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monday morning...

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    monday morning...

    morn all...hows the world today thern?getting on a bit for me to post a fred ,but been busy this mornin...

    out detecting yesterday ...didnt find a fact sod all is pretty close ,but one thing I did find was a lead seal with a crest on it the story goes to find whose the crest is..was supposed to freeze last night,so I covered all my plants with frost didnt freeze ..oh well....

    brew time ..on we go ...

    hiya pie how are you today then?all good I hope..yep we all struggle to put comms down at times even big mouth moi..but I firmly believe in even if you write the simplest of things it invokes others to writeand start a dialogue for instance ..if you write.."nothing to say today, cant get it together"...that convo then goes anywhere ..I post at times just to get us started (and fail miserably at times too),but Im quite well aware that my tomatoes turning fro green to red aint a world beating story.but it sparks something..I also bet that if you wrote ..cant be arsed opposed to feeling cant be arsed and not would come back here to see what folks had written ,so in a way its a self help...the best thread to see all this on is the army thread..its all there..

    hi pauly how are you today?nice pic in boulder ..glad you fronted up the co workers,it will probably ease your mind too..As for friendships developing thru this site..I can defo vouch for that..when I went to Dublin,met up with both byrdie and daisy also byrdies hubby..we all got on like a hoose on fire ..Byrdie ,and her hubby and Julie and me,so it wast just 2 people from here .it has now developed into encompassing our families if that makes is and never was a "one off "meet..the friendship developed thru here,and methinks we will meet up somewhere next year too....

    Hi Sam the man hows you today then mate?where you out banjoing at the weekend?

    hiya Lav....guess my age:eek-new: hows you today then?what are you doing for the craft fair ..embroidery?are the haywagons your way horse drawn, a mix or john deeres?brew time Im parched too..

    hiya of luck for today mate...........youll smash it!!

    hiya ok likewise tt?

    big hi to everyone else..




    One morning a woman was walking out of her front door, when she notices a strange little man at the bottom of her garden.
    “You’re a goblin,” she says, “I caught you and you owe me three wishes!”
    So the goblin replies “OK, you caught me fair and square, what’s your first wish?”
    The woman stops and thinks for a second, “I want a huge mansion to live in.”, goblins replies “OK, you’ve got it.”Woman again thinks it over, “My second wish is a Mercedes.” “OK, you’ve got that too.”“My last wish is a million dollars!”.
    The goblin then says “OK, you’ve got it. But to make your wishes come true you have to have to make love to me all night.”
    She replies, “OK then, if that’s what it takes…”Next morning the little man wakes the woman up.
    “Tell me,” says the man, “how old are you?”
    “I’m 27″, she replies“Isn’t that something”, says the man, “27 and you still believe in goblins?

    I thought I hadn't been paying my wife much attention recently so, as it was her birthday on Friday, I decided I would give her a ring as a present.
    Amazingly, that started another row. Because I rang her from the pub.

    My girlfriend bought a home waxing kit the other day. She asked me if she should just do the sides or leave a strip down the middle. I said I would prefer it if she didn't have a moustache at all!
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Hi Mick, dont think I have ever seen someone write so much about not posting! But I know what you mean Pie - I went through several months like that. My issue with myself these days is that although I would like to write lots it would just be so negative - and I know folk dont want too much of that. Today for instance was pretty awful at work - actually one of the worst work days in my life (and man am I old!) and I cant provide the details - just say that its really very very tough at the moment - and this situation will not get better for several months. Quitting the job is not an option either. I am doing my best to deal with developments.
    Having trouble sleeping - took some of my pretend sleeping tabs - the magnesium ones - they dont do a bloody thing. Had a cup of decaffeinated tea - its so foul you would think someone would sleep to avoid drinking it. Let the cat out. Walked around the house. Now doing what I shouldnt be doing which is being on the screen.
    Hope your job goes OK Det - I guess it will be different to what you are used to. Probably tiring as well. There we go again - trying to get tired!
    OK I really better try to sleep again.
    Hi their Pauly, PQ,Pie (again), Lav, Sam and all others. Maybe I will try to list all the MWO names I can think of - as a way to try to fall to sleep!


      Mae everybody, basically ate our way through the art event! I got a sunburn but it was a fun day,they didn't have too many things I was interested in, mostly paintings and sculptures, I like handmade ornaments for Christmas and lotions and potions, also not many booths for kids'stuff all Lou got was a Spider-Man balloon and a $6 lemonade and a $6 slice of pizza,the food was $$$ I paid $9 for a funnel cake $9 for some curly fry doo dads and hubs paid $12 a piece for gyros for him and Brady, need to take out a small loan next time haha,the pic I posted made me laugh hysterically cuz if you look past me and Louie you'll see hubs sitting on the bench smiling for the pic! He looks like a creepy old man and I laughed so hard haha, I'm a tad bluesy this morning I think cuz I had an unsettling dream,I only like happy dreams, TT,I feel sad that you're under so much stress anyway you can plan a small getaway?not being able to sleep isn't helping the stress levels((hugs)) much love to all, off for more coffee hope everyone has a nice AF day
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        MAE Mick, TT and Pauly...and anyone else who pops in tonight....

        Everything ok here Mick....little stressed over money and of course I can't get a hold of the ex to see if he sold the ranch...may have to spend some time in a courtroom. Not looking forward to it. They decided to start the boss on Chemo so we shall see how that goes.

        TT...Hi Mick, dont think I have ever seen someone write so much about not posting! LOL Sorry you had such a crap day. Several months!!! :cower: At least I can see the light at the end of my tunnel. must be posting pics on FB cause I don't see one here. LOL Our craft sale is next month and it's all homemade Christmas Crafts. Pop on over, I'll buy you a coffee.

        Pi...yup sometimes you just run out of things to say. Well, most of us anyways.'d day #1 of the new job go?

        Well it's chicken noodle soup and cheese melted triscuits for dindin. Hope we all have a peaceful evening....:smile:PPQP


          Good evening Abbers,

          Almost bedtime but I hate skipping a day here.
          Busy with all sorts of stuff & still trying not to be overly angry about my DIL's antics. Tomorrow is YB's birthday & I'm sure a visit or call from his son would be nice - we shall see I guess.

          Mick, I ALWAYS use capital letters - OMG, ha ha!!!!
          Yep, I am doing embroidered stuff for the craft sale, just little things for now. The hay wagons are horse drawn & John Deere drawn both!

          TT, sorry to hear the stress is so bad right now. It's rough to have to deal with that on a daily basis at work. I have never missed it & am grateful I retired early. It would be nice to have more $$ at times but my sanity is more important. I hope you can find some way to manage.

          Pauly, I hate dropping all that cash for crappy festival food. If it was good food, it wouldn't be so bad. Glad you had a nice day out.

          PQ, if your ranch sold wouldn't you have to be present to sign over the deed? I hope you find out what's up with that!!!!
          Sounds like the boss is in for a rough ride.

          Hi there PIe! Hi there Sam!

          Det, how was your first day on the job?

          Have a peaceful night everyone!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Happy unhung Monday ABerooos!

            Mick, your tomatoes were lucky but mine not so much... they got frosted and I'm afraid they are toast. booooo!

            TTops, you need some better tea! sleep can be a real quandary at times. I sleep better in a cooler room.

            Pauly, sounds like fun. i got a stomach ache just remembering the last time i had funnel cake. ugh

            PPQ, yes light at the end of the tunnel, we must keep our chins up

            Lav, embroidery is one thing I certainly don't know how to do. Sorry to hear about DIL drama. Need a pair of handcuffs?

            First day at work i went from the frying pan into the fire right away. Their lead machinist gave a weeks notice so the boss in desperation decided that I would learn to be a lathe operator in one week. ack! so much to learn and it can be dangerous so my wee brain is just fried. I'm sure it will be calm once i get the hang of it. At any rate the day flew by at top speed. Everyone is nice and mellow at least which is a nice change.

            getting in a bit of relaxation and off to beddy by.

            be well loves
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)

