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Awesoome AF August

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    Morning friends, Dill, I'm sorry about your daughters marriage,that's so sad I have to get Brady registered and ready for school Monday and it's causing me a lot of anxiety! I'm mad cuz I know it's cuz I chose to drink those days and now it's refreshed all those bad anxious feelings,allergies have just been bad this year cuz of the California fires it said on the news,lowers the air quality by raising ozone and such,I dunno I just wish it would go away! I'm like Cyn in that al has no appeal to me....until it does,out of the blue and I'm so overwhelmed by the feeling that I don't know how to handle it,I've got to work on that,I can't live my life in a drunken heap,it's just not cute,or funny or harmless, still foggy right now so I bid farewell, I'll look for you later Star of you get a chance to get on,hello Lav and Cyn,lets have a great AF Friday
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Woo-hoo!! Sent hubs and Brady to the school and it's done, I don't hafta do a darn thing except get him some clothes
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Good evening friends,

        How did the day get completely away from me??
        Some how or another I ended up with EB here for an overnight stay - for absolutely no reason, ha ha!! It's fine, he's OK & entertains & takes care of himself

        Star, I hope your pizza was good! I miss eating 'real' pizza but that's the way it goes I guess.
        I am glad you are ready to make your AF commitment - makes life so much easier & better!!!

        Cyn, I HAD to believe in trusting the universe to handle things for me six years ago when YB suddenly took off. Just when I thought life was going to settle down & get more 'normal' for us he disappeared. I still don't know why it all happened & it doesn't even really matter. I just know that I am on my steady AF path forevermore, regardless of what happens. Stay on course, no matter what :hug:

        Dill, I am sorry about your daughter's news. Any breakup is bound to be difficult on the entire family. I wish for strength & peace for all of you :hug:

        Pauly, you need to take that anxiety & put it away in a box. Don't let it creep into every area of your life, that's too harsh. Have you started back on the Amoryn yet? Please do, it will help if you just give it a little time. Take a holistic approach to managing your health. Be very aware of what you are eating & drinking, exercise, sleep, meditation & mostly what you are thinking!!!! Be your own best friend!

        Wishing everyone peace tonight!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Lav,I haven't started it yet,waiting for this cold or whatever it is to pass,hope you have a fun night with your grandson sleeping over, I was looking at the whole 30 diet cuz I read people raving about how great they feel, man can't eat ANYTHING on that! Hope all have a peaceful night
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Good morning...

            Pauly, so sorry I could not get on last night, people over and I was busy feeding everyone, then babysitting, and my grandson is very active. I agree that drinking again throws your entire system off, mine too. I am on day 6 now, and starting tomorrow, going to watch/change the food intake. That is my next step.

            Lav, we have had so much rain this week and now even more, all day. Whew, what an August.

            Dill, so sorry to hear about your daughter's separation. That would hurt, I love my SIL too. I remember when my daughter had breakups while dating, I would feel badly. Sending you light and love.

            Cyn, take care of yourself and thanks for the feedback. Just taking it day by day is good idea.

            Have a great Saturday.


              Good morning friends, happy Saturday!

              I have lots of outside work lined up for today. It involves moving chickens again, retiring the older girls to the farm, etc. I need to get out there before the heat takes over, ugh.

              Star, glad you are back on track, I hope your rainy day goes well.

              Pauly, I hope you feel better soon. I know there's not much you can do about the air quality out there. Just take good care of yourself.

              Hello to kuya, Dill & Cyn!

              Have a great AF day everyone!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Morning friends, Star,I figured that you were spending time with the family,especially on pizza night I tend to have a one track mind yes my body still feels out of whack, lots of brain fog still, welcome to the 2 week hangover the gift that keeps on giving, it may be this cold/allergies, very windy today, great,poor Kell had to cut the next door neighbor and her kids hair yesterday and the neighbor had friends over and they were all drinking and smoking in the house when she came back home she said she felt like she needed a shower it was so disgusting! I told her I could smell it when she walked in, she's doing good, wants a little girl I guess they want her to go to a high risk Dr.but said the meds are at such a low dose that it shouldn't be a problem but she wants off of them but they're really not helping her when she asks about tapering, I don't like Vegas doctors!! They come and go,don't seems to know what they're doing, a lot of my customers go to California when they need good health care, the last doctor I seen started telling me abouthis divorce and how he's broke and is looking for a get rich quick scheme, jeez,who's the patient here?Dill,remember when I told you that my friend and I were trying to get back to our childhood religion? I don't think I want to, I believe in my God don't get me wrong however I didn't believe in the religion growing up and I don't believe in it now the more I study it,I can't condemn people the way that religion does over who they are and I'm not giving up my beloved holidays,my friend is though and I think it's weird to raise your children for years with birthdays and Christmas then all of a sudden take it away,it's just my opinion and not for me,I've rambled haha,hello Lav and Cyn,hope we all have a great AF Saturday
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Evening check in here -- good job everyone at staying the course, even when things are kinda rocky.

                  I went in to the city today for my clients - it was a long day, and I 'conked out' for a nap as soon as I walked in the door and fed the pups. Then took the dogs for a long walk to stretch my legs, and also look for a foster dog that ran away from its foster home near my house. No luck tonight, but just as dusk was falling, the foster-mom thought she saw a dark figure in a meadow. (She said she wasn't sure if it was a dog or a bear!) Anyway, we hung around and looked, but nothing. The dog is scared of humans, but likes dogs, so I try again with my girl dog in the morning.

                  Star - your plan sounds good!

                  Pauly - the air quality is an issue, I'm sure. I had trouble when we were out west. I guess just stay in as much as you can until these fires get under control. Be kind to yourself!

                  Dill - so sorry for the family news... that has got to be hard. More time to exercise compassionate detachment, I guess. You have really had more than your share...

                  Lav - I just let HB work all his issues out on his own. He's doing better now - he found a path of action, and that always helps. I didn't have the energy to get all involved, that was a good thing! I must say (knock wood!) that I never even consider AL when I get stressed now - as Dill's quote suggests, I double down on meditation! All while I was away, I was surrounded by people drinking, I even had to be the hostess that poured the wine on a few occasions, but I just find it pathetic and sad that humans drink. It holds no interest for me - thought I do continue to remind myself that I am GRATEFULLY NOT A PERSON THAT DRINKS. Just an insurance policy!

                  Wishing all a good night and happy Sunday morning... I'll check in earlier tomorrow ---


                    I am wondering, along with many other folks here, is it ever going to stop raining long enough to dry out a bit? Another very rainy day. Many people seem to think we might get hit by a tropical storm or hurricane this coming month too. If you could see the amount of debris left behind from so many people gutting their houses after the floods you would understand how disastrous that could be. Wow. Just the garbage alone would make it impossible to drive. It's already crazy with so many people in town to help. So many people trying to get flood telief. And so many people just trying to get from point A To B. Crazy times here in Baton Rouge. Some places were so flooded they look like ghost towns. Well over 1/3 of all buildings in the overall Baton Rouge and surrounding suburbs were affected. This is going to take months. Maybe even years to get resolved. But I'm hanging in there. And not drinking. And everyone is trying to keep a positive outlook.
                    No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                      LB,I hope the rain let's up soon down there,you guys have too much yet out here it's needed desperately, Cyn,I conked out like that yesterday in the afternoon, must have needed it,all is well here,lifetime movie night(nerd alert!) Hope everyone has a nice night, I'll see you in the morn
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Good morning...

                        Lots of good posts. Had a productive Saturday, it rained and rained, then cleared up about three, so I was able to be outside a bit. Went out to eat, then home for TV and hot tub. What a nice evening. AF of course. I am feeling better and better, realize that being AF is producing feelings of peace, contentment and gratitude.

                        LB, the rain even here is getting too much, I cannot imagine what it is like for you, take care and good to hear you are focusing on self-care.

                        Lav, hope you got alot done.

                        Pauly, sounds like Kell knows what she wants to do, good for her. A little girl would be so wonderful, how exciting for you.

                        Dill, hope your weekend is going well. Loved the quote, thanks.

                        Cyn, does anyone ever ask you about not drinking? Or is it a nonissue? With as busy as you are, drinking would make it impossible for you to do all you do. So sweet of you to look for the lost foster dog. It is sad how scared some animals are.

                        Kuya, I have to figure out something about my diet, I am usually good for breakfast and lunch, now dinner has to be improved. Glad to hear you have found a healthy path for you and your family. Love hearing from you.

                        Another hot summer day, August is almost over. Any September name ideas?


                          Hello all - Happy Sunday!

                          LB - gosh, I didn't know you were in Baton Rouge -- I can't even imagine the scene there. So good to know that you are OK, thanks for the news. And big congrats on not drinking! Crises are always better met with a clear head...

                          Star - no, actually no one ever asks me about not drinking. If asked, I would just say that it's not good for me (but already I don't eat gluten dairy or refined sugar, so I'm sure people are confused enough!)

                          Pauly - Good luck with getting dinners in line with where you are headed. So glad that you had a bit of a rest - I really needed that nap!

                          Lav and Dill - hope you are having good Sundays, and that the family dynamic is improving. Someone can sure sent their rain this way -- we are parched here, it is so strange. I think it is a sign of what will be happening more in the coming years. It makes me more determined than ever to move from lawn to xeriscape gardens. I better get started!

                          Best of the AF world to all -


                            Hello friends, well I couldn't get on, I messaged Lav through fb so at least I knew I wasn't the only one, I'm a little worried about what happened this morning, I hope this site is gonna be around, I was nearly in mourning this morning I'd be lost without my friends here,anyway I'll post this now just in case it crashes again or whatever happened, have a wonderful Sunday
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              OK, looks like we're back in business, ha ha!!!

                              Hot & sunny again in these parts but I am going to be careful aboutt wishing for rain. I just made plans to go to the beach with my girls Tuesday for an overnight stay. Extremely short getaway but better than nothing.

                              LB, I am so sad seeing all the news about the flooding. It is going to take years to recover from all that. My old work friend moved back to Baton Rouge about 15 years ago but I don't know how to get in touch with her anymore, sad. I hope you are OK :hug:

                              Greetings to Pauly, Cyn, Star & Dill.
                              I have to go run fresh water out to my young chickens to try to keep them cool. The older girls moved to the farm yesterday, oh boy.

                              Have a great AF day everyone.

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Good morning...

                                Was there a problem getting on MWO yesterday? I got on early, but did not try later. Hope it is OK.

                                Lav, keep those chickens cool, it is really hot and muggy here, I needed water too.

                                Pauly, I had a busy day, no cravings, just determined to change my life forever.

                                Cyn, you really are mindful of what you put in your mouth. I need to be too.

                                Dill, hope you get a chance to log on today.

                                LB, hope things are going better in your area.

                                Kuya, have a good day.

                                AF MOnday, and we need some September name ideas.

