anyways how are we all?doing good?just be careful when you read this...manflu can get into the body in all sorts of ways,so its best to read this with your eyes shut:thumbsup

right one large brew all round...again to limit the possibilties of being a manflu carrier and getting germs off the cup,its probably best to lower the chances of infection by placing a straw in said liquid and sooking it up through a nasal passage...........................................
morning Lav,glad daughter is doing ok...many moons ago my bil wife broke her in order to help her out,considerate Tony bought a bar stool so that she could sit at the sink and do the dishes,how thoughtful is that???so you are busy ?embroidery,garden or general?
mornin det ..get those zeds in mate the best cure there is!yep all cured till monday....hope all is well with you....
hiya pie ...6 real estate text books thats heavy duty reading!is there a timescale on this?glad the pet bizness is picking up..hows your dad doing?
Sam ...yep dark mornings here too ....clocks go back at the end of this month..dark cold mornings dont bode well for early starts!!all good with you?hows the surveying going?
evenin tt hows today been for you then?hopefully you will get some sleep..guess it would be pretty easy to fall back into a dependancy routine....hows daughter?any ideas where the world study tour is going to take her?
hiya sk are you then?all good I yours will all be done in a week at the dentist?Feb 9th mine started ,but to be honest there is/was a serious amount of work to get done..and yes Ill defo be glad when its done!!that diet doesnt sound too appealing....
hiya ppqp...hope you are better of luck with the domestic situation...he sounds real fkn look after numero uno!!!!!
hiya ok?
saw this vid here you go...
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