morning Sam...hows you then?all good I hope...not finished with the dentist until probably the end of September another set of dabs being taken?as the saying goes ..more prints than a hookers bum!have a grand day in the mud...
hiya pauly hows you then ?all good did you sleep any better last night?the picture on my driving licence is can look at it upside down and it still looks like me!here you go ..more cawfee...
heyDet well done you on the vino dont need proud of yourself mate and remember what and how you beat it next time ..and there will be you know how to bin it off...have you seen a proggy on telly called Family Guns?what a cleckshun of armaments!!
hiya Lav ...hows you then back to normal?define normal!!!heres a brew ..just planted up some kale off to get some winter cabbage and leeks to plant up..and turnips..hows the greenhouse job going?
hiya pie ppqp,nora c tt,sk sf ..hope you are all well..