ok brew time..so lets have a cuppa joe ..as sam the man says...where are tyou btw? hope all is well in soil spoil.....
hiya det ...glad you are shaping up buddy..dentist sitrep......all ok happy to say not a lot of pain yesterday...dentist had just built an in patient wing with the dosh Ive paid him...lentil soup is defo the best for a base soup..when I was a kid,a big pot was made on the Sunday...a real thick and gloopy job ..and as the days went by more water was added..
hiya pauly..hows you then?did you have a good birthday?I hope so....one of the issues I had with my teeth was the acid in my stomach was starting to dissolve my teeth...good stuff eh?also good for unblocking drains etc.... here you go..look at this ..I put a fence up to stop the escape artist getting into the flowers...looked out of the window ..he has got half a rose in his mouth.....
20160907_181242.jpg he dug under it
hey pie ..yep that chart is pretty accurate give or take a few crumbs..hows you then?hows things with hour dad?and the canine gang?
hiya ppqp..how are you today..sounds like you are pretty busy......me time? remember....
hiya lav..hows you then ..congratulations on a child free day yesterday...that deserves a long chilled out ...(not chilled but you know what I mean)brew..still picking loads of tommies off,broad beans are done ,runner beans are gone,season is def on the change..
hiya tt,sk Nora c and everyone else ..hope you are having a good day
10 seconds left on the microwave.
Women: set the table, pour the wine, tweet, check Facebook.
Men: start a NASA rocket launch countdown
There was a singer on in our local pub.
After his first song he asked, "Any requests?"
I said, "Are you familiar with the Doors?"
He said, "Yes, I know a few, which one?"
I said, "That fecker with the big green exit sign over there so fck off."
Do twins ever realise that one of them was unplanned?.