Peace be with everyone today.
No announcement yet.
November Knowing
Thank you Lav for your words. I will trust the universe. But I also know that what may be done by this incoming government will shape the rest of our lives, and sadly I do not think that their agenda supports any one of the ideas that I hold most dear; tolerance, assistance, humility, identifying with and caring for all people. I did not think that the voices of fear, intolerance and anger would triumph, but at least for this moment they have. Perhaps the universe is asking for a more active role for us personally rather than corporately, I don't know. Now I will try to find a way forward holding onto the light that we have, and spreading it.
Peace be with everyone today.Last edited by treegirl; November 9, 2016, 10:46 AM.
Good dvdning friends,
I am dumbfounded - what the hell is wrong with people anyway?
Apparently a large contingent of our fellow citizens think it's OK to put a criminal in the white house. It will never be OK with me
On a positive note my daughter added me to a closed group on FB called Pantsuit Nation Pennsylvania chapter, ha ha! I definitely will follow this group for a while, maybe even help out in some way. We need to organize now & get started moving the nation away from hate & back to kindness & tolerance.
Happy to see you today Star & Cyn!
Have a peaceful night.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Good morning...
I caught a cold, literally sick from the election drama and the negative outcome. Persons at work were stunned, upset, it was a very unsettling day. My daughter posted on FB that she is going to become more involved, not take freedoms for granted, and I was proud to see that. That is what individuals in this country can do, find their part, no matter what it is, and move forward. Get involved politically, support the food pantry, or Planned Parenthood, LGBTQ center, an organization that reflects their beliefs and make a difference. Let's do it.
Lav, I like what you said about getting involved. It makes me less upset and is positive. That is what we have to do. Drinking would be moving backward, unhelpful, and support the forces of evil. I am also not watching much news, it is not good for me. The weather, then something else. I am so glad I am now 80 days AF, it feels so good. Clearheaded and strong, the real me, not weak and sick. You asked what is wrong with people. I think many are not really bright, like an easy answer which they think Trump gave them, not understanding how complicated being President is, and how much damage he can do. Having said that, all we can do is keep our own houses in order, right?
Cyn, this is very hard to stomach, and I am with you on being for tolerance, kindness, helping the underserved, accepting all, the American I want to believe in. I like that you asked about the Universe asking us to be more responsible personally, where we are with what we have. If we all did that, one extra thing, what a difference that would make for so many. Maybe this is the lesson we learn from all this. I don't know, but want to remain hopeful.
Pauly, where are you? Please come back, we miss you.
Samstone, keep the faith, it is hard I know, but all it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. So let's do something positive in our own communities, starting simple, small. I love that you stopped by this thread, hope you do again.
To all, have a great AF day.
Morning -
Star, so sorry you are not feeling well... do you leave tomorrow for TX? I hope you will be much better tomorrow. I must say that I felt really unwell all day yesterday, and am about the same today. I fixed a big pot of my favorite (Giada's) minestrone to try to get some comfort; it helped a little. Congrats on your 80 days! That's awesome. And I'm so glad to hear that in the midst of this you are staying strong in your sobriety. We will need all our spirit, clear-headed and free, in the coming years.
Lav - I love the sound of your daughter's group - I will see if there is something similar here. In any event, yes it will be up to us as individuals and like-minded groups to serve and protect. At least close to home we can hopefully make a difference...
I'm sorry to be speaking about politics on the thread, but this event is SO crucial to our lives, and thus I feel to maintaining my sanity and sobriety. My sobriety is solid, my desire to work for justice is strong, but I have (temporarily, I hope) lost a sense of pride in our country and any understanding of ourselves as a nation.
So I'm tending to my little flame of peace, hoping to join with others to make it warming protective hearth fire; trying to understand where we are, and to see a way forward.
In the meantime, off to get some books to go off to our troops overseas and to vets and their families. These people put their lives on the line for this nation - they need our thanks, and they need us to make our country the best it can be.
White healing light to all --
Good evening friends,
Today did seem less toxic & frightening. Today I am even more determined to try to help move people away from all this hate. I am not happy seeing protestors being abused for merely exercising their right to protest. I am not happy seeing pictures of Nazi propaganda spray painted on public places. Mostly, I am not happy hearing that my granddaughter said the kids on the school bus (Kindergarteners) were saying that Trump is a kidnapper & they are all afraid of himI'm not sure where they got that information but it's obvious that they are feeling the stress too.
I think using our thread to discuss things that affect us so deeply is a good idea (politics or not). It's never good to internalize fears & concerns, better to share.
Star, I hope you feel better soon since you are getting ready to go away.
Awesome on your 80 AF days, be sure to keep them safe
I think we can all get involved in any number of things in our communities to help our fellow citizens. But, I am clueless as to what we can do to battle overall xenophobia & racism, just horrible.
Cyn, apparently PantsuitNation groups are popping up in every state. The PA chapter has been busy today ha ha! Women are on there throwing out ideas & suggestions for moving ahead in a positive way. I see there is a plan for a Million Woman march in Washington DC on 1/21/2017!!
I think the young women of this country are smart & they will be sure to make themselves heard.
I hope you are feeling better too.
We all need to take extra special care of ourselves right now - agreed?
Pauly, please stop in & say hello.
Peace for all of us tonight!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Good morning...
Thanks friends for the positive ideas for moving forward and the willingness to discuss issues that are so important to us, yes politics, in a productive life affirming way. I am still struggling with a stuffy nose and feel worn down, but doing my best to eat and drink, rest is especially important to me. Super busy at work, leaving tomorrow and a busy five days. I will have a three day weekend next weekend, hopefully will recover with new scenery and a change of routine.
Lav, I am going to look for a PantSuitNation in my area, it would be great. Lots of scared people in my world, afraid of being physically attacked by the individuals who think that they have now been given the right to hurt The Other, whether it be regarding race, sexual orientation, sex, or religion. We have to stand firm for all people to have rights in our country and to be treated with respect. This is no time to back down. However, to do that with respectful productive actions, not name calling and destroying. Our work is cut out for us and it won't be easy.
Cyn, someone at a meditation I was at talked about how all this is right in our face, and what do we have to learn from all this. I thought that was interesting. It is embarrassing to be an American right now, I am sure most countries are thinking what is going on? We may have sown the seeds of our own destruction, but I hope good people will push for what is right. I like that you said, "tending to my own little flame of peace," and then doing something great for service members. THAT is what being American is about. I don't know how I would have been able to handle this if I was not AF, it would have been a real pity party for sure.
I know the people on the trip all drink, and I have already set my own boundaries. I could give a darn if they want to drink, I will walk, read, shop, rest. I love being AF and feeling good, no one will take that away from me.
Have a good AF Friday.
Morning all -
Up early today because of dog issues... but it is good to see the sunrise. I'm looking across at my dear neighbor's house, and there is still color in some leaves, then the added color of the lavender and cream clouds. Everything looks crisp and defined. I remember that just a few days ago it was a heavy mist - it seemed to be painting the picture of my inner state in the outer world. But the fire of the sun remains, and today it is bringing a pink sky and sunlight, just as we are seeing that it is up to us to hold and cherish the light.
Thanks all for the good ideas to move forward in a positive direction. Lav, what a strange thing for the kids on the bus to be saying... I hope parents will be able to quell these feelings of not being safe. Oh heck, I hope I can do that too! Find a path, make a plan and work the plan, that's what I am saying to myself. I had a mentor who used to give this advice: "Don't worry - Work!" I'm not quite sure what that means in this situation yet, but hopefully staying sober and strong and devoted, we will see the way.
Star - I hope you continue to feel better - take care on the road, and be sure to stay hydrated. Good luck with such a busy schedule!
So glad to hear that you are ready with your book, walking, reading, shopping!
Pauly - miss you; please drop in and let us know how you are.
Wishing all to find a bit of peace today. Cherish the light.
Good evening friends,
OK, so now I am in the process of hiding the FB feed of a few friends. I never knew they had such dark & dismal attitudes. Frankly, gloating about anything just turns me off but this election gloating is just over the top. I also have to blow off several nieces, nephews, a brother & more, ha ha!
I need to think positively to move forward & keep the negativity away.
My daughter reported to me that there was an incident yesterday in the junior high school where she lives. Can you imagine the horror of a bunch of 12 year olds chanting 'white power' and according to the witness nothing was done to reprimand them. Yeah, this nonsense is just getting started
Star, I hope you have a pleasant trip & I know you will fill your free time in a good AF way.
Knowing deep down that this is the best possible choice for us makes it much easier. Remember, you never have to justify your 'not drinking' to anyone, it is simply your choice to feel your best
Cyn, despite all the turmoil in our world this week I have noticed some very pretty skies. Lots of color & big fluffy clouds too. I always seem to be looking to the sky for inspiration, ha ha! We have that super moon coming up on the 14th too. I hope we get a good view of it cause it won't be around again for a long, long time.
I am happy to work towards a solution because I know the dangers of falling into self-pity. I am definitely not going there again, never. Make sure you look up the Million Woman March coming up in January. I wish I could go with my daughter but our feet won't carry us right now. We are searching for other ways to help our fellow citizens
Wishing everyone a peaceful night!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Good morning...
Up early today, still have a stuffy nose and by nighttime feel really tired, falling asleep early, then waking up early. Oh, well,I have alot to get done as I am leaving by noon for the flight.
Cyn, I will be sure to notice my surroundings and enjoy the beauty of the natural world. Fall is such a time of change. Hope your doggies are OK. I will be sure to get a water at the airport, I have alot to carry and have to get organized.
Lav, so sad to hear that little kids are being taught to say racist things, I know it is true but can't believe that the teachers didn't stop it right away. Wait, what am I saying, my son was tortured for years at school and then was blamed or not believed. Schools can be a level of hell if you are not part of the IN crowd. I was thinking that all of us, in our own small ways have to stand up for what it right, in a peaceful and thoughtful way. Meeting hate with hate just grows the negativity. I also unfollowed a few on FB and it feels like the right thing to do.
Looks like we are down to three on this thread for the time being. It is what it is. I hope Pauly is OK and comes back when she is ready. I have to say that I am feeling more secure in my quit this time, and I want to stay on MWO, either here or the Mick thread. It is important for me to be with a group that values being AF. Thanks for continuing to post Cyn and Lav. Have great Saturday. I plan on taking my computer and posting every day if I can.
Morning all -
Lav, I thought of you at 3:00 AM when the dogs came and got me - I think they were really disturbed by the light of the moon! It was really bright, even behind the blackout curtains. I let them outside, and the moon was descending to the horizon - what a sight.
I am thinking about the January march... The stories your daughter are experiencing are very very sad and disturbing. I am determined like you to stay positive and work for the good of all. Perhaps you have seen on FB the 'safety pin' strategy of letting people know that you are a haven, and will not condone these acts of violence and xenophobia? I am putting a safety pin on today. (google Safety Pin and I'm sure that it will come up, the original action came from Britain after Brexit, the Huffington Post wrote about it.)
Star - good luck on your trip! I'll be thinking of you every moment. It sounds like you are perfectly prepared. Thanks for being willing to try to write from the road... I am dedicated to our thread for as long as we are all here!
Pauly - sending you love and good wishes, hope to hear from you soon.
Dill - if you are there, know that I think about you looking at the same moon and stars... hopefully those eternal elements will bring us all the capacity to make peace.
It seems to me that part of our work of becoming AF has been to grow the strength to resist a substance that held us captive, and in the dark. We know how to hold to the light. Now we are free to do good work. Let's do it. Wishing all a powerful AF day.
Hello all. I have also been looking for positives. I am wearing my safety pin. Not able to attend the march but wish I could. We must come together and unite in peace."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Good evening friends,
Appropriately chilly here for a few days & that's OK.
I actually stopped & snapped a pic of the moon as it was rising - huge already, very bright & we still have two days until the supermoon!!! I always notice these things when I'm stepping out of the chicken house after closing them up for the night, ha ha!
Star, I wish you a safe trip & a wonderful week ahead. We'll have to buy you an ipad for Christmas, they're so much easier to toss into your carryon bag.
You know me & the need I have to stand up for what is right. I think we are in good company here & all feel the same way.
Nora, there are always positives out there. The trick is to keep your eyes open & be ready to accept them when they make themselves known.
I banished all negative thoughts years ago when I started on this journey & have steadfastly refused to go back there. I think positive thinking, no matter what's going on has been my strongest tool.
Cyn, don't you just love the 3 am dog outings???
I am absolutely sure that my dog is suffering from dementia in addition to her physical ailments. With this moon thing going on we won't be getting any decent sleep until sometime next week, LOL
I have seen the safety pin pics & stories. I think I need to develop a T shirt & sweatshirt design too!! We need to show a lot more kindness to others & certainly step in & give someone a hand when needed. It's the right thing to do :hug:
Hello to Dill & Pauly if you are looking in.
Wishing everyone a peaceful night!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs: