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Awesoome AF August

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    Star, if the membership requirement here was doing it right the first time, Mick would be an awfully lonely guy! He’s the only person I’ve ever heard who quit and stayed quit on his first attempt! Just remember the old bible saying “let he who has not sinned cast the first stone”!

    I’m not sure if MWO is your only support system, giving AA a try might help a lot. Having that f2f connection is very helpful! Keep adding to your support however you feel you need to, but keep trying! You’ll find your quit that sticks if you don’t give up. Get some phone #’s from sober friends, and if you don’t have any I’ll give you mine. It’s great to be able to reach out to someone who understands when you’re about to give up. And most important, don’t give up on yourself, we’re not giving up on you!
    Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
    Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
    Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


      Good evening friends,

      My granny stint is done & I am one tired but happy granny.
      Everything went well, better than I could have hoped for really.

      Star, I am so sorry you have suffered so :hug:
      Please know that we love you & care about you, no matter what. Do you know what sparked your decision to drink again? If it's something that you are comfortable talking about with us, please do so.
      For me it was always the same thing - chronic, severe stress/anxiety & depression. Looking for 'pain relief' in all the wrong places became such a habit, a very bad habit. Please take good care of yourself, drink lots of water & tea to give your system a good flush. Please stay with us, OK?

      Dill, by the time I got home from my appointment today YB had fed the 3 kids lunch & had them sitting quietly in one room like little soldiers, ha ha!! I was afraid he may be too harsh on them but he handled it just fine. I think men do need a good dose of women work from time to time

      Hello to Pauly & Cyn, hope you are both well.
      I am looking forward to a restful night & getting back to my routine tomorrow.

      Hello to kuya & Cowboy!

      Peace to everyone tonight!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Lav,thank goodness for grandpa's sometimes, the other day when Winslow woke me up with his nutty barking I had left work early and fell asleep on the couch twice,luckily hubs helped with Louie or I would have been doomed! Sounds like YB had the kids nice and settled
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Good morning,

          Thanks for the support Lav, Dill, Pauly, Kuya and Abcowboy. I am still in shock mode, made it to work yesterday, amazingly enough feel about 95%, but realize I have to to something, not sure what at this time.

          Kuya, thank you so much for the biological info, I need to know that, and to get a plan together for the next six weeks that includes staying close to home, not putting my self in any situation that might tempt me or cause cravings (although lets face it, breathing could bring on a craving as far as my old pattern goes). Eating well, staying away from sugar, talking to positive people, making sure to keep a regular schedule and sleep, exercise when I am back to normal. I think it makes sense that it takes that long for the cells in my body to readjust. Thanks so much for taking the time to post.

          Lav, thanks for being so sweet, I loved the story of YB keeping the kids in line. He is probably bigger and louder than you.

          Dill, also thank for your support, I will not go back to that way of life. No way, it is too miserable. I guess what really gets me too is that I am in my 50s, geez, I need to get it together.

          Pauly, you know what is really sad about this entire thing? My husband has been so sweet to me, he was scared. He is now fighting a cold, which I know was brought on by stress, me stressing him out. So, yes, I will commit to coming on at night to touch base with you, need the help and sounds like you would like the support to. I will pm you back and see if we can get our times somewhat together as we live in different time zones.

          Abcowboy, thanks to you for offering personal contact through the phone. Let me think about it and let you know. You are a nice man who really wants to help others.

          Again, I am thankful I did not end up in the hospital, arrested, in an accident, or divorced. I feel like this is my last chance. This is life or death for me, and I realize it. Oh, I told my daughter, and she was so sweet. She shared that she had an episode a few years ago where she blacked out and it freaked her out. She said, Mom, not drinking is so much more fun anyway. I needed that support, she is a true blessing to me. Plus, a friend who has not always been nice to me wanted to go out to dinner and I cancelled. I am limiting my contact with negative people, I have to. Humpday it is. AF.


            Morning all -

            I am so sorry that I was away from the thread just when you needed support, Star! Please, please stay right here - you are loved and supported. I hope that we can be available at the right times for you. I'm glad that you can talk to your daughter about it, and that your spouse is supportive. I can't add anything to all of the already great info that everyone has offered, except to add to Kuya's post that it really is all about our cells, and the plasticity of the brain -- that every day that you stay strong, you strengthen those 'resilient' neural pathways so that they are your automatic support. Huge hugs to you - you can do this!

            Lav - that's a lot of kid duty! Glad that YB stepped in, but I'm sure he couldn't handle the day-after-day that you've had to (while providing meals, etc!!!) It was lovely yesterday here; the heat is rising somewhat today, but no 90s...

            Dill - I hope that you can enjoy a little more cool weather today too. I get it about the housecleaning. Before my friend came, I was getting things together, and I was solw as molasses! I'm dreaming of a small condo, with no yard!

            Pauly - I hope that you are feeling OK - the sleep thing is crucial -- maybe now with the full moon gone and your AF plan in place you can start to sleep better. An osteopath recommended to me the Celestial "SleepyTime Tea" extra strength- in the blue box. It does seem to help me. Maybe give it a try, and also take a look at the Honest Guys (You Tube) meditation videos - they have some sleep aid videos, very soothing.

            Yesterday was just a big crazy day, trying to do my own chores, and then be a hostess. I ended up driving my guest to a museum an hour away, and it took the whole day. Then made a meal (not great!) and watched one TV show with her, and fell into bed. I really need to get more of my own stuff done today, so maybe I'll send her out on a walk!

            Take care, all. Stay strong!


              Morning friends, Cyn,I've tried the sleepy timetea and it does work but then I wake up to pee all night maybe if I make it with less water? Star,time difference is no biggie cuz my 6 pm is your 9 and I'm up early in the morning around 7 your time,I just want to be here for you no matter what it just hit me last nite that another baby is coming!!! It feels like we just had Louie last week or something, it didn't hit me until I was looking through a catalog and seen all the baby stuff, that means carseat, diapers, crying, Eeks! I'm nervous now and feel older, holy smokes,that means that this is for real and it truly is time to stop messin around! Hello Lav and Dill, I hope we all have a wonderful Wednesday
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Good morning friends & happy Humpday.
                I am looking forward to a more normal-ish day today, ha ha!!

                In case you didn't see the DailyOM today -
                DailyOM - Permission to Forgive Ourselves
                Funny how those articles arrive when you need them the most!

                Good to see you Star & I hope you have a great day!
                Hello to Cyn, Pauly & Dill.
                Let's all have a wonderful AF Wednesday & be extra kind to ourselves :hug:

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Good morning...

                  Wow, where to start, the support here is amazing.

                  Cyn, thanks for the feedback, I know you have been busy, take care.

                  Lav, hope you have some time for yourself.

                  Dill, now that the kids are at home, I am sure your house stays clean, I know mine does.

                  Pauly, I will try and get on tonight at nine. Should be no problem. Another AF day for me and you. I am thrilled for you to have another grandbaby, you are so lucky.

                  Kuya, if I continue to drink, I will end up in the hospital or arrested (many here have), my husband is sick over it (got a cold), and I did hurt myself. However, I appreciate the fact that you are right in being good to myself, and when I don't sleep, eat well, etc., I get in a bad rut. That is me. I already feel better and slept like a log. I love your feedback and passion for being AF. I do want to be AF for the rest of my life, and being over 50 is a big deal to me, I feel like time is running out, plus how much more abuse can my body take. I do respect your opinion too, and know that you care alot. I have to go back and read the Three Principals, try and bump it up. It was so helpful.

                  Work today, then appointment at night. Thank goodness I feel better and can do what needs to be done. Have a good one, AF.


                    Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
                    ~Francis of Assisi

                    It is possible to be AF today. Let's do it!

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Morning all -

                      Such interesting thoughts all the way around! Lav, I thought that I had joined Daily Om for the messages, but I realize now that I haven't been receiving them... thanks for the link.

                      One of the last D Om messages that I read (from last spring!) was about Sweeping Out. They described the process of physically sweeping, and how that changes the energy of a space. But also engaging in a daily inner 'sweeping'. Star, I was thinking of you, as you always mention cleaning your house, and how good you feel when that's done. I feel sometimes that I could engage in an inner sweeping out of fear; that would bring a lot of peace and contentment.

                      Good luck all with sweeping out the fear today - we can fill that space with better stuff!

                      Wishing all a great AF Thursday.


                        Good morning friends!

                        It's Thursday & I will be busy watching my energetic grandsons. They will be starting back to school next week so these last days of summer need to be enjoyed

                        Star, you know what needs to be done but please have patience with yourself.
                        I have left that 'one day at a time' line in my signature all these years because I think it's vital we understand that all good things take time.
                        You absolutely will meet your goal of remaining AF & build strength one day at a time.

                        Dill, yes, it is possible

                        Cyn, I love the DailyOM & look forward to their inspiring message each day.
                        We have nothing to fear, we have to keep believing that. Let's trust the universe!

                        Hello to Pauly, kuya & anyone stopping by today.
                        Have a wonderful AF Thursday!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Morning friends, I'm sick, not sure if it's just allergies or a cold,I absolutely have to get through work I need money for Brady's school stuff and everything else, grrr,I went to bed at 8 last night!! And slept all the way through,well my usual wake up time anyways, in the evening I was cleaning out the keurig with a vinegar flush and I couldn't even smell it I'm so stuffed up,had to have hubs keep smelling the water to see if the vinegar cleared hahaha that's crazy, Star,I think it's best to just put these past couple of weeks out of our minds,I am disappointed in myself, I've analyzed to death what went wrong and what I can do different in the future, self care is probably number one on my list,I let myself get too worked up in my own head,I over extended myself physically and mentally over dumb stuff, let's just focus on getting through awful August and start looking forward to Sept and fall hello to Dill,Lav and Cyn,lets try to have a nice Thursday
                          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                            Good morning...

                            Again, thanks for all the support and feedback. I am up early today, so is my husband and I don't know what is up. The good news is that it is Friday! Family over tonight, I am going to bake a pizza, going to the store after work.

                            Lav, it is absolutely steamy here, unbearable hot and muggy, even for me! Have fun with your grandsons, school next week for them, schedules will change. I am going to make it through one day at a time, feeling better with each day. I just finally feel that this is it, AF is the only way I want to be.

                            Pauly, sorry you are sick, I wanted to get on MWO to check in with you last night around 6 my time, but we did not talk about what thread we would try to connect to, tonight I will be available around 5ish, so will come here and see if you are. Hope you feel better, you have really suffered with allergies this year.

                            Cyn, hope you are getting some free time for yourself. Tell me when you finally became AF long term, what made the difference for you, some hints as to your plan, if you want.

                            Dill, love the quote from St. Francis. Hope you are enjoying the end of the summer. I always feel that Labor Day weekend is the beginning of fall and that is a good thing. I love the change of the seasons, and each season. Hope your son is doing well, I have been working on not being so anxious about my son.

                            Kuya, it is interesting how we think differently, yet both want the same goal. I agree, AF is one goal, having quit smoking earlier in the year, I am so grateful for not being addicted to cigarettes any more. What a burden that was. I agree that being addiction free is the easiest way for me to live. I know you had talked not to long ago about nutrition changes you have made, how is that going?

                            What a week, have a great Friday.


                              Morning all -

                              Quick check in for me; I will be driving my friend a ways away to the train today, so will be out most of the day.

                              Thanks for the reminder about TRUST, Lav. HB had some potentially upsetting news about his work yesterday, and he was really troubled. I felt bad for him, but I also was able to touch the corner of Trust, and to remember Louise Hay's 'All is well, etc..... and I am Safe'. That helped me be a good mate, and also not to get in a tail spin too!

                              Star - happy pizza tonight.! I don't know what to tell you about quitting, I just continued day after day to live without, and now there is absolutely no appeal in AL for me. None. The harder part is living with all the ups and downs of health and life! But now I'm am getting some more resilience there too. All growth is from the Known to the Unknown... you will create your path, and you will get there!

                              Pauly - sorry about the allergies/not feeling well. I hope you made it through OK yesterday. Good luck today!

                              Dill - how is it going for you? I'm sure you are busy with helping the gkids get ready for school.

                              I'll try to check in again today -- I'm sending everyone lots of love and light --


                                Half an hour's meditation each day is essential, except when you are busy. Then a full hour is needed.
                                ~Saint Francis de Sales

                                Hello Friends, sorry I have been so quiet lately. I have been busy, but with pleasant activity. But at the same time burdened in the background with family-related cares. I do what I can but am working on letting go/detaching. It's often much easier said than done. It sounds like each of us have our areas of worry right now. I know it is always that way but sometimes more so than others, eh?

                                Cyn, great that you were able to be the strength your husband needs. Let us know how things go for him. When I was reading thru St. Francis de Sales quotes looking for one I had seen years ago, I thought of you immediately when I came across this one. Funny, but so true!

                                Star, you and I both struggle with our sons. I hope one day one of us comes on here and says "He made it! He's going to be fine!" I'm afraid I am a long way from that at this moment. And now my daughter. Her marriage appears to be ending. They are separated. It is breaking my heart; for her, for him, for our grandson, for us. We love our SIL like a son. I never understood how devastating divorce was for in-laws until now.

                                Lav, I guess maybe living ODAAT means different things to different people at different times and in different circumstances. But I agree with you that if you can live that way and stay true to yourself, those days will add up over time and the impossible will have been made possible! It does take time, but all we have to make it happen is today. Or even just the present moment. (Thank you, Eckhart)

                                Pauly, are you feeling better today? I can't imagine being so stuffed up as to not be able to smell vinegar! LOL. Good thing hubs was around. Did you finally get a good, unpickled cup of coffee? Huh, that just reminded me. When I was a kid and one of my parents friends drank too much at a party, they would say, 'so-and-so was pickled'. Ever heard that one before? You are going to be a grandmother for the second time! I'm happy for you. I kind of hope you get a girl baby so you can have one of each.

                                Off to do have a walk before it gets to hot. Then to volunteer. Let's all have a great AF Friday.

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

