had the first of my big tomatoes off this morning ...it was luvverly ..Alicante type..really sweet...just ditched all the radishes I had grown..the peskies dont like em ,Julie dont eat em ,and with my teef at the mo..thru a blender yes otherwise a big pain for nothing...another coupla months and Ill be doing my Simon Cowell look alike but until then nope..also pulled the onions yesterday...not a bad crop at all...
right lets go....
hi SK...Firstly big hugs to you..all we can do is support you when you want to talk or need it,but imho I think your husband needs to see a doctor of heads...if he thinks that he is going to stiff you like that and you end up with nothing,all I would say he needs to go see the bump feeling doctor...cos that one needs examined!!the very best to you in getting what is yours...I think he is in pretty crap position to be making any sort of arrangements and demands especially earnings related...the big problem is the winners in these situations are the lawyers.....
Breaking nooz det...no ice cream for me last night....this diet thing is getting a we bit seryous when that happens!..as it happens Ive got some blood tests coming up so need to kinda follow the rules a bit!good luck on the interview today mate....Israel is one place I always wanted to go..take it that its not worth puttin g to the top of the bucket list?
hiya Lav...brew time for you ...hows you today then ...see I told you that pool would have been a dawdle all that rain ...job wouldve been done....take it the grrenhouse is on hold?waiting for spare parts and weather?
hiya ppqp...you doing ok?hope so..
hiya tt...hows your day been ?you feeling ok?work still up in the air?never seen happy valley...will need to goggle it...all these questions questions questions...hope you have a good evening.
pauly ...hows you then today...portion control...yeh right ..I do the same..not....but last night is the first night without gelato since I came back from Italy....girl your defo selling Vegas as a tourist hot spot...hope you have a great day ...
hiya Sam the man and pie hope you are both doing good......
look at this little beauty....its called a silver fox rabbit..a guy had them,horrible sh.t ,got fed up with them and gave them to my friend with the intention that he "dispose" of them there are 3 of them ..really gorgeous..if I could take another one ..I really would...good news is that they will Not be disposed of ..and thats me putting it nicely for what the intent was..
right peeps time to go ..goodly bye have a good day..big hug sk.
Sharks do not get cancer
A newborn kangaroo can fit in a teaspoon. After it’s born, it crawls into the mother’s pouch.
A cow will let herself be led up the stairs, but it will be impossible for you to lead her down the stairs again.
An average raindrop falls at the speed of roughly 7 miles an hour.
The hashtag is really called an "octotroph".
The Bible mentions all sorts of domesticated animals – with the exception of the cat.
Literature aside, the average, healthy person can differentiate between 500 shades of grey.
In France it is illegal to name your pig "Napoleon".
Crazy American Laws You Won’t Believe Still Exist Today
Did you know that these bizarre state laws existed?
ALABAMA: You can’t wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church.
ALASKA: It’s against the law to wake bears for the purposes of taking a picture.
ARIZONA: It’s illegal to drive a car in reverse.
ARKANSAS: You’re not allowed to pronounce Arkansas incorrectly.
CALIFORNIA: You will be fined if you detonate a nuclear device.
COLORADO: People must not dress unbecoming of their sex.
CONNECTICUT: Scrabble is not to be played while politicians are giving an oration.
DELAWARE: You may not marry on a dare.
FLORIDA: Women who kill themselves by electrocution in a bathtub with a “self-beautification utensil” will be fined.
GEORGIA: You can’t keep ice cream in your back pocket on Sundays.
HAWAII: Everyone is required to own a boat.
IDAHO: Motorists or pedestrians may not scowl or grimace.
ILLINOIS: Midget tossing is illegal in bars, but is legal in other parts of the city if you have a permit
INDIANA: Everyone is required to work on a public road six days a year.
IOWA: One-armed piano players must perform for free.
KANSAS: If two trains meet on the same track, neither shall proceed until the other has passed.
KENTUCKY: It’s required that you register all nude people in your home.
LOUISIANA: It is an assault for a person wearing false teeth to bite someone.
MAINE: You can’t buy a car on Sunday unless it has plumbing.
MARYLAND: One cannot spit on the sidewalk.
MASSACHUSETTS: The sexual position “woman on top” is illegal.
MICHIGAN: It’s against the law to have sex in a car unless it’s parked on your own property.
MINNESOTA: You must list your date of death on tax forms.
MISSISSIPPI: A man must not seduce a woman by promising her marriage.
MISSOURI: Single men between 18 and 50 must pay a $1 tax.
MONTANA: Seven or more Indians are considered a raiding or war party… and you can shoot them. (Today, we call that racism…)
NEBRASKA: It’s illegal to go whale fishing within the state.
NEVADA: A man can’t buy drinks for more than three people at a time.
NEW HAMPSHIRE: It’s illegal to show a movie before 2 pm.
NEW JERSEY: One cannot sell cabbage on Sundays.
NEW MEXICO: Idiots may not vote. Nor may insane people.
NEW YORK: You may not stick your thumb to your nose and wiggle your fingers at someone.
NORTH CAROLINA: Bingo games cannot last more than 5 hours.
NORTH DAKOTA: Beer and pretzels cannot be served at the same time.
OHIO: One cannot kill a housefly within 160 feet of a church.
OKLAHOMA: It’s illegal to make funny faces at dogs.
OREGON: Canned corn is not to be used as fishing bait.
PENNSYLVANIA: It’s a crime to tell a fortune-teller where to dig for buried treasure.
RHODE ISLAND: Lunacy is grounds for divorce.
SOUTH CAROLINA: You have to be at least 18 to play a pinball machine.
SOUTH DAKOTA: You can’t sleep in a cheese factory.
TENNESSEE: Crimes against nature are illegal.
TEXAS: Criminals must notify their victims 24 hours in advance of the nature of their crimes yet to be committed.
UTAH: Husbands are responsible for their wives’ criminal behavior in their presence.
VERMONT: Margarine must be served in triangle patties.
VIRGINIA: The chicken labor lobby has set the egg laying workday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
WASHINGTON: All lollipops are banned.
WEST VIRGINIA: Roadkill may be taken home for dinner.
WISCONSIN: It’s illegal to serve margarine to prisoners.
WYOMING: It’s against the law to have sex while standing up in a walk-in meat freezer.
While all of these laws are technically real, it’s safe to say that most of them are either ignored by their respective states and/or common sense. Still, for some strange reason, they remain in the books.