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terrific tirzdi team

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    terrific tirzdi team

    hiya folks...hows you then ...sposed to be going is absolutely brutal here wind and rain are having a real beanie,so going to give it an hour to see what happens...dont mind it raining after set up ,but not before!sio its a quick brew and see what happenz..

    hiya SF ,hows you today then?all good I hope..seems like you are enjoying this job you are at ...good for you ..dont know much about the civil war where you are,but I reckon there is still stuff to be found...detectors get better as the years go on...the one I have got at the mo is an all singin all dancin model,doesnt make you a brew tho ,but virtually does everything else..there was a series on about 2 american detectorists...I have never seen such a pair of richard craniums in all my life!

    hiya det,hows you friend?as I look out of the window,there are 14 horses in the field behind me ...all facing away from the rain and wind.

    hiya Sam..hows you then?all ok ..hope the cow and calf get it together ok for finding stuff at the chance...the sand just blows ..a metal detector would be no good ..its the mere fact of the sand blowing that actually uncovers the stuff..heres a a pic I took there 9 years ago ...imagine looking for things here!


    hiya TT.....KEEP YOUR CHIN UP......:hug: TRIED TO PM YOU ..mailbox is full

    hiya pauly hows you then?all good hopefully..I hope today is a better day than the last couple for or the drunk in the chair ...ha ..he would have woken up with a beezer of a haircut!you need to let us see what these pro nuts look and taste like!

    hiya ppqp....hows you then?dog out of the question?how about rabbits then?..or prpas a goldfish..they are really good at remembering their names long as you call them Bob!as for the dentures...good luck...Im at the dentist tomorrow and on Monday again...

    hiya begins on site again?excellent you will have a greenhouse full of goodies soon...meanwhile...a cream sounds good...only problem for me...cant eat bananas..contain too much potassium..danger ..exploding head :egad: you any plans for today then?apart from getting your slave labour in to sweep up?

    hiya pie...and sk and nora c....

    right folks hafta go...saw this one......

    Last edited by Mick; August 4, 2016, 01:39 AM.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    thanks Mick I have cleared the box. Chin is facing upwards. Thanks also others for your concern.
    You all have a good day - I am tired. Surviving and not even wanting a you know what.


      Morning All, Mick you're weather sounds frightful! No doubt you've got a plan B though if it doesn't improve. SF, so glad to hear you've moved to another department. Working in the wine aisle would have been a mighty challenge for me. TT, wish we could help you sort your work issue; you sound very uncomfortable. How's your calf getting along, Sam? Pauly, can you run and hide when you see those gross customers walk in?

      It will be one of my dogs in the dentist's chair today. Dropping her off in about an hour, but meantime no breakfast for any of them. Talk about uncomfortable... I've got multiple pet care visits for another few days, some condo work, and a new library book, Maestra. Ah, the exciting life of Pie.


        MAE ALL....

        Mick...thanks for starting us up this morning. Sounds like the detecting may not happen, gee wonder if you can find something else to do. LOL We always knew a storm was coming because all the horse would line up with their asses to it. Boss diagnosed with colon cancer. CT scan and surgery to follow soon. He actually talked about leaving at the end of August, not that I believe that will happen.

        TT...good to hear the chin is in the right direction except that's got to be hard on the neck. :upsidedown:

        Pi...and I thought my dog sitting was rough! The life of Pi sounds pretty good to me.

        Ex called at work yesterday, didn't notice the number till after I'd answered. He was quite amiable. He asked if I wanted to go in halves with him and buy a house. He's lucky I was in a good mood as I just said thanks for the offer but no. He then said it looks like the sale will go through at the end of the month. Keeping everything I have crossed this gets done soon.

        Have a Terrific Thursday all and all to come.....:smile:PPQP


          Mae everybody, word of caution.. never mix apple cider vinegar with sparkling water it's gross!! Mick can you eat banana at all? Pie,I do run and hide however so do all of the girls though haha,there's really not much I can do,while I do reserve service to obvious problem people, I can't help it if I take someone and don't realize how bad their b.o is until I get th in my chair, I can wash the haircut but not their body haha,as far as the drunk, I didn't realize until I had him draped,he looked clean just tired ya know?see what today brings,Det did you feel the California earthquake last night? I read Reno peeps felt it and thought of you, TT,glad you're keeping your head up,off to squirt my sinuses,much love to all have a great Thursday
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            *Refuse not reserve service! Brainfog typo
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              heyo ABsterooos from near and far!

              Don't mind me, totally braindead from 2nd day of no sleep from allergies. egad! getting sick of this. bought a loverly assortment of meds I'm trying and now feeling very spaced-out.

              Mick, sand is no good for detecting? I had no idea. Knowing my luck I'd dig up a live nerve-gas bomb from WWII.
              that kids story is precious LOL

              Pauly, yes indeed felt the quake and at least I know the feeling and didn't panic. I remember the first biggish one i felt here and had no idea what was going on

              SF so glad things are looking up and smooth

              Lav must be juggling messy boys antics?

              on my way to teach martial arts in the park this morning and happened upon some loverly deer playing in a ranchers yard enjoying the alfalfa:

              be well peeps

              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Good evening Abbers!

                Another busy day done & dusted, ha ha!
                I still have my granddaughter here & she's been fine. Tomorrow the boys will be here as well so it's going to be crazy!!!!

                Mick, now I'm hearing YB is running out of nuts & bolts for the greenhouse so he ordered more. This thing may be done by Christmas, LOL

                Hi there TT, glad you are OK!

                Pie, don't you just wonder how we found the time to drink with everything going on? Grateful that BS is long over Good luck with all you have to do.

                PQ, he asked you to buy a house with him? WTF??
                I will keep my everythings crossed for you as well friend.

                Pauly, why don't you just mix your acv in a salad dressing with some yougurt or something?
                I wouldn't try drinking it

                Det, great pic!
                The Real fall allergies will be here before long, ugh. I usually get a good case in the fall.

                SF, glad to read you got your job switch!
                I hope it works out well for you.

                Ok, wishing everyone a peaceful night!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Mick--I actually live in Franklin..lots of bloodshed here. Not sure I really want to be out metal detecting stuff though. The plantations give me chills when we visit them. I am having fun at the job. It's one of those places I thought I'd never get to work at because I had to make the big bucks for the family. The people here are so different....lots of tattoos, nose rings, flowers in their hair. I once got voted the most normal person in the store....this really is not an honor. Oh, if they only knew��. Definitely no corporate suits.

                  Pie...I'm so happy to be moving that I'm even telling people if they buy 6 bottles of wine they get a 10 percent discount! I used to buy my beer at the same place all the time. Only needed one place thinking I was a drunk. Now I realize I had nothing to worry about....when people come in to buy their weekly stash it nearly knocks my socks off. Makes me look like a wussy drinker.

                  Pauly....we sell sooooo much of that Bragg's stuff. I swear it's the miracle cure for just about anything. The things people tell me they use it for is endless. That and the liquid capsule Tumeric. I had one guy come in and tell me I had changed his life by telling him about that stuff. He was on all kinds of pain meds and looked awful. Now he comes in looking like the fountain of health.

                  Det....I'm taking an on-line course for iPhone photography. I haven't gotten that far into it....but I've learned so much cool stuff so far. Heck I'm just learning how to take pictures with the headphones! And the burst option. Who knew?

                  Lav....this last week we have had a lot of grandparents coming in with their grand kids. Think cuz it's the last week of summer. They all look so worn out. I'm always like "who thought it would be a good idea to take them out of the house?" These kids know they can get away with anything when it comes to grandma and grandpa. I've saved a few from giving these kids out extra amped up chocolate milk.

                  Hubby is now binge watching Lost. How many seasons are there???? It's cutting into my quiet reading time. Which I'm now reading....Carry On Warrior. It's laugh out loud funny. I would say you'd have to be a wife and mother to appreciate the humor. Also, Headful Of Ghosts recommended by Stephen King.
                  Last edited by TheSunFlower97; August 5, 2016, 01:09 AM.

