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1th of octomber

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    1th of octomber

    white rabbits............morning are fingz today

    Pauly how are you and Kell?I know its only words but thoughts are with you x stay close girl..

    hiya tt hows your saturday been?hope you had a good stress free day with lashings of sunshine (lashings..doesnt that sound like an Enid Blyton book???)

    hey ppqp...busy day?as long as its not overbusy thats what matters..hope the treatment works on your eye ,you really deserve a break with that..

    good morning are you today?hows the weather doing there?Im in the replanting winter plants mode now!!!eek..yes they certainly know how to eat this pair...

    hiya det you ok?likewise Sam.Pie and everyone else not here at the mo...have a great day...
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Mae everybody, Mick I think we're hanging in there ok,Kell text me yesterday and said she wished they'd have let her have the option to bury it,I told her she wouldn't have wanted that,I told her we have another little angel in heaven looking out for us,she had a miscarriage before Louie and I know that hurt her really bad but she was partying pretty hard back then so I'm sure it was for the best, I'll just continue to be here for her,dreading going to work today, the cherubs acting up again and actually recruited a few more members, not necessarily toward me but they're being rough on my one person I consider a true friend up there,these bitches too old to be acting like this!! It makes for a tense work day,I was gonna take it off but I'll be home by noon anyways, much love to all, have a great AF Saturday
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Ahoy Maties....

      Skies opened up last night with hail and rain. Rain still going strong. Perfect day for a fire, homemade spaghetti, book and couch.

      Mick...thanks for starting us off. How's the visit going. Are you hiding out so you don't have to watch the show?

      Pauly...continuing to be there for Kell is the best thing you can do. Hope work this morning went ok. At least it's a distraction.

      Will check in later to see if anyone else shows up.....:smile:PPQP


        Greetings on the first of October, all. Super ordinary happenings filling my days, which is very nice after so much chaos earlier in the year.

        PQ, I like the sound of your day. I've just started the 3rd book in the Mr. Mercedes series. Thanks for starting the thread, Mick.


          Belated rabbits, as its Sunday here already. Mick - you should be fast asleep now but the others will be going about their weekend. I hope you are hanging in there Pauly. Hi there Pie and PQ and all others.

          Well today I had to buy a few things at a nearby mini-supermarket and I had a jolt. A woman, maybe 40s-50s - hard to tell -was in the queue behind me looking anxious to get served.This was Sunday morning. She was clutching 2 bottles of cheap red wine and her appearance was awful. She was reasonably dressed but her face was so blotched, the eyes, the veins, the skin- it just screamed AL to me. Same thing yesterday - I was attending a public event and I saw a well known woman - 60s-70s (again hard to tell) who had the AL face. It saddened me, but seeing these women so much reminded me of how I was heading 4 years ago. There is a desperate look in the face some people with AL abuse, that we who have been there, can sometimes see. I could of course be really off-beam because I do not know their stories or what is really at the heart of the pain I sense, or if I am projecting my own pain and vulnerability. Anyway wanted to share this because I bet it resonates with some of you.
          Otherwise been very busy but had a lovely walk today.
          Hope to see more smiling faces here today - whatever your day is.


            TT,I work next to a grocery store with a huge liquor department and I notice the people buying their morning alcohol, most of the time I can tell from"the look" but one day this older lady maybe 60's and she was so put together that I was shocked by the $8.99 big bottle of no name vodka she was buying
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Pauly - my bloated AL look face is on my driving licence so it's a constant reminder!


                I have a pic on my phone from my last blow out TT,it's..not..pretty
                I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                  Good evening Abbers, happy October!

                  Thanks for the start up Mick!
                  I thought the rain was finished but it started up mid day again. Cool here but not cold.
                  We had a visit from daughter & SIL & granddaughter today which was nice. I made a big pot of soup & warmed up a couple loaves of my famous pepperoni bread, ha ha. The guys did some work in the greenhouse, moved a huge potting bench inside. No word from the others yet after 3 weeks of silence.

                  Pauly, I hope Kell heals quickly. This is such a hard thing to go through for all of you.
                  I wish you could work somewhere else with mature people who appreciate you :hug:

                  PQ, better rain than snow right now! I hope you enjoyed your day off!

                  Hi there Pie, what's keeping you so busy these days?

                  TT, there is a wine & spirits store right next to our supermarket. I haven't stepped foot in there since I quit but I do notice the steady traffic in & out of the place. Some people indeed have that look, one I do not miss & will never invite back into my life. I just silently wish them the best.

                  Hello to everyone else & wishing everyone a peaceful night!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    late night greetings ABerooos!

                    Mick, any white rabbits left or have I missed them all?

                    Pauly, so sorry to hear what you and Kel are enduring.

                    'AL-face' yes I know it well from both sides. So glad i don't have to have that ever again.

                    today I applewood smoked 2 gigantic tritip roasts and they came out amazing

                    Working 'round the house and yard, getting my tool labeled and sorted for Monday job.

                    Going to church tomorrow with a friend which will be weird as I'm not religious in the slightest, but she's been nagging me to go so I'll trundle off with an open mind.

                    otherwise, nice mellow weekend around here.

                    be well loves

                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)

