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Awesoome AF August

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    Good morning...

    Cyn, self-care feels so good! Nice you have some work to focus on, I know you love what you do and are good at it.

    Lav, it is a little cooler, still humid, but I am in air conditioning most of the time, so feel fine. August is going by to quickly for me.

    Dill, hope things are looking up.

    Pauly, I opened that door too, and it was not a good idea. I have slammed it shut, AF for me all the way. Life has sent you challenges not of your creation...we are here for you in any way we can be.

    Self-care, support, focusing on our ultimate goal, being AF.


      Morning friends, Cyn,I've chosen to overlook my overgrown weedy garden too for now,I figure next spring I'll tackle it better, funny but your hubs sounds like me Star,that day when you and I "slipped" I thought I had closed the door but the next week I opened it again and I just couldn't stop! I dunno if I just needed to do more damage to myself to get the strength again or what,I don't want to be a drinker,hubs took me out back and said"if you can't have one or two and control it,don't do itat all" and of course I know that I just lost my resolve for a bit and let that stupid voice convince me to act like an idiot, I need a better plan for next time but I am still baffled by how to develop one,Lav,I ordered some amoryn again yesterday, I figure I will start it slow so I don't get the s.e's I had before, Dill,I am going through a similar situation as what you've been through as far as your ex DIL being on pain pills and pregnant, it's Kell and if you guys remember she had degenarative disc disease so has been on pain meds for years, still don't know how this is gonna pan out,I'm scared,she's scared, just have to wait and see,well enough waffling from me, I hopewe all have a wonderful Thursday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Hello all, we are in the middle of a 4 day grandkids visit so it is hard to get time alone to be online. My gson has taken to getting up at the crack of dawn, sometimes even before. So, I've been pretty distracted. Today we went to the zoo which was fun, but tiring of course. The children really enjoyed it tho.

        Star, we are still in the middle of some moderate stress, thanks for asking. I'm coping.

        Pauly, I'm sorry to hear Kell is pregnant while on pain meds, but I think it can be managed if she is up front with her doctor about it. My DIL was not upfront in terms of her use and was doctor shopping. My gdaughter was in NICU for a month when she was born. Poor baby. She shows no signs of learning difficulties thankfully and is healthy and thriving. I have no contact anymore with my former DIL but I still wish her well. I don't wish the hell of addiction on anyone.

        Cyn, how great that you have a growing client list! Hurray. I will ride the train with you if you don't mind. I promise not to talk. I'll just sit quietly and enjoy the ride!

        Lav, full moon tonight! Hold on to your hat!

        Have a peaceful af Thursday all.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Good afternoon friends.

          Today was graduation day for my daughter! She's happy & I am proud of her achievement!
          We took them out to PF Changs for a celebratory lunch. I now have my granddaughter here for a 5 night stay. Her parents are taking a little well deserved vacation.

          Star, I think we have finally broken the heatwave. Temps are not going past 90 today but they are awfully close, ha ha! I hope your day is going well.

          Pauly, I am sorry you are still feeling so much stress.
          I know it sounds strange but you have to learn to detach from Kell's issues. They are hers, she needs to own them & take action. You can't do that for her, only she can take responsibility. Of course you can be loving & supportive without enabling her.
          I think giving Amoryn another chance is a good idea. Start with one per day, with food & be sure you take it in the morning or early afternoon. The B vits can be energizing, which is good but you don't want them keeping you up at night. I am fine with taking one in the AM & one before dinner. Read through the website again, get some ideas & inspiration. Once you mood balances you will feel more like getting into some meditation or other online programs - I did!

          Dill, I am sure you are tired this week watching the kids but I bet they are enjoying themselves. Being able to spdend this quality time with them is wonderful!!
          I hope your stressors let up soon.

          Cyn, I was thinking of you last evening while I was out pulling a few weeds. I ran into so ething that made my skin tingle & I stopped immediately. It wasn't PI but it scared me anyway, LOL
          I hope you get all the business your heart desires

          My last job was completed & delivered on Tuesday. I'm not even looking for any work the rest of the week, ha ha.
          Wishing everyone a peaceful AF day.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Evening all -

            Dill, the full moon is tonight? Gosh it seemed so huge last night that I thought for sure it was full already! Good luck with the gkids, they sure are lucky to have you.

            Lav - 5 nights with gdaughter! Wow, she's a lucky kid too! I hope the heat keeps waning - it was bearable here today.

            Star - hope you are well - wishing you a happy TGIF tomorrow.

            Pauly - my heart goes out to you - I think Lav's 'prescription' is probably right on. Good for you for giving Amoryn another chance. Hang in there and treat yourself well - AF!

            I can't seem to get my energy back yet, and I'm having some trouble with nausea, which is unusual for me. Probably just my body telling me to take it as slow as I can for the next few days. I'll meet with one client tomorrow who has a move, but not until Sept 6th. I'll hear from another one that needs an apartment cleared by the 31st... I kind of hope they don't decide to use me, but it would be my first job at this residency, so I guess either way it will be fine.

            Wishing all a sweet night and a restful sleep despite the moon -- or maybe the moon will give us some new energy and clarity...


              Good morning...

              I am up pretty early today, no particular reason except IT'S FRIDAY!!!! It's been a long but good week at work. Right after work I have to take my kitty to the vet, then BLTs and corn on the cob for dinner, easy and not too filling. Tomorrow my grandson is supposed to come for a visit with everyone overnight, the parents have a music venue to go to, so we get him all to ourselves. Then Sunday night we are going to an outdoor concert and Monday I am meeting my friend for dinner, so I am going to be busy, need to remember self-care.

              Pauly, opening that door makes it easier to drink again, I did not want it to turn into a disaster for me. I get really sick immediately if I drink, and it doesn't take much either as I learned. So, I am cherishing each AF day, noticing how good I feel, clear thinking, positive mood, and yes as Lav talked about, detachment. I have some things that concern me, and I have no control over them whatsoever, so I am trying to focus on my life and me, selfish as it may sound. You will get through this tough time, and your daughter is so lucky to have you there for support and love.

              Lav, yes, it is still muggy, but a little cooler, we are supposed to have a rainy Saturday, hope Sunday is clear, I want a little outdoor time. How is that greenhouse coming along? Will you be able to use it in the winter? Seems like YB is enjoying his retirement this time around. You are luky to have your granddaughter for 5 days, enjoy. Did you complete online programs early in your journey?

              Dill, wow, you are so busy but your days are filled with love. Hope things are going well. Sad to hear your DIL has checked out on her kids, what a tragedy, but all too common. Try to find time in your days for you.

              Cyn, it is hard to recover from a trip, I get it. That is the reason we took a vacation just an hour and a half away, no plane trip, no time change. I realize yours was a different type of trip. Like the idea of taking it easy, maybe a short afternoon nap for a while? I love a good nap, it always refreshes me. Plus, I get up so early, I could use some extra sleep. I was out till 9:15 last night but did not see the moon, will look for it tonight. Have you noticed the loud sound of the insect world, announcing the slow change of season that is coming soon. I love this time of year. Cherish yourself..

              Have a great AF Friday!


                Morning friends, I've noticed that the moon had been super bright here for a few nights, I usually see it in the wee hours of the morning cuz I'm such an early bird haha,lovely, positive posts,Star,it does make it easier opening that dumb door again and again, I've just got to realize that me and al don't mix period!! I've started putting Vaseline on my neck cuz I'm getting crepey,Louie always pulls my neck and we call it my"turkey neck" I'm too young for a neck like that, what's it gonna look like in ten years? Aaaaah,I think it's from taking care of my face and avoiding the neck cuz I didn't think it would happen to me,cloudy today and I hope it stays that way, hello Lav,Cyn and Dill,let's keep the positivity flowing
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Hello friends, sorry for a brief check in. I'm burning the candle at both ends, kind of. We still have the gkids and on top of that I had my volunteer day today. Mr. D had to cover the kids all by himself for most of the day, but he managed it. After the volunteering I went to the deli for some take out chicken and slaw which we supplemented with left overs. I only have this brief moment to check in.

                  Have a great af Friday night, all!

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    Good evening friends!

                    I did not have a single minute to myself all day but that's OK.
                    I had one of those nights where I was up & down & awake more than I slept - oh well. I'm blaming it on the full moon, my older dog & whatever, ha ha!!

                    Everyone sounds pretty good & just dealing with stuff as it comes along.
                    Cyn, I hope you are not coming down with something. You may have pushed yourself a little too hard. Take care, our health has to come first :hug:

                    Sorry I have to run again. Wishing everyone a good night!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Good morning all...

                      sounds like we are all busy and doing the best we can. I have lots to do at home today, Saturday catch-up, then that nap I talked about yesterday.

                      Lav, the weather people said we are in for, "an extreme cold front," yeah right. I think highs in the low eighties after some rain today and tonight. Geez, that is not a cold front to me!

                      Dill, thanks for checking in, what a busy time for you. Take care.

                      Pauly, the danger of opening that door...I have committed to no more, absolutely, no matter what, I DON'T DRINK!!!! Self-care is number one for me, I have to make sure I don't get to hungry, angry, lonely or tired. I notice that when I get tired and angry/upset, it is not a good thing. I need to make sure to eat first, then see where I am at. Have you thought about what you can do? Simply eating has worked for me so many times, I think it may be a low blood sugar thing. I realize you have some serious family issues, we all do at one time or another, and it is so hard. Let us know how Kell is doing. My son seems to be OK, I will see him later today but always have concerns about him. Have a great Saturday.

                      Cyn, hope to hear from you today!

                      Have a good one, AF.


                        Morning friends, ugh dogs barking at 3 am makes for an agitated Pauly! I decided to just get up and exercise but ended up with too much coffee and feel odd,I'll defo need to lay down after work, Kells doctor doesn't seem concerned at all about the pills,maybe cuz she's not taking a big dose I dunno,I feel a little overwhelmed by another grandkid but luckily it's not today,ugh,I could kick Winslows ass I'm just sooo tired,hope we all have a great day
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Another quick check in here. We have taken the children back home so it is strangely quiet here! I will get used to it very quickly I'm sure! Sorry you had interrupted sleep Pauly. It makes everything harder when one feels tired. Star, I love hearing the resolve in your posts. Thanks for sharing. Lav, I hope you get some quiet time and some good rest! Cyn, are you feeling any better?

                          Have a good and peaceful AF Saturday everyone.

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Can't believe it's after 10:30 pm & I'm just checking in, geez.
                            It's been a busy day but a good one. That's saying a lot considering my dogs had me up & out of bed no less than SIX times last night!!!! I swear the full moon makes them crazy

                            A cold front Star - OK, sure, ha ha!!
                            I guess we should be careful what we wish for, right?

                            Pauly, honestly -
                            try not to waste time & energy worrying about stuff that may never happen. If the doc is not too concerned about Kell's Rx med use & she's being honest with him then there's no need to over-worry things. Does this mean Louie is going to be a big brother?
                            Try to stay in the positive zone :hug:

                            Dill, I know you will adjust to the quiet soon enough, LOL
                            Having my granddaughter here is not too bad in terms of noise. When the boys are here the noise ~ that's another story!

                            Cyn, I hope you are OK.

                            Wishing everyone peace tonight!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Good morning...

                              Up super early on a Sunday, but that nap I talked about yesterday afternoon was awesome. Kids will probably leave around noon and another nap for me before we go out tonight. What was I thinking?

                              Lav, it really is a cold front, high today 73, so that is a huge difference. It feels really good, I just opened the back door and it is refreshing, hopefully it is coming your way.

                              Dill, we were so busy last night with one grandchild, I cannot imagine how much activity was at your house! The peace is nice though, enjoy. Any special plans this week? Work for me, then hair appointment and doctor's appointment later in the week, so busy all week. I am looking forward to Labor Day weekend, to just relax, stay at home and chill.

                              Pauly, be woken up by a barking dog is the worst. Sometimes you just can't go back to sleep. Hey, you might get a kick out of this, my SIL told me about an app called bitmoji, where you create yourself as a cartoon character. Juvenile I know, but I have been having fun with it, sending my cartoon self to my kids in texts, and they knew exactly who it was. A nice little distraction and funny too. I know you are worried about your daughter and the baby, my thoughts go out to you. My son was over yesterday and seemed depressed, but there is nothing I can do, so I am trying to detach emotionally, I care, but no point in worrying, he is an adult. Just sharing and hoping it helps.

                              Cyn, what is up? Let us know that you are ok if you can.


                                Happy Sunday morning, all -

                                Sorry to miss posting these past few days. I am just really dragging... the trip in and out of NYC on Friday kind of did me in. There's so much to catch up on at the house after being away so long... seems like there's always another thing that needs to be accomplished. After 3 weeks of literally running from one 'crucial' fix to another, I'm not in the mood! With adrenal gland dysfunction, I have to realize that it will take me some time to get myself back to 'normal'.

                                Star - thanks for the wonderful posts. It's so important to always be working on that 'detachment' piece. You are a great example to us all. I hope that you have a peaceful Sunday.

                                Dill - wow, it sounds like you have really been at it with the gkids! Congrats on Mr D being able to take them all day - I bet you had a little anxiety about that, right? You both are so kind to step in and help your son in this way, wonderful.

                                Lav - the moon thing really does affect my dogs. A lot of wandering around at night! But last night for the first time I slept through the whole thing - HB got up in the night and helped girl dog get back up the steps to her bed! I hope whatever got to your skin from the garden didn't turn out to be anything bad...

                                Pauly - I meant to reply to something that you posted a while back, that you turn to AL sometimes because you don't feel well, and that lying AL brain tells you that you might as well go ahead and drink. I used to go through that a lot; hurting physically and tired and cranky, and used to get frustrated when I first quit (over and over) because everyone seemed to be saying that life was so much easier and better, and they felt better, etc. etc. Whereas I felt physically worse, and was not happier, etc. When I finally decided to close the door to AL forever, it took me a long time - maybe a year - to start to really feel better. And mentally, it's taken until this year, when I started meditating, to really get some peace in my life. I remember seeing someone post that it took 5 years to really feel what life could be like AF. I thought, OK, that makes sense; I am willing to get through a lot of discomfort for the promise of feeling better eventually. Otherwise, what's the option? Always and forever feeling Not Good. These are just some thoughts - I wanted you to know that you are not alone in having the AF life not feel spectacular right away...

                                Wishing all a great Sunday. We are off to visit SD this morning, and then this afternoon I will try to clean the house a little. I have an old friend coming to stay the week - I think it will be OK, she is low-key. And I may have to go back into the city to work, but I'll give her my car to explore the area with. Anyway, wishing all a great day...

