Snoopy - safe travels
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November Knowing
Quick morning hello - I'm off to catch an early train to the city to see HB for a few hours.
Lav - love the sweatshirt and t-shirt idea. Here's another one - could the logo be put on the end of a scarf? Maybe one of those microfiber scarves? I am just thinking of winter-wear!
I love your positivity -- exercising our right/privilege/necessity to be positive is an honor.
More after I get back this evening. Peace to all today. Star - hope you had a safe journey. Pauly - sending love wherever you are. Wishing all a good AF Sunday...
Hello - I'm back!! Lav, I hope your day is going well. HB and I went to the Empire State 86th floor Observatory today. Kind of pricey, but a beautiful day to do it. Wonderful to see Lady Liberty out in the harbor from that vantage point. May we always be worthy of her...
Wishing all a good AF evening...
Good evening friends!
Yes Cyn, it has been a nice weekend
I like the idea of stitching on the end of a scarf - great idea
Sounds like you had a great day as well, nice!
Hi there Nora!
I know you share our thoughts & feelings on 'current events' so please stick around & feel free to discuss
I am going to my grandson's kindergarten class tomorrow for 'grandparents & friends day'. Grateful that I was invited after all the drama the past 2+ months.
Wishing everyone a peaceful & restful night - that is if the SUPERMOON actually lets us sleep, ha ha!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Morning all-
Lav, so glad that you will be attending the Grandparent's Day! Thank goodness there is a 'thaw' going on; I am grateful and pleased for you.
The dogs got me up around 5 -- the room that they sleep in faces west, so I think that the moonlight was so bright that they were sure that it was dawn! I tried to get them to settle in again, but no go. Finally we got up, and as I let them out I was presented with a huge silvery moon hanging right over my field and trees! I fed the dogs, then settled in to watch it turn from silver to molten gold, then peach and orange as it sunk below the horizon.
While I was watching, it occurred to me that the moon is traditionally connected to female energies, to the nutritive dark, to planting, to the ocean, yin energies, to so many eternal aspects of life. So, maybe the message in this super-moon is to take up this particular silvery-threaded light, plant our seeds of hope and tend to them every moment - like the ocean tides, without distraction or fatigue. I'm going to chew on those thoughts for awhile today, and continue to make a plan of action for assistance and justice.
Wishing all a clear-headed, AF, heart-centered day!
Morning friends, just a quick fly by to say hi, have a great MondayI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Pauly! Woo Hoo! So happy to see you- I hope that you had a great Monday!
Lav - looking forward to hearing about how Grandparent's Day went...
I'll be watching the moon tonight, and probably tomorrow morning, although we have cloud cover here.
Best Monday night to all --
Good evening friends,
Well, grandparents day went very well
Our grandson was happy to see us & show us around his class. By the way, this happy, smiling kid is the one who incited the riot here back in September when his mother lost the last of her sh*t. He was so happy that he asked me if I would meet him at his bus stop & walk him home like I've done in the past. Sadly I had to tell him no because I was 'busy'. I just know that his mother does not want to see us, maybe that will change, who knows?
Cyn, I just read somewhere today that newer scientific studies show that the moon does not affect our behavior as previously thought - ha ha! I disagree & I'm sure you do too. I've worked in hospitals & nursing homes, I've lived thru the full moon fallout!!! Those studies were probably all done on male participants, no kidding. The moon does energize the women, in many ways
Pauly, hello, glad to see you
Hello to Star & Dill, if & when you check in.
Have a peaceful night everyone!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Morning all -
Lav - So glad the time with grandson went so well yesterday - he obviously misses you! What a wise choice to keep a little distance for the time being - you are clearly the Adult in this situation.
Paula - sending you special greetings today.
Star - I hope your business trip is going well.
I saw the moon in the night, but the rainy haze got in the way... I'm glad that I saw it yesterday morning. Lav, I was speaking metaphorically about moon energy, but right, those scientists must never have worked in a hospital, restaurant, or had pets!
I had good news for my book drive - a local church is participating, and they've already collected a lot, so at least i have made some headway.
I am firm in my sobriety. But remaining calm regarding world affairs is eluding me. I am trying not to dip into negativity, Lav, but I see so many things where even dedicated individual action will not suffice. With every announcement, I ping pong between astonished, enraged, concerned, and very ashamed of something out of my control, something I didn't participate in. So I am doing a lot of breathing, meditating, and trying to grasp how the Dalai Lama has proceeded all these years, how to 'be the rainbow' for others to take with them. I just have to say that it is a challenge today for me.
Wishing all a dedicated AF day.
Morning friends, Lav,that's so wonderful that you got to see the kidsI got a new phone and can't remember my old Facebook password so I made a new one, I'll send you a request later, just wanted to let you know that it's really me and not an imposter haha,Cyn,I think those studies are hogwash cuz full moons effect me personally as well as the customers I deal with, I've been filled with such sadness lately, the kids leaving started it,then my mom and brother coming down added to it,just a sorrow that the relationship with them will never be"normal" then the election happened and I drank through it all,now I'm just reflecting on the whys, alcohol didn't help a damn thing but at the time I thought it was helping me cope, meh,I've got to find my light! That fire in me that I had before you know? Hope Star is having a nice trip
and I hope we all have a terrific AF Tuesday
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Hey friends,
Our rainy day turned out to be a light shower that lasted less than 5 minutes while the sun was shining, ha ha! I was all prepared for one of those dark, cold, winter-like damp days - just as well.
Cyn, I think we are all reeling from the results of this election. How did our democracy manage to go completely down the toilet like this?
I ended up having a tense discussion with YB last evening over the Bannon appointment. He thinks the guy is 'perfectly OK'. REALLY???
I am not going to work myself into a stroke over this stuff but I will not stay silent either!!!!
I have been deluging our state senators with letters & am participating online with the PA chapter of Pantsuit Nation. I was brought to tears this morning while driving to Curves. I listened to the BBC interview with Bernie Sanders. OMG, the rest of the world is so confused as to how we allowed a racist to be elected president. It's a very sad time for all of us, that's for sure.
Pauly, I'm glad you are back with us & sorry to hear you had such a hard time. Let me offer one piece of advice that took me way too long to learn - draw very high & tight boundaries around yourself & stop letting people knock you off your feet!!!!
No one can care about you better than yourself. You have to be your own security guard & keep others at a safe distance. I know it sounds selfish or self-centered but it is what you have to do to survive.
Be the CEO of your life, take charge! Do what is best for Pauly, first & foremost. Everyone else can get in line, if you know what I mean. If I hadn't done that I would still be letting people bleed me dry & not saving an ounce of energy for myself. I am done with that!
OK friends, let us all move forward together in this time of uncertainty, we can hold each other up, right?? Hello to Star & Dill.
Wishing everyone a peaceful night!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Morning all -
Paula - welcome back! The outer world is not an easy place to be these days, but it's better than being controlled by you-know-what. You will find your light, I know you will! As far as the inner world, I think Lav's advice is perfect... Taking care of yourself and maintaining steady boundaries is prime. I am working these days to control hopelessness and negativity - that's not going to help me or anyone else. .. What a learning curve we're on, eh?
Lav, good for you for taking such progressive action. I haven't found my outlet yet, but I will, and the opening of eyes and heart and the call to do good in the world is opening a new chapter for me. Sorry you are having disagreements in your home, that would be hard for me.
Star - thinking of you, hoping that all is going well for you while you are away. I hope you get some time on the Riverwalk.
We had an all-day rain yesterday, which we needed around here. I hope the leaves get a chance to dry out so that I can get them up before the snow comes! HB is home for the day, so I will be doing things on a lot of different levels today.
Wishing all a productive, AF Hump Day!
Good morning friends & happy Humpday too!
Hello Cyn, Pauly & anyone looking in here today. I just posted this on the Daily thread & I think everyone should take a look
DailyOM - Your Allies On Life's Journey
Wishing everyone a great day, I'll check in later.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Morning friends, Lav,thanks for sharing thatCyn,I'm jealous of your rain, actually the temperature here is supposed to drop 20 degrees by tomorrow, crazy! A question, when you guys quit, did you just quit on the first try? I'm going crazy trying to figure out why I keep relapsing and how I was sooo strong for months and then I got even worse it feels like, I can't live in constant fear of relapse, it makes me hesitant to go out and do things, it makes me hesitant to really feel happy if that makes sense, Aah,too heavy for the morning haha,hope we all have a peaceful AF Wednesday
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!