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Saturday here

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    Saturday here

    morning folks,working on dets theme ......Captain Slog here..he appeared in every episode of star are we today then?all good out there?hope so ...raining like mad here...that drainage I put in the front certainly works,buy now it would have been flooded but not so..we were supposed to go and see Billy Conolly last night but not so,given the circs wasnt really too interested in going...Julie gave the tickets to one of our friends ,who was well chuffed the tickets had sold out on day 1..anyways ,as long as they enjoyed.Things are very slowly moving on,here,there are issues to deal with which I wont bore you will take time but we will get there.

    ok brew time...

    hiya ppqp...firstly sorry about not getting the job,and secondly well done on the salary increase...I think the second outweighs the first by a long chalk..!there are 2 ways to look at it ...the higher up the tree you climb,the less people there are so you become more of a target for people to point at and blame on the other hand ...there are more people lower down to crap on,but I dont think thats your nature.for me middle management you still have a foot in both camps..the operational side as well as the strategical in street speak well done on the more dosh!!

    hiya tt are you doing?fingers crossed things come good for you..if you need to talk...whats the latest on the dirty ratz?

    hi Mario,yep life goes on friend,how are you today?you still in the fair city?

    hiya Lav,hows you then?weekend off?whats that about?big brew here for the non weekend!yes the family dynamics do and will change definitely,both my parents have passed on,,so now really its to make sure that the quality of life for those that are left doesnt change ..the style will,but the quality wont if that makes sense..its for me inclusivity....all this on a Sat morning...looking at the telly ,seems without getting into the political arena,that there are some major issues appearing over the choice of the president yall want to come back to Britain?:happy2:

    hiya det ...nowt to do??Im keeping myself kind of busy here...repaint and polish kitchen doors,re do skirting boards,replace chipped floor tile in bathroom,seal the sides of the windows in the kitchen,re-Danish oil the kitchen worktops,so if you want to help mate ..

    hiya Sam,Pie ,Pauly,hope you are all well...take care folks
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Morning Mick...thanks for starting us off. I think I have to agree, I'd rather have the raise then the added stress. Could make for an interesting Monday when everyone else finds out who their new boss is. Wonder how the accountant from hell will get on? Glad your drainage project was worth it. Today is a nothing day for me. I may take all the pop tins in before the snow hits later next week though.

    Shout out to all to come.....:smile:PPQP


      Hi folks - up early on Sunday morning (cant sleep well because of the uncertainty at work and the hoopla I am going though) - but will leave someone else to start the Sunday thread. Otherwise i am talking to myself and I do too much of this. Good to see you Mick and PQ. My partner and I have had no parents now for almost 17 years - my daughter grew up with no grandparents - so perhaps this also explains why the attachments are so strong. But you and the ladies in your life will be raw after Julie's Mum's death Mick - so take it easy. Talk about it if thats what you want.
      After Brexit there were many enquiries for people to emigrate to NZ - but I don't think much happened (cos there are few decent jobs here - people think we have a beautiful country but without work its a different story - and housing is very very expensive in the cities). Similar mummerings now from the US from migrating here too. What many are worried about here with the shift in US politics is the potential impact on the environment and climate change - this is a biggie for Pacific nations. On the other hand the demise of TPPA (that I dont agree with anyway but for different reasons to the politicians) will see our country go courting more with Asia for trade. Maybe. There we go, a bit of foreign policy 101 for you!
      PQ - personally I would rank job satisfaction and job security as high on my list. Dream on girl!!!!
      OK - time to watch the sun come up - can hear the birds - and no rats!!!! Mick - we can't buy mothballs here - they are banned. But we can buy poison - so I purchased 3 different types and it must have worked. Next step is securing all the gaps and trimming back the trees - although rats will always be able to get on the roof from the telephone wires.
      If it gets hot - ever - we will have wasps nests - but thats for the future.
      Have a good day everyone.
      Last edited by treetops; November 12, 2016, 11:18 AM.



        Mick, not much I can say but to send love. Please know that we are here. And sometimes it's the little issues that are the hardest to get thru. So share if it helps.

        And I don't have a passport but I am getting one now. Need an escape plan.
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Your Star Trek theme cracked me up Det & Mick.

          TT - Twice we had a rat get in our house. I tried the humane traps, etc. No way. Gave up on humane. Got the HUGE rat trap. He was able to get in & out. Moved it around a few times. Finally learned to rubber-band a slightly cracked walnut to the trap. It worked. The second time I wasn't having any luck. Had bought poison but didn't want to use it & have the rat disappear somewhere & die. Left the poison in a plastic bag on the kitchen sink. Well, the rat found it. Luckily we got him before he disappeared. I hate to kill things but I'll be honest - that time it was them or me. :eeew:
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Good evening Abbers,

            Chilly here again with frosty mornings, only 29 degrees

            Mick, I am confident that you have everything under control but just remember we are here for support & group hugs :hug:
            I could easily be talked into coming back to the homeland, ha ha!! I sure as sh*t am not looking forward to the devastation coming our way here in the good old US of A
            Can I bring my kids & grandkids too?

            PQ, I'm glad to hear that you are OK with the job status. I totally agree, I would rather have the job security & $$ over the head honcho title Good for you! Did you saw snow next week? Uh oh!

            TT, congrats on getting the dirty rat?? Ha ha!
            We have had a rat or two around the chicken house over the years. We didn't bother with traps or poison - YB sat on a chair outside with his .22 & waited for it to show up, ha ha!

            Hello Nora, Det, & all the folks MIA.
            Now I just have to hope for a half decent night's sleep with this moon growing ever so larger & brighter gearing up for the supermoon on the 14th.

            Peace to everyone tonight!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              We're looking forward to the supermoon. We have so many lights around here - street light right across the street even. But, the moon looked beautiful last night.
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15

