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    Hello all --

    Entertaining (or not) SD this weekend, so this is a quick hello. She has found out that she has a lot of arthritis and is in quite a bit of pain, so is seeing a massage therapist here that she likes. I don't dare tell her my story of arthritis pain and being so much better since I don't don't do gluten or sugar... she's fairly addicted to those 2 things. But since she has Crones, I hope that some day she'll clean up her eating....

    Star - good for you for getting some food in you. I truly believe that most of our dependence and craving comes about because of blood sugar problems. Late afternoon snacks are key, I think. Congrats on thinking that through and taking good action.

    Dill - oh dear no! Sending you lots of support to get back on our AF train, and find a comfortable long-term seat. Seems like blood sugar might have played a part in your situation too? I've read a lot recently about 'good' fats - avocado, nuts, coconut oil, etc. that keep you satisfied and keep one's brain working well. Maybe take a look at that? I know that the Zone diet is all about blood sugar stability - I have used it myself to get my blood sugar under control. Also, L-Glutamine powder is amazing at stabilizing blood sugar and killing cravings. Plus it is really a great healer for the gut - check it out! Good luck.

    Pauly - sorry your walk was humid! Good for you for going, though ---

    OK, must go - the fam is back - gotta start cooking now --

    Have a great AF Saturday, all -


      Greetings friends,

      It's bedtime but I finally have a minute to say hello.
      Storm preparations done, family cookout done, I am tired.

      Dill, I am sorry you had a bad day. It's only one day & not a sentence.
      A decreased calorie intake & possible low blood sugar is dangerous for most of us I think.
      I can remember substituting a huge glass of wine for a meal & that of course led to many more glasses. I had to end that viscious cycle once & for all & I know you can do it too :hug:

      Did I mention that I purchased a 5 lb. bag of raw almonds on Amazon recently. I carry a handful in a plastic bag to munch on when I drive home from Curves. They keep me going all morning, love them. Raw almonds take a little getting used to but healthier than the oily, salted, roasted variety! I also turned 4 cups of them into a jar of almond butter (no additives) & it's delicious.

      Star, I am glad you are feeling stronger & determined. Remember when I used the term 'Lavanittude', ha ha!!! That's what I am talking about - take no hostages

      Cyn, I'm not sure how old SD is but it sounds like she has some real health issues. That's a real shame but she could be doing a lot for herself by cleaning up her diet. I can make myself feel crappy pretty fast by eating the wrong foods too. I wish more doctors would steer their patients to a nutritionist & order less medicine. Food truly is our medicine. I guess she is still dealing with her weight issues too?
      It sounds like this storm may be travelling up your way as well.

      Pauly, where dupod tge humidity come from? Did your hair frizz like mine does? Ha ha.
      I hope uour allergies give uou a break. Everyone is sneezing around here too, ugh.

      Peace to everyone tonight.

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Good morning...

        Had a wonderful day yesterday and the weather is perfect, 70s no humidity, sunny. We are really lucky as July 4 we were rained out. Went to a museum with my son, he is like me, we read everything, thought about it, viewed stuff, it was wonderful. Then we found an outdoor restaurant and had lunch. After my husband came home went to a new place and ate at the bar (no other seating) I had my Arnold Palmer,and noticed, again, most people either drink nonalcohol drinks or one maybe two drinks. Then, drove around and came home and hot tubbed and watched the stars. So much better than a drinking where, as Pauly states, you are, "glued to the couch," with all the terrible after affects.

        Dill, right away it is not fun, right away. That is enough reason for me to shut the door and be done with alcohol. Look at the comparison for me, drinking=misery, AF=a good life. My off switch does not work, I have an allergy to alcohol, all the reasons are there, I cannot have one or two of any alcoholic drink. So, I know you will feel so much better within a day or two and I am with you in shutting the door forever and no matter what.

        Lav, I have your attitude, AF no matter what, and will keep the positive attitude and gratitude in the forefront of my life. I have to, it is a matter of life and death, I know it is. I wish I could eat almonds again, sunflower seeds for me. I just forgot to eat on Friday, and it was not good. The food I pigged out on made me a little sick yesterday, but I made sure to eat lightly, even at restaurants. How is your weather? Hope not to bad.

        Cyn, hope you are doing well and your weather is not too bad. I understand about your SD, you have to detach, you cannot tell another how to eat. My brother has stomach issues and swears diet has nothing to do with his situation, an otherwise smart man. So, prepare healthy food and eat it yourself you SD has her own path to follow and may learn from you eventually. Hope your weekend is peaceful.

        Well, today we can do whatever we want,I am going to take a walk outside soon, grocery shop run, then a fun activity outside. Love having this three day weekend, AF, and feeling gratitude for all the blessings in my life. Have a good one.


          Good morning again, an interruption...

          Pauly, sounds like you are feeling so much better, physically and emotionally, and that helps to be strong in your AF commitment. I want what Lav has, lots of time AF, days, weeks, months, years. Let's do it this time. I know we can. Hope your day off is fun.
          Have a good one.


            Morning friends, Lav,it gets humid cuz we're still in monsoon season here but now it's WINDY!!the news guy says"breezy" and that really pisses me off,so I've been a sneezing, runny nosed wreck but I keep a very detailed journal and have for the past few years and I've had relapses after being on allergy meds cuz they make me so anxious or put of it,also Star and Dill,I've noticed a relapse after starting a new diet so there's defo a connection,I'm not of course blaming those things for making me relapse, I made that choice to drink but sleep, hunger,sadness/anxiety, anger and just feeling off kilter makes it hard to make the right decision sometimes, Cyn,it is amazing how the foods we eat can effect every part of our bodies but it's so darn hard to change, I've tried gluten free, dairy free and I only last a few days, meh,I'm addicted to cheese haha,I'm gonna start getting into the weight training plan that hubs and I were supposed to start months ago,he started going to the gym but last week got a weight set for the garage, last night I did 12 of those things where you hold your body up and bring your legs up,my stomach, arms and thighs hurt so I guess that's good haha keep up with my walking, keep off the diet coke(even though it sounds amazing) just be healthier, this little body of mine has withstood a lot,all the alcohol, smoking, binge and purge cycle in my teens and 20's,etc,I need to take care of it,it's done me well by carrying 4 beautiful kids,giving me strength to move furniture, walk long distances,kept me healthy(cept the allergies) didn't fail me when I was drowning in booze, so I'm gonna appreciate it,warts,stretch marks,wrinkles and all haha grocery shopping today bleh,I think we'll go get lunch somewhere and I'm gonna get Louie another thing of play doh to keep him occupied, FTWD is on tonight and I'm excited to see what happens,hope everyone has a blessed AF day
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Pauly, Lav, Star and Cyn, thank you for your supportive words and understanding. Lav, your description of how you used to drink "a glass" of wine instead of eating when dieting described my own approach. That is why initiating a diet was a definite trigger. Not only my blood sugar levels being off, but psychologically I have lots of mental images of 'relaxing' with wine as a reward while cutting back on food intake. Yeah, one glass or two....what a joke! No functioning off-switch here either, Star! Cyn, Mr. D has a carb addiction for sure. He is working on cutting way back on carbs bc he finally is realizing and acknowledging it for himself. You can't make someone listen about best ways to eat until they are ready. Just like you can't make a drinker quit until they are ready.

              Pauly, I would not be put off by language in a novel. I read all kinds of stuff. I think I will enjoy Terry McMillan but if I don't, it won't be because of language.

              It's amazing how veering off path can waken the beast. I struggled through yesterday and had a terrible time trying to sleep last night. Grrrr.!

              Have a great AF Sunday everyone. Gratitude is my focus today.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Ain't that the truth Dill! Better to let sleeping dogs lie or whatever the phrase is, hope you are enjoying your Sunday
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Good afternoon friends!

                  Still no storm here yet, it seems to have changed direction or something & that's OK with me. We're ready if it ever does arrive.

                  Star, love that you had such a nice day out yesterday. Museums are my favorite places, honestly. Enjoy your day today as well.

                  Pauly, we rarely hear about the weather in your area unless it involves something extreme. I didn't realize you actually have a rainy season - good for the earth, huh?
                  I hope it also clears out the allergens for you.

                  Dill, I have been thinking about you all day.
                  Instead of drastically reducing calories for weight loss how about something a little different for a while? I really like the Forks Over Knives style of eating. You can eat until you are full & don't have to count calories. I have lost weight eating more plant based foods in addition to getting 30 min of cardio/strength exercise most days (Curves).
                  YB is a huge meat/dairy consumer but I just can't tolerate all that stuff. He really enjoys the vegan lasagne I make & other similar dishes. I have their app on my iPad, it's filled with recipes that they update constantly. Take a look & see what you think. Glad you are OK today.

                  Cyn, I hope you are having a fabulous day.

                  Stay well everyone!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Good morning all...

                    Dill, opening up the door creates cravings that had gone away, as I found out. Darn, and it doesn't even make sense. We were walking around the city yesterday after another museum, (museum season I guess )and all of a sudden a craving hit. I was tired and hungry, so went and got something to drink and eat, voila, the craving went away. Blood sugar levels have something to do with it, and I felt so much better after I ate, and now that I am not going to drink. Not. Going. To. Drink. I am emphasizing this to myself because I have had a wonderful weekend, did alot that I could not have done if I was hungover. Today, cookout with grandson, who for the first time asked for me too!!!!!! So, let's do this together, we will not let this defeat us, ever.

                    Pauly, my new eating plan is to limit dairy, bad carbs, allow myself one diet Sprite Zero a day, and track my calories on Fitness Pal. I will walk about 30 minutes most days and do other exercises at home, making it easy on me. I cannot cut out foods, but can lean towards better eating 80% of the time. I am happy to hear you are accepting your body for the way it is, for the way all our bodies are, no one looks like the media portrays, not even the women who we compare our selves to.

                    Lav, I guess the hurricane has stalled over the northeast, it looks bad, glad for you that you are OK. I like your idea of more veggies and fruits. I was recently looking over my Paul Furman book and taking some pointers out of that.

                    Cyn, hope you are having a good weekend and are safe.

                    Have a great AF Labor Day.


                      Morning friends, Star,how old is your grandson? Sounds like a good eating plan,except the Sprite zero, I cut out aspartame and sucralose again! Although I'll admit that I really miss my diet coke but I don't miss the mood plunges or headache right after drinking one,it dawned on me one morning when I took Brady to Kmart with me and I was in a great mood, I grabbed a bottle of diet coke and drank it and we went to another store and walking around I was suddenly filled with a weird sad feeling, I'm not absolutely positive that it was from the diet coke but the timing was interesting, sugar does that to me too,oh and fried food,all my faves took a walk yesterday and the air was smoky(California again!) and so windy! I wish it would rain on the west coast so it would quit burning all summer long! The wind must have helped clear it out though cuz it was a little better when we went for lunch, I still think an evening check in would be nice but I know it's hard when we're all busy but if anyone feels that feeling I'm usually around ok hello Lav,Dill and Cyn let's have a marvelous Monday
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Dill,I forgot to ask if you watched FTWD last night? That Chris kid is going crazy,I think his dad's gonna ditch him and do his own thing maybe
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Good afternoon friends,

                          We have a beautiful sunny day here just when we were expecting the worst, go figure.
                          I am cooking for my older dog today, ha ha bless her. I have had her off of dog food for several weeks & there's been no vomiting & diarrhea, thank goodness. I roast up 5 lbs of chicken legs & dice them up. I also cook up a big pot of white rice, pasta & mixed vegetables. The bottom shelf of my fridge is filled with Maxie foods, Lol
                          She's been much better off since I changed her diet.

                          Hello to Star, I hope you have a fun family day.

                          Pauly, all artificial sweeteners give me headaches & GI trouble so I stay away from all of them. Who needs that?
                          I hope your day is a good one!

                          Hello to Dill & Cyn!

                          Have a great AF Labor day everyone!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Good morning...

                            Back to work today after a beautiful weekend. I am so grateful. Love being AF, woke up each day feeling good, ate healthy, exercised, socialized, and lived my life in a healthy way. Very grateful.

                            Pauly, my grandson is two, and never terrible. He is very sweet natured and filled with joy, like his mother, so lovely to be around. We had fun yesterday. Sorry to hear about the smoke, but I'll bet summer is not the best season in Vegas. What is the best out there, fall? I am looking forward to leaves changing and crisper air, but this week we are back in the 90s and humid. I spend most of my time inside so it does not affect me.

                            Lav, how sweet of you to feed your dog special food, but it sounds like it is working! Sounds like your weather cooperated too! Any special plans this week?

                            Cyn and Dill, hope to hear from you soon.

                            Have a terrific Tuesday, AF.


                              Hello All,
                              Star, I am still here and doing well. I kept both the grandkids for two nights and we were exceptionally busy which is the reason I didn't post yesterday. Our little town has a great Labor Day fireworks display which we went to, among other things. The weather was absolutely perfect for outdoor activities so we made the most of it with them! So niice to feel good and be present for them.

                              Pauly, I recorded FTWD and watched it last night. I think Chris has crossed the line even with his Dad. His dad will have to cut him loose. Only a matter of time before Chris turns on him, don't you think? I'm still not "getting it" as far as the show goes. It's missing something as far as I'm concerned.

                              Lav, thanks for the suggestion of Forks over Knives. I looked at the website but I think for me, it is too much effort. I want to eat right but I think I'll just stick with a basic common sense diet. I don't have all the food sensitivities that you have, luckily. I'll just watch my carbs and add more fruits and veggies. I don't drink soda much at all and I don't use artificial sweeteners. I stay away from sugary drinks, even fruit juices except for grapefruit juice and v-8. I drink a lot of water. Did you weather the storm all right?

                              Hello Cyn, hope the dog was brought back home!

                              Let's all have a great AF Tuesday!

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                Morning friends, Star,how fun that we have g-kids around the same age Louie is usually always a treat,unless he's sick or super tired, Dill,I know what you mean but its still something to watch, I'm not into too many shows so it gives me something at least,watched them roast Rob Lowe on comedy central last night it was funny except that Ann Coulter lady was awful, I thought she was a novelist? I'll have to google her later,Cyn,hope all is well with you, I know how busy you always are,Lav,I used to get emails from Forks over Knives but I dunno what happened to them, anybody have any natural remedies for aching gums? Salt water was my friend yesterday, just dunno how this popped up all of a sudden, not this bad anyways, sleep was atrocious!! So now I have to deal with that too,I swear I'm falling apart physically hope we all have a terrific Tuesday
                                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!

