul

                        Pauly, I hope you can manage a little road trip yourself.
                        Due to many circumstances I haven't had a day or night away for well over a year. I am ready for a break myself.

                        I am working in my nice, cool workshop but I take a break every now& then to go do a welfare check on my chicks. Time yo take them some ice

                        Hello to Dill & Cyn. Stay cool everyone!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Good morning friends,

                          Yesterday was my volunteering day so I was busy in the morning and then was gone for the rest of the day!

                          Lav, you are probably right that our days are getting away from us easier due to age. It's a fact, I'm afraid! I was watching this elderly lady get herself a cup of coffee yesterday at the coffee shop. She moved as slow as molasses in January! I got to thinking about how we all slow down with age. Surely she couldn't have moved that slowly her whole life! I am aware that I take longer to do things than I used to, but I'm not that bad ....yet! LOL

                          Pauly, yes adult children are much more stress-inducing than young ones. And the marital stress is greater too, IMO. Mr. D gets so upset about things that he has no control over. I had to tell him something yesterday and I knew he would blow a gasket over it, but still he had to know. So I braced myself and told him. He was going on and on about it and I finally said, you know you just need to let it go. These kids are adults now and make their own choices. I told him he needed to detach! He didn't like it, but he did shut up, thankfully.

                          Star, I hope you have a fun road trip. I haven't travelled alone in many years. I used to do it on a fairly regular basis when I would go see my parents. I wish I could make that trip again and visit with them like in the old days. Ah, well. "If wishes were horses then beggars would ride!"

                          Hello cyn, I hope you are getting home and back to your doggies soon!

                          Let's all have a great AF Saturday!
                          Last edited by dill; August 13, 2016, 09:56 AM.

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Good Saturday evening friends!

                            Busy day here, family in & out all day.
                            The guys helped YB get the first wall of the greenhouse placed on the foundation, yay. All this was done in the most excessive heat we have ever experienced here - geez!!!
                            My son & his family are leaving tomorrow for vacation. I usually watch the Insanity Twins while they are away but not this year. I am up to my eyeballs in dog care right now so they will be going to a local kennel. I am sure they will be spoiled rotten there, ha ha.

                            Dill, my daughter finished her schooling yesterday, graduation is next week. I had her assess my lower back & left hip pain. I have had increasing difficulty just walking lately. She did a couple of maneuvers on me & found I am (was) out of alignment. She actually fixed me & gave me a set of exercises to do!!! Now I won't have to move slowly like the woman you mentioned in the coffee shop, LOL. Getting old is not easy!
                            I hope Mr D can keep the detachment thing just makes everything so much easier

                            Hello to Star, Cyn & Pauly!

                            Peace to everyone tonight!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Good Sunday morning friends

                              I slept well & did not wake up with any back pain, oh boy!!!!!
                              I popped out of bed this morning like a normal person. What a relief!

                              Another hot & humid day is shaping up here. I have a job to finish up so I will spend most of my day in my cool workshop. Grateful!
                              Have a wonderful AF day Dill, Star, Pauly & Cyn!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Good morning All,

                                Lav, that was really fantastic that your daughter was able to help you with your alignment! A quick fix is what we all hope for! I have been having issues with my left shoulder since April. My doc gave me some exercises to try but they haven't helped as far as I can tell. There are many movements and positions I just can't manage with my left arm. It has something to do with my rotator cuff. When I go back to see her I am hoping she will order x-rays. Luckily my right arm is functioning ok, but if it develops the same issue, I will be in a pickle! Mr. D is going to have to work hard on the detachment! I don't know if I have mentioned it before but he is a controlling person. People like that don't do well with detachment! LOL!

                                Pauly, Cyn, Star, greetings. Super AF Sunday greetings!

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

