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    mae all are things today?some pretty crap stuff going on in individual cases,so hang on in there peeps,you dont need me preaching at you ,but dont bottle it up ,,literally!!
    dentist pour moi this morning,so just sitting here wetting myself with excitement at that ..not...
    might be out very early doors tomorrow,we shall see..
    right brew time it is

    Pauly,as it has already been said,I guess you and Kell have talked it all thru...all I can say is you are in our thoughts girl..but in your post there is one little word...IF...hang on to it

    Det..hiya bud..hows things with you today?glad you are getting your bloods you are getting picture and no sound from dx?guess part of my strategy here would be to write a plus and minus list copy it stick in me phone wallet ,all over the show ..and when the time came that I wanted a drink ,consider it very gotta lot to lose mate ,wealth,partner life ,way of life ,friendship companionship and on the plus side ...ermm let me think ..some discomfort do the maths mate dont add up

    hiya starty ..hows you then?I binged out on the series 1 of Hunted it was great...hows you this fine day?

    hiya tt...hows you this evening?Montreal?thats no where near Manchester!! I couldnt get into Shetland either... bout as slow as a week in jail...we havent actually got too much of interest on the gogglebox here at present ...a lot of travel shows which I like,..hope your day went well

    hiya ppqp ..fancy job as US president?interesting cv and qualifications to get that job!hows things with you then?hope all is well

    hiya Lav...hows you ..guess you must be hacked off with the dil scenario...big brew for you...saw the bougie pics...lovely yep defo think you need one of them!keep your chin up...

    right peeps time to make brekkie for her majesty and the is on scrambled egg salmon tomatoes ,with chives and basil ..the other kale,carrots,pellets,bit of broccoli,some hay...shall we mix them up folks???hee hee

    see you later...

    A man goes to Frederick's of Hollywood.
    He wants to buy his wife the most sheer lingerie he can find. The woman behind the counter goes and gets an outfit.
    "This is $200," she says.
    "I want one that's more sheer," says he.
    "This one is $350."
    "I want it even more sheer than that."
    "This one is the most sheer that we have. It's $500."
    "I'll take it!"
    The man goes home to his wife and shows it to her, saying, "Go put this on and come down to model it for me."
    His wife goes upstairs, opens the box and thinks, "This thing is so see through that the old coot won't even notice if I'm wearing it or not."
    So his wife comes down, wearing nothing at all and strikes a pose.
    "So, how do you like it?" she says.
    "Damn, you'd think for $500, they'd at least iron the damn thing!"

    I met this big breasted woman at a bar, she dragged me into an alley telling me I could have some fun with her massive mazumbas. She then beat me to the floor and nicked my wallet.
    It was a booby trap!

    Two fraud men go up to 20 blind men and say "Do you want to go on holiday?" The blind men reply "yeah of course" So the blind men give the fraud men �2000 each. The fraud men drive them up to blackpool and put them on the beach, and then go to the pub, Whilst there they think that the blind men are going to get bored. So they buy them a ball and give it to them. The blind men go "Whats this?" "Its a ball," replies one of the fraud men "Well we cant see it!" The fraud men think shit what we gonna do, they spot a donkey with bells round its neck so they go and buy sum bells and wrap them round the ball, and then go back the pub. Just then an old woman walks in and says "I tell you what the world today its demented" "Why?" ask the fraud men. "Because theres 20 blind men kicking shit through a donkey on the beach!"

    How is Donald Trump going to create middle class jobs? By paying them to cheer for him during campaign events.

    Why shouldn't Donald Trump rag on illegal immigrants? Because an undocumented worker has been living on his head for the past 2 decades!

    Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are on a plane. The plane crashed. Who survived? America
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Good luck with the dentist Mick. Hi there everyone else - I am in the middle of doing something but big shout out to you all.
    We are voting for our local body elections this week - all done by post. Not as colorful or intense as your elections in the US - but all part of the democratic process. We have to list the preferred councillors in numerical order (pick 24) so thats quite tricky since I hardly know them. Its not really voting according to parties in the local body anymore.


      morning all
      rushing around... taking a prescribed burn seminar, satrts early and goes late so don't have much chance of checking in. thinking of everyone... best to all
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Mae everybody, Mick I know that there's an "IF" but from what the doctor said I'm not very optimistic, I have super bags under my eyes from just not sleeping very great,Kell's nearly 4 months along, that's pretty far and I think it's harder cuz I already seen the little head and stuff in the pictures, grrr,rational thinking I know it's better to take care of it now,having a real life baby all messed up would be triple bad but I'm still sad,mostly cuz I hope Kell can handle this mentally, meh,hope everyone has a nice day
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          I'm so sorry Pauly.
          Enlightened by MWO


            MAE ALL...

            Mick...thanks for kicking us off. Hope the dentist was not too brutal, you must just about be done.

            Lav...the whole 90 minutes!!! You deserve a medal! Mick, got any lying around?

            Det...I was wondering if that was the case. Have you got the Doc appt set up? Stay with us, you'll get through this.

            TT...I should have been able to figure out the time difference yesterday. Pick 24, man that sounds like the US voting system. Glad Canada's is short and simple.

  'd the seminar go? Bet you're glad to get that one behind you. Any more prescribed seminars coming up?

            Pauly...:hug: this is a tough one. It's ok to be sad and I'm sorry you're not sleeping well, understandable. Depending on how things go you and Kell might end up going through the whole grieving process. Lots of articles on that so do some reading and know it's a process that you need to go through.

            Got the cover letter and resume done and submitted. Glad that's over with! Boss disappeared around 10am, he's not doing so well. Timeline is week of Oct 10 - first round interviews, week of Oct 17 - second round interviews, new GM start Nov 1st. We shall see! Looking forward to a non-thinking night! Be well all....:smile:PPQP


              Good evening Abbers,

              I had a busy Hump day doing nothing spectacular but busy nonetheless, ha ha!

              Mick, I think at this point it would just be easier to move into Longwood where the work is done, the flowers are always in bloom & the gardeners do all the work!!! I hope you had an easy trip to the dentist today

              Sam, we are getting the rain as promised!
              Good to learn how to contain those fires so they don't get outta hand.

              TT, you seriously would not enjoy the voting process over here - especially this year, ugh

              Pauly, we are all with you in spirit, hugs to you & Kell :hug:

              Hi there SK, hope you are well.

              PQ, do you get a crown or special hat or anything November 1?? You certainly should!!!! Wishing you all the best

              Det, I see you have become a fan of green tea - me too!
              I drink it hot or cold, straight up, no sweeteners. I do like to add some decaf chai spice tea to the pot of decaf green tea sometimes, yum! I hope everything is settling down for you!

              Hello to the missing folks & wishing everyone a peaceful night!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                heya ABeroos!

                Mick, that amazing brekkie sounds like a last meal before execution. Hope that wasn't the case at the butchers!

                a yes, i have lists and notes posted all over... looking a bit odd around here but the message is clear.

                Pauly, hang in there hon!

                Lav, I'll have to try the chai. Someone gave me some before but it had all kinds of doodoo in it. will look around.

                going through blood test paperwork now. not quite as bad as taxes.

                Sam, burn seminar? new one on me.

                In better news i have an interview tomorrow

                got a great sunset pic from tonight... will post it next

                be well loves
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)

