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saturday with our guilt

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    saturday with our guilt

    I meant 'guilt' because people were talking about feeling bad and guilty about not posting on the Daily Abs threads as much as they would like to.
    Well I have already posted on the Daily Abs thread but that was Friday except its Saturday evening here and many of you are still on Friday but Mick is into Saturday. Have I confused you yet? I think we all agree that Mick you can take a wee break but dont disappear for too long. LOts of appreciation of your work on the thread here also. And all the PMs we dont hear about - I bet lots of people have been helped by Micks (and others too of course) with their PMs.
    Its been a lovely sunny day here so I went for a lovely walk in some spring gardens with my daughter. Combined it with a driving lesson - that went very well. She is much better at parallel parking than I am!
    Lav - I know what you mean about having someone watching over your shoulder. And like you I am often less talkative even on the internet at the end of the day.
    Is YB keeping himself occupied? He better had with winter around the bend for you.
    Det - yes you sound chirpy despite these fires.
    As I wrote on another thread Pauly - sorry you drank - but you are posting again and it sounds like you are not taking this latest into a binge.
    Doesn't matter if you dont say much Pie or Sam, or SK or Sugar -just pop in when you can. Like PQ- I try to post daily but sometimes what I says is not so exciting.
    Anyway you all have a great Saturday - there are always bound to be a few adventures and hiccups for at least one of us. But we trundle along. Golly in less than 6 hours it will be Sunday where I live!:welldone::welldone::welldone:
    Last edited by treetops; October 15, 2016, 01:23 AM.

    and good to see you Mr G on the Daily Abs.Its going to be a long hot (but sober) summer for you!


      its moi....firstly a big thank you to everyone who took the time to post..what I will say is the whole aim was not to make folks feel "guilty", pressured,for not posting,nor was it to turn this into a kind of school register..I also understand the points about people are not all lazy gits like me ..some people work,and also like to keep this part of their lives,separate and private..
      It was more of a "Im struggling to start the posts because I need something to work on,it would be so easy to start with "hi,bye"but that aint me... at times I get fed up listening to me talking about me ...its worse when Im talking about me to me!!if you get my drift..
      yes I made a commitment here,to try and help others,on these fredz..I guess Im just a bit weary
      a big thank you to tt for starting this off are a star...despite your own issues you bailed in.... thanks

      on a lighter note,..I was running about in the garage like a loony yesterday morning,was getting the rabbits food sorted out,turned rapidly and smacked straight into the corner of a metal covered piece of wood..felt myself go down,but fortunately never hit the floor that was me sparko for a few seconds I think..head starts bleeding..result?I have got like an Indian bindi right in the middle of me forehead!!felt a bit ropey but ok this morning ...and the wabbits werent impressed at the extended delay on feeding!!!!so off to buy a sari today!!!
      out detecting tomorrow,but will nip in at some stage
      as far as the format goes ...yes it does seem to work on a rolling fred...personal choice ...?daily..have a good day peeps

      My morning health and fitness routine is a mixture of aerobics, isotonics, isometrics and a bit of yoga, diligently exercising every muscle in my body and focusing my mental faculties...
      Although I admit that, to the casual observer, I appear to be merely lifting a coffee cup and lighting up a cigarette while I scratch my nutz.

      One morning, His Majesty the lion calls all the animals in the jungle to a meeting.
      "Right," says the lion, "I want every one of you to go out hunting and bring me back as much meat as you can. Anyone who fails to bring me meat I will batter to death with my dck!"
      Later that day, a rabbit turns up with a basket of carrots.
      "You have to understand, Your Majesty, I'm a rabbit, I can't hunt, but I've brought you a basket of carrots."
      The lion towers over the rabbit and starts battering it with his todger.
      The rabbit cries, laughs, cries, laughs, cries, laughs ...
      "Why are you crying?" says the lion.
      "It hurts," says the rabbit.
      "And why the fck are you laughing?" says the lion.
      "I've just seen the hedgehog," says the rabbit, "and he's gathering mushrooms."

      woke up this morning in the police station with a right hangover head banging feeling sick.
      I must stop drinking when i'm on duty.

      Last edited by Mick; October 15, 2016, 05:18 AM.
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        posted on Friday thread :

        Originally posted by satz123 View Post
        Hey yous lot. I would suggest a weekly thread.
        Daily thread is nice for lurkers but is tough going for regular posters........ I know that from the army.

        But failing that - Mick & Co you are all welcome anytime over in the Army. Amalgamate the threads ?
        We'd love to have you


          hiya wonder you are going back to skool!!!!! yous?????what kind of a word is that ?you know its spelt yooz for me the amalgamation would be pretty good as it is there is a massive amount of interaction between those two pertickler threads....for me it makes sense,the early birds/starters uk are mostly this end,so it would increase the amount of people to start the posts,secondly,it also increases the range of hours that people would be on here....which also brings into play the fact that ns brought up about posting to a buddy on the thread before drinking..not so sure on the weekly fred,still think the delhi post is a better idea..because if you miss out there is a serious amount of catching up to do....

          pie ppqp Lav Sam pauly det tt sk sf and all those that post on the daily ..what do you think?

          likewise with the army Jacs starty molls Iam stirly ns etc ..thoughts?
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            I would love to see you all over on the army

            As far as daily or weekly. I think we found when the army got quieter, the daily was too much. Then it went to weekly I believe and now its monthly which seems to work. Re catching up, that is my fave part tbh. I love having a good old read to see whats been a happertainin and when there are lots of posts it makes starty happy


              Good morning, just wanted to stop by and say I read this thread every day and would hate to see it cease to exist. Mick, I have learned and felt supported by your wisdom and experience so please know that you have and continue to help so many. Your example of writing down the pros and cons before drinking is something I have done and it has really helped. Plus, reading others journeys is very helpful. I only have so much time in the morning before work, So, hope this thread continues. Have a good one.


                Originally posted by Mick View Post
                hiya wonder you are going back to skool!!!!! yous?????what kind of a word is that ?you know its spelt yooz for me the amalgamation would be pretty good as it is there is a massive amount of interaction between those two pertickler threads....for me it makes sense,the early birds/starters uk are mostly this end,so it would increase the amount of people to start the posts,secondly,it also increases the range of hours that people would be on here....which also brings into play the fact that ns brought up about posting to a buddy on the thread before drinking..not so sure on the weekly fred,still think the delhi post is a better idea..because if you miss out there is a serious amount of catching up to do....

                pie ppqp Lav Sam pauly det tt sk sf and all those that post on the daily ..what do you think?

                likewise with the army Jacs starty molls Iam stirly ns etc ..thoughts?
                Morning everyone
                I am up for anyfing. Long as I don't get lost along the way. (I have my bread crumbs just in case). Off 'vying this morning. BBQ party this evening, bit of drinking of other folks, bit of music for me!

                be well friends
                Liberated 5/11/2013


                  Geez, Mick! Be careful would ya?

                  Mick, if it's to the Army thread you choose to go for a break or longer, I'll follow you there. Follow you anywhere actually. Well, no, not to the meds threads. Don't wanna go there. I just don't have something to say everyday.

                  Thanks for the start-up, TT!


                    Sam...can I borrow some breadcrumbs?

                    When I first started on MWO I was bouncing all over the place. Stayed away from the Army thread though cause I thought I had to be in the forces somewhere. LOL I soon learned that wasn't the case and made friendships with many on that thread. I like the format under General Discussions, pop in and out and it seems there's always someone online.

                    Then posted on some other threads and all of a sudden there was all kinds of name calling and basic BS'ing going on.

                    Then I found the Daily Thread. I wouldn't post but would read daily and I wanted what they had. A comradeship. It was a great fit for me. In the early days I read and posted daily as that was where my journey to sobriety was at. Four years later this is still home for me. Posters come and go, friends pop in and out and we have a great family gathering here always welcoming new members to the flock. I think I found comfort in seeing the same names everyday.

                    Thanks for starting today's thread TT....and let's just take it one day at a know "daily".....:smile:PQP


                      MAE. Mick, do you need a break or more participation?

                      Maybe a weekly thread?

                      I enjoy this thread very much, but you do all the heavy lifting.

                      I have to go to an appt., but will be back later.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        hiya sk...dont really need a break...think its more of a lift on the thread start ups at was ace this morning to see that tt had started the fred...there are 2 things..I like to put something into the start up ...and even me the dosser has to rush at times..and it kind of bugs me that I cant give it justice sometimes..secondly is about participation...not enforced participation, there are times even Im stuck for things to say (he says lyingly)but its good to get something to work with whether its yer grannys cat has got ingrowing toenails or the price of tomatoes in buenos aires..and thats it a place to have a laff a gossip to talk about everyday things with help for quitting /maintaining as and when required...does that make sense?


                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Like PQ I would like to try to keep the Daily thread going for a while but I can't start it every day! Too many threads on MWO have either disappeared or are not used much. I think it's good to have options.


                            good see you there. but I could not post yet..


                              Nice to see you Janessa, very interesting home page you've got. I'm afraid you're what we would call a SPAM poster.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009

