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the toosdi day

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    the toosdi day

    mornin all and how are we today then?all well ..strangely enough its raining here and dark and wet and miserable..the weather isnt too good either!!all windows cleaned yesterday so it isnt foggy anymore!!so without further ado ..orf we go into toosdi with a brew

    Dzień dobry Lav..didnt know which half was there you go!!large brew for you now only got 4 for transfer?havent looked at what went on with the trump clinton saga yet but I will look..need pix of the greenhouse.....

    mornin det ..who are you kiddin man?you are best as tt says going now and get your bloods done ..if you see its in crap state now,then there is a far greater chance of you quittin..otherwise it will be a case of ..ah it wasnt that bad ..crack on!you can whack all the supplements in you want mate ..but the 1 thing missing is attychewed..a truck load of milk thistle wont work if you just whack more booze into your system..go get the bloods done now now..nice cake ..but on that same page is a spicy Cuban hot pot pie...yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    mornin tt are you today/night?hope all is well..

    morn Mr G ...nother day ..nother dollar...will take a pic of the little brooch after when the light comes up ..its done well....yep Oz history re europe isnt that old,Dutch Brits etc,,after all what was our biggest export to Oz... but as you say the indigenous stuff is fascinating ..the cave paintings etc watched a prog the other night ..metal detecting for gold nuggets over there ..pretty interesting..amazing that such a highly prized commodity is just found lying around in some places!!have a great day mate

    hiya sk...hey you dont own Southfork by chance?how are you today is the mnoving prep going ?hope all is well..when do you actually move?

    hiya pauly are you ...what did monday do for you?have a good one today...

    hiya Sam the man..hows you ?sounding pretty busy friend...meant to ask hows your daughters? mushroom bizness doing still going strong ?is it expanding or is ther not mushroom for that...ok ok Ill get my coat!!

    hiya Starty..hows you then?you doing good?..yes you are actually ..well done to fo the finds..I clean,stabilise and protect them when possible...Ive got a couple of cabinets that they are in..there is lot of politics and things that I dont agree with in regards to museums etc..long and boring so we will skip that!have a great day...

    right peeps goodly bye big shout to all Ive missed...ppqp .etc!!

    The Italian Secret to a Long Marriage
    At St. Peter's Catholic Church in Baltimore , they have weekly husbands'
    Marriage seminars.
    At the session last week, the priest asked Tony, who said he was
    approaching his 50th wedding anniversary, to take a few minutes and
    share some insight into how he had managed
    to stay married to the same woman all these years.
    Tony replied to the assembled husbands, 'Wella, I'va tried to
    treat her nicea, spenda da money on her, but besta of all is, I tooka
    her to Italy for the 25th anniversary!'
    The priest responded, Tony, you are an amazing inspiration to all
    the husbands here! Please tell us what you are planning for your wife
    for your 50th anniversary?'
    Tony proudly replied, " I gonna go pick her up."

    I've just bought my wife one of those pitbull terriers as a birthday present. Despite the big jaws, huge teeth, bulging eyes and fat belly, the dog really seems to like her.


    I got arrested last night but it was the police officer's fault.
    He asked, "Do you know why you've been pulled over sir?", so I said,
    "Is it because you are weak of character and you feel that by becoming a police officer you can somehow find a way to overcome the years of bullying that you suffered at the hands of your classmates, your mother and your cruel older sister. Yet despite your desire to wear a uniform that lends a certain amount of power to its wearer you feel that the only way that it will truly make you feel like a man rather than the d.ckless piece of shit you are is to avoid trying to arrest the real criminals who go up and down the country raping and murdering in case they resist arrest, and instead concentrate on good, honest citizens like me who you think will be soft targets?"
    I thought it was as good an answer as any, but it turns out that the right answer was"Speeding!!..

    Why Teachers Drink
    The following questions were set in last year's GCSE examination. These are genuine answers (from 16 year olds):
    Q. Name the four seasons
    A. Salt,pepper, mustard and vinegar.
    Q. How is dew formed.
    A. The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire.
    Q. What guarantees may a mortgage company insist on
    A. If you are buying a house they will insist that you are well endowed.
    Q. In a democratic society, how important are elections
    A. Very important.Sex can only happen when a male gets an election.
    Q. What are steroids
    A. Things for keeping carpets still on the stairs ..
    (Shoot yourself now , there is little hope)
    Q. What happens to your body as you age
    A. When you get old, so do your bowels and you get intercontinental.
    Q. What happens to a boy when he reaches puberty
    A. He says goodbye to his boyhood and looks forward to his adultery. (So true)
    Q. Name a major disease associated with cigarettes.
    A. Premature death.
    Q. What is artificial insemination
    A. When the farmer does it to the bull instead of the cow.
    Q. How can you delay milk turning sour
    A. Keep it in the cow.(Simple, but brilliant)
    Q. How are the main 20 parts of the body categorized (e.g. The abdomen)
    A. The body is consisted into 3 parts - the brainium, the borax and the abdominal cavity.
    The brainium contains the brain,the borax contains the heart and lungs and the abdominal cavity contains the five bowels: A,E,I,O,U
    Q. What is the fibula?
    A. A small lie.
    Q. What does 'varicose' mean?
    A. Nearby.
    Q. What is the most common form of birth control
    A. Most people prevent contraception by wearing a condominium.
    (That would work)
    Q. Give the meaning of the term 'Caesarean section'
    A. The caesarean section is a district in Rome.
    Q. What is a seizure?
    A. A Roman Emperor. (Julius Seizure, I came, I saw, I had a fit)
    Q. What is a terminal illness
    A. When you are sick at the airport.(Irrefutable)
    Q. What does the word 'benign' mean?
    A. Benign is what you will be after you be eight.(brilliant)
    Q. What is a turbine?
    A. Something an Arab or Sheik wears on his head. Once an Arab boy reaches puberty, he removes his diaper and wraps it around his head.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Hiya - quick jump in - our weather has synched Mick. Its rainy and yukky here too. The brooch sounds interesting. NZ is very young with human habitation - not only European, but also indigenous (as compared to Australia and Papua New Guinea - where in the latter there was habitation of around 60,000 years ago).
    Mick - you asked about Poldark - not me, I am not a fan. Watching a BBC 3 mini-series called 'Thirteen' - dont think its your cup of tea Mick but I am enjoying it. I also tried watching Shetland - set in the Hebrides - its on Netflix - kind of slow.
    How are everyone else - Det - I mean that, get the bloods done mate. All else is denial. I'm due for another lot soon plus some other routine checks.
    Hows the DIL Lav? My Mr GB is out of his phase - but boy are these mood swings exhausting.
    helped the daughter apply to do an exchange for a semester next year at an overseas university. It will be very good for her even if Mum will be sad to see her go. She's looking at some interesting choices. I am trying not to think about the cost - but at least the fees are covered - same as what she pays here.
    Enjoy Tuesday the rest of the gang!


      here we go ...bearing in mind this was made about 900-1000 years ago of twisted silver wire with gold overlay or gilt..the penny is about the size of a us 1 cent.....and the pin on it still works

      20160927_091533 (1).jpg



      here is the lead bag seal can you see the crown above the portcullis?

      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        last but not least ..2 weeks ago I found a broken is an Edward groat made around 1327...some 690 ish years ago..I cleaned it..last week my mate said that he had found part of a broken coin..the field is about 90 acres in size..(bloody big!)...and guess what.......


        da da!!!!!!!!!


        have a great day glad things on the ont have improved ..where is daughter thinking of exchange?

        Check this out!!!

        HypeDojo - Timeline | Facebook
        Last edited by Mick; September 27, 2016, 11:28 AM.
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Mae everybody, Mick amazing finds,also loved the list of answers haha,Kell went to the docs yesterday and they did another round ofultrasound and Louie was carrying it around again and he was showing me then he said"I think my little brother is laying on a little couch or something in there" haha the things that come out of that kids mouth Det,are you still taking the baclofen? I was just wondering cuz back before the meds area went to shit I used to read around and seen that bac made hangover worse,I would think by day 8 you shouldn't feel so rubbish, best to get thee to the docs,better to be on the safe side,I'm a hypochondriac so I've had 2 sets of bloods done in the past few months everything is ok except my sodium is always low,TT,I've skimmed that 13 show cuz I thought it was a movie that I seen a few years ago, nope,I've been watching Dancing with the stars for the first time cuz I watch Little women LA and one of the girls is on there,amazing how people can dance so beautifully and I'm over here with no moves off for more coffee, much love to all and I hope we all have a great AF Tuesday
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            heya ABers!

            Mick, rain two days in a row? is that a record?
            thanks for the bootup and the amazing pictures of your ancient finds. the odds of two pieces of the same coin boggles what's left of my mind.

            yes, getting bloods done asap. Quote request sent to a friend/doc that cuts me good rates. no matter what the results I KNOW I've buggered myself up, I can just tell. I'll be working the rest of my life to repent for the first half I'm sure, but it's pretty damn important work.

            Totally on the outs with Dx which is understandable. sigh.

            Day 9 and I am feeling mostly better. Woke up without the crazy dizzy spell and nausea which is good.

            Pres debates? i wouldn't watch that if you held a gun to my head. The most horrifying thing about it is that one of those two maggots is going to be our next president. I digress....

            TTops, I wasn't aware of the anthropological timing you speak of in NZ... interesting. As i recall Oz was about 40K years ago. And NZ would be about 1983?

            well, better make a little something healthy to eat and see if my doc has responded.

            be well loves
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Kells doctor called her today and I guess the measurements aren't going good for the baby, she did a blood test and if it comes back positive for toxoplasmosis she's not proceeding with the pregnancy, I'm sad but would rather it be now than later, a stillbirth or birth defects would be way worse to deal with
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Pauly - all the best and it sounds like you have talked this through which is important. kell is going to need your support ( that you give in buckets anyway)
                Haha Det. The long dates I gave were for PNG not NZ! Good on you for getting the bloods done. No more buggering up the body.
                That's your new motto.


                  MAE ALL...

                  Mick...glad the windows are unfogged. LOL I just love stories like the broken coin fitting together. Maybe you guys can still find the rest of it. Been a bit busy revamping my resume, first go around boss' suggestions, nope, nope, expand, explain, nope. So back at it I just went off the posted job description and sited examples of tasks I performed and could state an example for every one. Boss was quite impressed, said it was excellent. Actually I was quite impressed, where's my raise!!!!

                  TT...hard not to look at the cost but what an experience for her. I won't ask because when you answer Mick's question you'll have answered mine.

                  Pauly...laying on a couch LOL. Do you know it's going to be a brother? What's the due date? You're sounding good today hope your day was great.

                  Det...glad you're going ahead with the Doc visit. Don't know if I've missed a couple of posts but was just wondering if Dx was around when you fell off the wagon this time or did it happen when she'd gotten back? I always remember a counselor telling me that I'm so used to living in chaos that when things have gotten sorted and everything's going good I don't feel comfortable and sabotage myself. I believed that for awhile and then realized it was just another excuse to drink. Perhaps you can see a pattern and get a plan in place to head it off. We can help.

                  Shout out to everyone else. I was late getting to bed last night (resume writing) and early into work this morning so am planning an early night. Hope everyone else has a peaceful evening.....:smile:PPQP


                    Pauly...sorry to hear about Kell. Like TT said it sounds like you and Kell have talked and made plans.

                    TT...didn't expect to see on the thread at this time. Is it Thursday for you now?


                      It's Wed early afternoon PQ. On my break. Daughter has listed a university in Montreal as a top pick.


                        Good evening Abbers,

                        I managed to watch the entire 90 minutes of the debate last evening without having a stroke or anything, ha ha!!!
                        One candidate was polished & prepared, the other sounded like a big baby & whined his way thru, ridiculous.

                        Mick, we decided no work today & took off to go walk around Longwood Gardens today. I did put an awesome picture of their bougainvilla arch over one of their greenhouse doorways. Now I want to do the same here - we'll see. You are improving your finding skills & coming up with some really nice stuff, good for you!

                        Aw Pauly, I'm sorry about the news on the baby. You two will support one another, I know that :hug:

                        Det, glad to hear you are getting checked out. The best thing you can do for yourself now & forever is give AL the final boot out of your life. Give yourself the bets possible chance of surviving, please.

                        TT, no word from my DIL yet, it's been almost 2 1/2 weeks since her blowup. I miss seeing the boys & am feeling a bit pissed off that our son hasn't made contact yet either BUT the ball is in their court. I am not inviting any more abuse into my life, not from her or anyone. I agree with you, their mood swings are exhausting.

                        Hello to Pie, Sam, PQ & any others missing.
                        Wishing for a peaceful night for all!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Pauly, yes still on the BAC, dunno if it could possibly have made that detox any worse! i fear titrating up to the 'off switch' level because if I get up that high and run out or can't get anymore than i can have withdrawals from it too. ack! as it is, taking 60mg per day seems to keep me pretty mellow and I don't have restless legs in bed anymore so even that is a blessing.

                          PPQ, panicked and drank 2 days before Dx got home. brilliant home-coming. Pattern alright. I can usually hold it together for stressful things but this one got me good. Not again dammit. It will likely kill me and I know it.

                          Pauly, hang in there and all you can do is see what the doctor advises. xxxxxxx

                          Lav, family drama is no fun and I feel for you. Hopefully you get to see the youngsters soon.

                          my main meal tonight was a crazy salad of beets, cilantro, strawberries, red onions, red bell pepper with garlic-infused olive oil and lemon juice. It actually tasted pretty darn good and I know it's healthy.

                          green tea is my new drink of choice. there is confirmed clinical trials showing the catechens not only protect the liver but can help heal a damaged organ. Many other health benefits as well of course. And i like the way it tastes even unsweetened although i may pick up some white stevia for making a fun cold drink.

                          gnight loves
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)

