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wednesday 13 June

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    wednesday 13 June

    Good morning all, day 5 for me af and day 4 with no fags.
    lovely sunny day here, I am sleeping loads but feeling rested which is great.
    Got friends over tonight to book a holiday and they are a major smoking/drinking trigger for me so I will need to be strong tonight.I can do it - think that should be my affirmation today, one day at a time.
    I love this feeling, and as I have no money the fact that I'm not stressing about how much I'll spend at the weekend.
    Probably about ?5 on lime and soda, rather than ?50 on booze and fags.
    anyway good day all and see you tomorrow x
    one day at a time

    wednesday 13 June

    Hi All and All to Come,

    Just a quick hello! Day 1 went okay--just a few minor frustrations during the day that brought drinking to mind as a "solution" or "escape". In fact I dealt with things better without booze, what a surprise. I'm happy to have Day 1 out of the way.

    I'm off with Maddy to have an orientation at her college, so don't think I've caved when you don't hear from me until much later!

    Have a good day, bear, and everyone to come later!


    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      wednesday 13 June

      Hi Bear, well done on day 5. You will be fine when your friends come over,just
      stay positive. My affirmation has always been one day at a time, one hour at a
      time when nescessary, it's worked for the past 4 months and feels great.
      Good for you young at heart.
      Best wishes to all.
      Love Paula.


        wednesday 13 June

        Well done Paula!

        And well done Bear and Kathy! You both sound really positive.

        I think I'm coming down with a flu. Major heachaches and fatigue all day today. I have a mountain of work piled on my desk that I need to get through. Ughh! Apart from that I'm feeling positive and really happy to be free.

        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


          wednesday 13 June

          Good morning AB-erooonies! vitamins for you Scooby! and loads of garlic of course.

          noticed there's been serveral deaths or seriously ill family members that many are dealing with at this time and just wanted to say I liked what Irish had to say that it's a good time to relook at our priorities.

          Be well everyone.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            wednesday 13 June

            Morning All-
            Late morning for me today...hubby taking day off so we can attend a class picnic for my son's last day of nursery school. Sonny boy did excellent at Dr.'s yesterday-did the "ow-that hurts Dr." but didn't flicnch or cry with 5 shots.

            Got good news regarding that job interview that I went on weeks ago. My friend who works for the city (auditor's office) had to meet with the people (Helath Dept) & they said they want to hire me but are waiting the mayor's approval (sign-off) on the position.'s called calling me & letting ME know. Mind you these are the people at the interview where the Dept head walks in late, tying his tie on the way in, abruptly starts talking about his kidney stone operation & how he is "peeing blood" & says to me "what's your name again". He was the one who set up this meeting with my firend & forgot to show up. These people said to my firend "I hope you warned her about us-we're a weird bunch". LOL. So I'm hurry...I'm enjoying the beginning of summer.

            So glad to hear everyone is doing well. Stay strong my firends-the cravings always pass.

            Scoobs-hope you feel better soon.

            Paula-my words exactly "Today I'm deciding not to drink" everytime.

            Take care everyone. Have a great AF day.

            * Funny is an attitude *

            Attached files [img]/converted_files/263975=1097-attachment.jpg[/img]
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              wednesday 13 June

              Morning! I had a good morning walk and off to the pool for some laps. Dryer broke and have clothes spread out all over the trampoline and lawn furniture! Hanging out for the Repair guy this morning -- maybe he'll be cute
              Everyone have a great day.

              AF 21, March 2010

              "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                wednesday 13 June

                I really hope you all had a better day than me.
                I feel like gatting blasted...but I won't.
                I'll feel better in the morning.:upset:


                  wednesday 13 June

                  Popeye, what happened?
                  Will talking help?
                  You know everyone cares.
                  I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                  I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                  Marilyn Monroe


                    wednesday 13 June

                    Hope your ok Popeye
                    Love Paula x


                      wednesday 13 June

                      Popeye, what's happening? I think it's a really good idea to get it out, and it doesn't just have to be to one person eg your wife to talk things over with, you can come to us as a sounding board or just a 'talk it through' any time and it won't burden us... I promise! I'll be thinking of you today Paul. *hug*

                      Breez, that job with quirky people sounds really quite fun! Much better than being surrounded by people who try t fit into a corporate mold, hey? Good luck with it. Ohhh and your litle man being so brave. Did you get one of those annoying lumps in your fwoat taht just won't go away? Awwwe... I just love little kids that age. Put some books on his head so he doesn't grow anymore.

                      Padme... sooo... was he cute? :H

                      Determinator - tell me please! I've been meaning to ask; what's with that massive clove of garlic? :H And thanks for the timely reminder about analysing priorities.

                      All's well in Chateau la Scooby except that my son will be late for school unless I put a bomb under his bum (and mine!) now and get him organised and out the door for school.

                      Ciao for now
                      Scoobs xo
                      :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                        wednesday 13 June

                        oops checking in way late. tomorrow i will get up early and post before i take doggies for their hike. today i shall not drink and that means i'm now on my third glass of v8. strange how v8 is my new addiction. oh well. smiling at you scooby and congrats on the job breez. popeye i hope you hang tough. i always count on your big self to pull me through a day.


                          wednesday 13 June

                          Hi all!

                          Everyone sounds great today except for Pops, who, I imagine, is asleep by now. I hope everything looks a little better in the morning, Paul!

                          You'll do fine, bear, just remember--"NOT AN OPTION!"

                          Thanks for the good wishes Paula.

                          I hope you feel better soon, Scoobs!

                          Hi Determinator and Diamond and Padme!

                          Breez, your son sounds just precious, and congrats about the good news on the job prospect. Don't you just love these gov't jobs? Like you have nothing better than to sit around and wait for them to "get around" to contacting you? Arrrgh!

                          Popeye, I hope you are feeling better by tomorrow. You are probably sleeping by now, dear man....

                          Hi BCBarbie--looking forward to getting to know you better.

                          I had a lot of cravings tonight because I was running all over campus for the parents' orientation at my daughter's college. Usually I have time to reflect during the day on being sober and have some game plan in place, but I was so pooped and overwhelmed on the way home, it felt like a drink would be so nice. But I didn't cave. I just thought about why I was feeling like that and made sure that I ate right when I got home (treated myself to some sushi and a nice salad). I felt so much better after that. I'm going to bed soon too. Whew! Long day....but I've finished Day 2! Yay!

                          Hugs, :l


                          AF as of August 5th, 2012


                            wednesday 13 June

                            Brilliant Kathy. Well done!
                            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                              wednesday 13 June

                              kathy i look forward to meeting you. i seemed to have replace a drink with um oopsy i ate a chocolate ice cream. oh boy. i need more glut. proud of you for having salad and suishi. i am happy to be here and getting to know you all a little better each day. nite nite

