hiya tt ...how are you today?tonight?feeling any better I hope so..just shows how far you have come tho...even thru all this lot,still not wanting to drink ,it proves that you can change a mind set..
hiya pie dog at the dentist? 16297981831e42e3ea7e4dbe2b9a8a4b.jpg hope it all went well...it would be great working in the wine aisle....."look at the state of you ,what a mess ,this job is rubbish ,I hate work ,you are a mess,this place sucks.........howzat for wining??? have a great day!!
hiya ppqp....is he for real??go halfs on a house ..thats ho and se ...whose left in the middle to support it all?u dont think so ..I can think of 2 words ...and the second one has a double letter in it!you need shut of that loony..sorry to hear about yuor boss ..yep he may be whatever ,but he is still human...you got anything planeed for the weekend?
hiya pauly ...hows you then?all ok?nope not supposed to eat tomatoes or bananas or grapefruit...but tomatoes I love so..hey the rest goes!!as for your smelly customers ....get down to the dollar shop buy them cheap sprays..and when Mr/Mrs Smelly gets into your chair.."congratulations ..you have qualified and won todays prize" ..and give them a squirt!! squirting up your sinuses...you doing coke??????:egad:ha ha..
hiya det...great pics mate they really are...how the piccy job going? sand as pack on a breach is ok to detect ..but the like of the desert is about as much use as a handbrake on a canoe..
Lav....one hoooge brew...best of luck for today...missing bolts?can you not get them from a hardware store?had some yellow tomatoes off today...luvverly...
hiya sf....the battle of franklin..one of bloodiest battles in the whole war...5 generals killed,over 10, 000 soldiers from both sides in under 5 hours..just a had a look at detecting round there on you tube..ther is a lot of it going on with some good finds..when are you moving depts?hope it goes well for you...
hey sam the man ..you ok?
right peeps orf we go so have a good one...
oh and finally........