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Monday morn

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    Monday morn

    first up best dressed..morn all bhow are we today then?good the dentyist today this hopefully is a paoinfree day and drawing to a close...out detecting yesterday ..we did as a team ..(3 of us)did pretty friend found 2 celtic gold coins


    I found a silver hammered and a medieval pilgrims me that meant more than the all the time tecting never found an ampulla ,but have found gold tho was made of lead and used as gifts of blessings to people that went on pilgrimages..they either contained holy water or oils and on return to their homes,people would pierce them and bless something sacred to them...usually the crops for a good harvest...they have also been known to contain coins ..but this one has been squashed ..cant open it and cant xray lead so thats it ..does it doesnt it? this one is dedicated to the shrine of the blessed virgin can tell by the crown over the heart and the daisy pattern lines on the back



    cant download the silver coin will try later...done it....


    ok brew time..washing machine broke just ordered a new pump!

    hiya starty ..glad you had a good weekend ..yep like you I got soaked..hey what went went if that makes sense ..the main thing is you are on track this time ...defo!!!day 45 here we come!!

    hiya tt ..bindi bill here!how was monday then?any light on the uncertainty?new series on here ..just taken over from Victoria..Tutankhamen it looks like its gonna be good ..keep an eye out...

    ppqp..aka energy woman....what did you get up to yesterday?did you do anything with all that spare energy?

    sk hows you then?did you end up with a duvet day?does the dog have a blanket too?we are due storms winds rain,the only thing not forecast is sun!Ive got loads of candles here ..I had a friend who owned a shop selling them but gave it up...purple green black you name it

    hiya Nora are you?head is muchly better ..lump has gone..mark hasnt looks like Ive been hammering in nails with my forehead......hope you are ok...

    hiya Lav..brew time..hows you today then?6 weeks for daughter..has she got a cast on it?can she work an embroidery machine?you know where this is going right?

    hey det how goes it mate?hows work doing?

    right then big shout to those not here and have a good one...

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    morning all
    thanks for the brew, Mick, quite the treasure trove.... I know it must be pretty intriguing to find history and take a fleeting step back into time. I know it is for me surveying and finding old corners, old roads, etc., but you get to bring them home!

    went up to our cabin yesterday for a bit of clean up. Hadn't been all year so it was in dire need. Worked till dark, came home and the mrs told me cow's had been in the yard, checked fences and seemed to be in cow turning order so walked up in the woods and found cow ca ca along the road leading to my neighbors so I suspect it is his, either that or I have some potential circus cows.

    off and running. be well good friends
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      Sounds like a great weekend Mick. Hi Sam!

      Back in work today and employing my 3ps thinking about stress and realising its only a thought and wont kill me

      Have a great day all


        Morning Mick...thanks for the kickstart. Glad the soaking was worth it. Didn't you just have the washing machine looked at, or was that the dryer? Glad you're getting the end of the dentist trips. Speaking of trips, your Holi should be coming up soon.

        Morning Sam...cow turning order. LOL I like that. You reminded me of times I would wake up at the ranch, open the curtains, and almost scream when a heard of horses would be looking back at me.

        Energy didn't last long but did get household chores caught up. That always makes it nice to wake up to. Think I have the Ex thing sorted, waiting for a lawyer call this morning, but have decided to be positive about it.

        Shout out to everyone else, gotta get a brew in me, back later.....:smile:PPQP

        Xpost - Starty...realising stress is only a thought is huge, took me a long time to get there! Congrats on your 45th. When you get a chance could you explain your 3p's thinking? I'm interested in what that is and it made me think of the "Tool Box". Haven't been there in ages, may have to check it out again soon.
        Last edited by porqoui; October 17, 2016, 07:24 AM.


          Mae everybody Mick nice finds hope everyone has a nice Monday
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Well, Sam and Mick very productive and rewarding Sundays for you both. Celtic coins and stuff, I would be so excited. Not too sure what I'd do if a cow appeared in my yard.

            The day on the couch made me feel like a slug without achievement. However, I had misplaced my wallet so was into search mode. It was in a plastic shopping bag for crying out loud. I have a bad habit of using my ATM card and tucking it into a pocket, falls out in the car, etc.

            I don't know if I mentioned it but I've been without a car for 10 months since my accident and my husband (still married but legally separated) has moved to Michigan, so he gave me a deal on his Lexus SUV. It has a seat and lower back heater which I love for my back issues. I need to have bushings (?) replaced and I hope it keeps me safe for the 2200 mile to TX.

            PPQ, good for you on catching up with the housework, I'm a little behind on that.

            Hi Pauly, and everyone to come.

            BTW Mick, my dog is a chihuahua pug - a chug. I bought her a lovely little bed 2 wks ago and she won't even lie on it. Stubborn little madam.
            Enlightened by MWO


              Pauly...good to see you post. Hope you had a good Monday.
              SK...any idea when you're going to make the big trek? You make sure that car is safe.

              Haven't heard from the lawyer yet but still staying positive.


                Originally posted by porqoui View Post
                Morning Mick...thanks for the kickstart. Glad the soaking was worth it. Didn't you just have the washing machine looked at, or was that the dryer? Glad you're getting the end of the dentist trips. Speaking of trips, your Holi should be coming up soon.

                Morning Sam...cow turning order. LOL I like that. You reminded me of times I would wake up at the ranch, open the curtains, and almost scream when a heard of horses would be looking back at me.

                Energy didn't last long but did get household chores caught up. That always makes it nice to wake up to. Think I have the Ex thing sorted, waiting for a lawyer call this morning, but have decided to be positive about it.

                Shout out to everyone else, gotta get a brew in me, back later.....:smile:PPQP

                Xpost - Starty...realising stress is only a thought is huge, took me a long time to get there! Congrats on your 45th. When you get a chance could you explain your 3p's thinking? I'm interested in what that is and it made me think of the "Tool Box". Haven't been there in ages, may have to check it out again soon.
                Hiya PP. Thank you NS is the one to explain it better. My 3 ps understanding is very humble really. But how I apply it is simply to accept that it is my thoughts that are making me feel uncomfortable. Be it stress, sadness, craving or whatever and allow them to leave without giving them too much more thought time. So I would do that by distraction mainly. Move, change environment, walk, sing, watch something on TV, read, meditate, anything to change my headspace. It takes practise and repetition. But it is comforting to realise we can let these thoughts drift away. Hope that helps a bit


                  Thanks Starty....helps a lot. Always interested the tools people use to help them stay sober.

                  Finally talked to the lawyer, about an hour ago, and was hoping for a better outcome. At least I was able to explain things and she's going to check a few things out and call me back on Thursday. So now I have my positive attitude for another 3 days and that's something. Tacos for supper tonight, Pauly want to join me?


                    I'm always up for tacos PPQP
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Good evening Abbers!

                      Looks like we are stepping back into summer weather this week, weird. It hit 81 today & getting hotter the next few days. Just doesn't feel right, you know what I mean?

                      Mick, very cools amps you found there, nice
                      I hope your washer lives & appreciates the new pump. Did the Pain free dentist trip go as planned?
                      I'm afraid my daughter can't help me out in my shop right now although she has in the past. It would take her half a day just to get down the steps then back up again, ha ha!

                      Sam, runaway/wandering cows must be an interesting sight!! Better you than me

                      My computer wants to restart for an update - I'll be back!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Tired of waiting for my laptop so I grabbed the iPad, ha ha!

                        I think I'm just tired so I will wish everyone a peaceful night!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Hope you have a peaceful night too Lav...


                            Hidy Ho ABeroooskis!!

                            Mick, what a mighty haul, that's fascinating.

                            Starty, right on, can't let the stress demon work us over.

                            frustrating day at work fighting with a batch of ill-fitting parts but I'm home and relaxing with homemade meal so all is right in the world.

                            Meeting with doc tomorrow to go over blood results etc.

                            off to my salad for now...

                            be well peeps near and far
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)

