he also sent me the board size to fit over the window..I cut a piece of ply and left a 1"margin all round before I left ..perfick fit .. total time?about 10 mins!!!!
he might have run a prison ,but he sure knows nowt about wood!despite a shed full of immaculate tools..great day tho ..nice to see him .He had a heart transplant 6 years ago..and retired ..since then he has had 22 foreign holidays..
as for the head ..yep got a lovely dig out of my scalp..the benefits of very very very short hair....not !just colour it in with some skin coloured blemish cream..looks brand new
right ..brew time....
hiya pauly hows you then?saturday stars ..that includes you ,so dont be sad ..jobs done time to move on and address what went wrong..
Sam a big java matey get them to potter you up a cup ..have a good day friend...
Det..you need to take it easy bro..a quick trip to the quacks wouldnt do you any harm..look after yourself.
morning sk..hows you ?every mornin except Sundays I make brekkie,and a brew for madam in bed and have done since I retired..hows your mum?over this side we still have issues with Julies mum n dad..buy hey..
hiya tt ..hows you then?Is it you thats into the Poldark series?I watched one last night that we recorded last week..just caught up now..where are you up to with it?Over here its on a Sunday..same time as the series Victoria..that wins ..its fantastic even the theme tune is brill Ive got it as my phone ringtone!!well worth watching..yes work is stressful at times,do I know that..I know it sounds corny ,but it should be part of life..not life..when I was working ,I thought cant wait to retire when it happened ..woe is me over the hill,past it ,at deaths door blah blah..after 37 years alone working for the Queen it took some adjusting...now?wouldnt look back..I have been offered several jobs since..security consultancy,private sector prison work,investigations,public sector work,....but you know what?Im happier doing what Im doing..Ive learnt a lot since I went,making things,skills I didn't know I had about life in general..and it certainly isnt all about money.now as for dodging rabbit hutches ..havent perfected that one yet!
hiya pie..hows you then?sounds like you did ok out of the working life too..hows the dog gang doing today?you up to anything over the weekend?
hiya Lav..hows you?6 in the seg unit ..time for a ship out!!you sound too that you are pretty much sorted with your embroidery too.wiat till you get into the home produce game too..eggs veggies all wrapped up in a lace napkin!!

hiya ppqp...yesterday went pretty much axydent free...heads coloured in ..jobs a good un!you doing anything over the weekend?any more weddings?
right folks big shout to all ..out tecting tomorrow..have a good one...