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    mornin are you today then?all good ..well Julie was away last night...yep slept in this morning...7am !its pouring down with rain so aint missed too much!headache yet again this morning ..despite toe rubbing swearing and various other tactics...oh yesterday..that was the last of the adjustments etc...all screwed in next week...been a bit of a journey..

    ok brew time..

    hiya are you today then?theyre searching for you in the army..

    hiya was today then?all good ..or at at least as goood as good can be the ratcatching is successful...

    pauly..a lizard?you mean one of those lickle ones?itsprobably sheltering from the sun..what costume are you doing for the halloween now?get him to put his undies on over his trousers...superman..job done

    hiya of luck today. I presume with success comes financial reward?hope it all goes the garden..Ive built a kind of raised bed that slopes up within the bed if that makes sense that is at the back of the will explain it better but it gives higher planting ground and creates an illusion of more space it show off the plants better...

    hiya Lav...hows the headache today then?hopefully gorn?..sshhhh ...washer is doing well....I had another crazy idea yesterday...we are going to revamp the I was going to startb taking the tiles off the wall...thankfully I didnt ..Julie isnt here ...she would really be impressed ....not..brew time here we go..Im trying to print out that acidic food chart ..thanks...thats what caiused me all the problems initially

    hiya pie...hows you then?all doing good today then?yes misting plants does take a wee bit of time ...thing is,you think cos the sun isnt out they wont need it ..probably need it more!!!hoe the pack is ok ..hows your dad doing too?

    hiya det...hows you then ?take it McGiver is bodge something up.,.make something?I already had ...for watering them not for watering ...microbore pipe round all the plants to a reservoir of water operated by a heat sensor switch...job done..

    right peeps orf we go have a great day one and all
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Mae everybody, Mick,hope the headache is better today, found Brady's crazy banana costume at Party City after work yesterday, pretty much the same price(too much) but I like that he still dresses up,I like that we all do that's why I chose the avatar pic Louie picked out a Ghostbusters costume, he looks so cute but he's changed his mind about 5 times now,first ninja turtle, Spider-Man, a dragon,a banana like Brady and finally settled on this, he still wears his costume from last year around the house which gives him a wedgie cuz he's gotten taller in the past year haha,I'm super hungry and its not even 6 am yet,pig! Oh well, much love to all and I hope we all have a great AF Wednesday
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Pauly, my daughter was once a banana. I made it with foam and yellow flannel with bruised bits on it. It was taller than her and the wind caught her sideways.............

      Det, loved your positive post.

      The relo cub arrived - in the form of a tractor trailer! Had to park it on the road faaar away from my door so I can load it in heavy rain, just thrilled!

      I once had a scorpion in my apt. in TX., damned hard to kill, I was worried b/c of little dog. slipper didn't work, so I used heavier shoe and then a hammer!

      When I moved to the rainforest area, I had a lot of headaches. Dr. said it was "storm headaches" that some people get when barometer drops. Maybe he was taking the "Mick".I Have a yuuge one today and don't think it's just the rain!

      Pauly, we get those little lizards in TX, we call them gekko's, but I call them geico's, lol. Mick that's a name of ins. co. in the U.S. that uses gekko's with an English accent for their ads.

      Have a good one.
      Last edited by SKendall; October 26, 2016, 01:26 PM.
      Enlightened by MWO


        MAE ALL.....finally home from work, it was a long day. The interview went really well in my opinion. It was very strange interviewing at the company I currently work for. So now it's wait and see time again. next week sees the end of your dentist trips! Boy I bet you'll be glad to see that over with. I know exactly what you mean by the sloped garden bet. Looking forward to seeing the pic. Hope you get the headaches sorted out soon.

        Pauly...hope you had a good day. Gotta say I'm kinda glad the whole Halloween thing is over for me. Now I just turn off the light and hide. LOL

        SK...I like the little geico commercials. Haven't seen one for awhile now. Bummer you couldn't get the trailer closer to the door. You be careful loading that thing.

        Time to relax and have some down time. Oh, my eye appointment was positive it's getting better but I'm still on the drops. Booked my cataract surgery it's not until this time next year. Have a peaceful evening all....:smile:PPQP


          Good evening Abbers,

          Glad to report no headache today & B/P back to healthy numbers, geez. Situational hypertension is a pain in the a$$, scares me.

          Mick, do you check your B/P at home? I don't check my often but will when I feel as raunchy as I did yesterday. Hope your headache is just weather related. I get that too & call it 'weather head'. I've had that ever since I broke my head nearly 16 years ago

          Pauly, glad the costumes are sorted out, Halloween is almost here!!

          SK, sure wish we could help you with your move, geez! Take care of your back, etc.

          PQ, great that your interview went well!
          I can't believe you have surgery scheduled a year in advance. That just doesn't happen down here. I guess that has something to do with doc & hospital availability?
          Glad to hear your eye continues to improve

          Hello to Det, Pie, Sam & anyone I am missing.
          I took Hump day off & did next to nothing. Tomorrow is another day. I'll make some money tomorrow, ha ha.

          Wishing everyone a peaceful night!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

