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sunny saturday

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    sunny saturday

    mornin all and how are we today then now thart the weekend has started?all good here that is apart from the weather!!pretty sad it is today...out detecting a place called torksey...been before so lets hope the weather holds..

    quick brew then oot to the shops.....poundland here we come....

    hiya pauly well what did you get at the 99c store buy them out?thats the problem with the tommies ...when I pick them its kinda like one for me wonder my potassium levels are high!you got any pelans for the weekend?

    likewise tt..thinking of you you know where I am!you doing anything this weekend?(thats my bestest line!!!!!!!)

    hiya pie hows you then ?oh boy glad I aint that dawg...yep weve got the dentist job in common ...but I can still sing pretty low notes...hows the dogs getting on?

    what happened to the convoyed out gang?

    hiya ppqp ...hows you then ?if you get a chance ...can we see the garden shots?hope you have a great weekend...

    hey Mr Ice cream man...good job on the plexiglass.... even better job on the no booze ..dunnit make you feel proud of yourself?where I am sunday ,mainly saxon and roman stuff previously but you never know....

    hiya lav hows you then today?have you got the kids over the weekend too?big brew time then!oh boy ..the tomatoes..yep I am chuffed with them...its the first time I have grown them in those reservoir things ..I have grown a couple in pots and you can definitely see the difference...Amys boyfriend is talking about joining the fire service..he was asking me about it..ermmm..when I left the army ,I passed the fire service tests,as well as the prison and police...police wouldnt take me ..because I had tattoos ..doesnt matter nowadays!and I chose the prison service..I remember the fitness tests,but thats about it..its over 30 years ago!!I have a friend who is a station officer(dont know what you call them)so he is going to give him a few pointers etc..

    hiya Nora hows you then?well done on the find the cat in these :welldone:




    hiya SF ...Hope you got thru crap Friday ok .....weekend is here anything lined up for it?when do you move depts ..must be soon now

    hiya Sam sk and others Ive missed hope all is well...

    Shortly after a British Airways flight had reached its cruising
    altitude, the captain announced:
    'Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Captain. Welcome to Flight 293,
    non-stop from London Heathrow to Toronto .
    The weather ahead is good, so we should have a smooth uneventful flight.
    Just sit back, relax and..... OH, MY GOD !'
    Silence followed!
    Some moments later the captain came back on the intercom.
    'Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry if I scared you . While I was
    talking to you, a flight attendant accidentally spilled a cup of hot
    coffee in my lap. You should see the front of my pants!'
    One Canadian passenger yelled....
    'For f*�#�k�'s sake ........ You should see the back of mine !!!!

    Paddy climbs the diving board with a large fish under his arm.
    The Olympic official says to him, "And what are you gonna do with that fish Paddy?"
    Paddy replied, "Triple somersault with pike."

    I had a job interview today i was told the wage is
    £7.00 per hour going up to £15.00 per hour in 3 months
    the guy asked me "When can you start"
    i replied "In 3 fecking months",,,,,,,

    “Red sky at night. Shepherd’s delight. Blue sky at night. Day”

    I got an odd-job man in. He was useless. Gave him a list of eight things to do and he only did numbers one, three, five and seven.

    A midget waddles into the library and asks,
    "Have you got a book on Irony?"
    The librarian says, "Yeah, mate, it's on the top shelf..!!

    I went into a Chinese takeaway last night. The owner of the shop said, "What do you do for a riving?"
    I said, "What do I do for a living? I'm a bit of a comedian."
    So the Chinese chap says, "Go on then, change colour."
    I said, "No! I'm not a chameleon, I'm a comedian."
    So then he says, "Tell me a joke, make me raff."
    I said, "You want me to tell you a joke and make you laugh?"
    Just then his wok caught fire, so I said, "Wok! Wok!"
    And he said, "Who der?"
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    a quick check in, just wanted to say thinking of everyone, gotta run late i'm late i'm late
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      Thank you for the raff this morning, Mick. Chinese joke got me going. I picked up 14 bandit signs this morning, at one intersection, on my way back from early dog walk. I hate litter along the roadways, and bandit signs are a particular pet peeve, because they promote a trashy appearance in the neighborhood. Surprisingly, after I nabbed the first 12, a panhandler walked over and gave me the remaining two! If I'd had any change in my pockets, I'd have given it to him.

      Sunflower, stay strong! Thinking of you, and hoping you don't let the turkeys get you down.


        Mae everybody, Mick funny jokes, Winslow was barking at nothing at 3 am I could not fall back asleep so I drank coffee and did some treadmill and now I feel shaky, damn! SF,do not let that Dragon out of its cage! It's too dn hard to shove his ass back in! Much love to all
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          MAE ALL...

          Mick...thanks for starting us off. Hope the weather improves for your detecting tomorrow. Going to do the aerial shots tomorrow so will try to post some pics then. Watering duty still on as our weather has improved to hot and dry.

 sound like Alice through the looking glass. Hope you have a good day.

          Pi...what's a bandit sign?

          Pauly...used to drive me nuts when the dogs would bark in the middle of the night. My imagination was always worse than reality.

          Watering duty calls so will check back later....:smile:PPQP


            Well, here I am again not checking in until almost bedtime.
            Mick, yes, my granddaughter will be here until Tuesday, possibly Wednesday. Between her & my having to run over to my son's house to feed the cat while they are away I don't have a quiet minute to spare. I found two zucchinis in the garden this afternoon (5 pounders) & tossed them to the chickens for a fun snack. I have about had it with gardening this year. Maybe next year will be better. Good luck on tomorrow's mission

            Sam, what were you late for this morning? Inquiring minds want yo know!

            Pie, I'm not sure what bandit signs are either. I do like a clean & neat looking neighborhood too.
            Hope everything is going well with the doggies.

            Pauly, skip the 3 am exercise & grab a good book or some knitting or something.
            Between my dogs & the full moon last night I didn't sleep much either.

            PQ, I hope your day turned out well!

            SF, are you OK? No one wants to see you in handcuffs, goodness.

            Det, good job foxong your truck window , very creative, for sure.

            Wishing everyone a peaceful night!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Happy Saddity ABerooos!

              yeah.. i dunno what bandit signs are either Pie?

              Mick, any great finds? authentic Roman diapers? a chariot would be mighty keen.

              Mostly relaxing day today, went through a whole roll of TP blowing my nose tho... good freaking grief I'm so sick of this nose.

              Made some fresh serrano chili/garlic sauce today so I'm going to blast this stupid allergy one way or another.

              SF, you making it ok? I got the chills thinking of your story, which could easily have been me.

              Pauly, shakes might be low blood sugar. Does a snack seem to help?

              Got a buddy coming to hang out tomorrow which is nice.

              Dx won't be home for 24 more days. ack! hate being lonely. so doing what I can to keep busy with healthy things.

              Lav, hope you get a wee break from 100% kiddo duty.

              well, back to chilling out watching UFC

              be well loves
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)

