ok so brew time it is...
hiya Nora C ..nice to see you on here ...like wise here norra lot happening ..its Julies mums birthday today,...she couldnt remember bless her,so got her some perfume,how are things your way..?
hiya pie ...well how did yesterday go for you then?did you enjoy it?what did you end up doing?details details........
hiya tt....glad daughter is ok ...hey the parent thingy doesnt go away when they move out!!..you just turn into a money tree gardener ,making sure there is plenty for them to pick,with the occasional there there and sympathetic nod ..and yes its the whole world thats wrong not you comments!how are you doing too?still travellin or is that on hold for the mo?
hiya ppqp...hows you then?all good I hope..I googled batus and Suffield on the satellite..and yep there defo doesnt seem to be much change there at all...so ex is out of the pokey is he?as long as he aint pestering you to buy shares in something!have a great day..
hiya pauly ,hows things today?well was yesterday a smooth one for you.?
det yep llamas do bite thats a defo!very similar to camels (in bites not looks!)so youve been bimbling about town with yer ass hanging out...??pretty sure you wont get a nooz job like that!have a good day buddy..
hiya Lav..one sugar free coffee..what a great stunt ...send grand daughter round ..whizzing off her face on sugar and then doing one..!the result doesnt really take a lot of detective work!my phone does the same ...overheat warnings ..then comes up with cooled it downdo you want to tell the world about it?eh no ta..
hi sk and eberry buddy else not here ..have a good day..