so how is everyone ?hows your weekend going tt...hopefully you will be zedding it now...
Hiya Lav..that looks ace the scooterer abouterer its almost worth breaking me leg to whizz about on it...not....brew time you go for dil..see what happens have a good day
hiya sk..well 9 days to go and thats it offski...wishing you all the for the is nowt long as you are happy in what you are doing...
hi ppqp..yep gtrowing season is mad this year...the only trouble is ..I reckon the frost will choke it of luck with the interviews next week..."ok, good morning ..can you tell me why I should consider accepting your job?"

hi sam the man well what sweet spuds did the meeces leave you?..enough for a meal?enjoy the toonz tonight.....
hi pauly send me your keys thatll help...!!hope all is ok today ?doing anything over the weekend?
hiya starts n gang you ok?
right folks offski..have a good one...
An Englishman says to his friend, the Scotsman, that he has a perfect way of eating for free in restaurants.
"I go in at well past 9 o’clock in the evening, eat several courses slowly, linger over coffee, port and a cigar. Come 2 a.m., as they are clearing everything away, I just keep sitting there until eventually a waiter comes up and asks me to pay. Then I tell them that I already paid your colleague who has left."
The Scotsman is impressed, and says , " let's try it together this evening."
So the Scotsman books them into a restaurant and come 2 o’clock they are both still quietly sitting there after a very full meal. Sure enough, a waiter comes over and asks them to pay.
The Englishman just says , "I've already paid your colleague who has left."
And the Scotsman adds , " and we are still waiting for the change!"
my budgie broke his leg today so i made him a little splint out of a couple of matches...........when he tried to walk his little face lit up!