Lav, the weather has cooled off, high 77, humidity down, it has to be coming your way! Thanks for the encouragement, no alcohol in my life, again, ever. For any reason. It has to be that way and I want it that way. Lovely to hear you had such a good time with your daughter and granddaughter, what a blessing.
Dill, it will be an adjustment mentally regarding the divorce and how relationships will change. It is out of your control, and hard as you are so far away. Maybe you can take a trip down there and spend time with your daughter. We are here to support you.
Cyn, how does our gratitude meter slip away? Being mindful of all our blessings truly makes our lives richer, more abundant. Hope you find the lost dog and can get ahold of him.
Pauly, you sound good, I am feeling better and better, hanging on to that and focusing on have a full honest life.
Have a great day.