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    mae all,how are yiz today gthen?was mia yesterday,but then there was some issues that had to be dealt with...once again thanks to Lav,for passing on the info ,things are changing day by day,so we will see how it goes...First snow here yesterday...whats that all about ...fortunately it didnt last its too wet n cold..I chipped out the insert tiles on the bathroom wall..we said for ages that we were going to change now hey theres no option...did it without cracking chipping or breaking any others,but now Ive got to cut new tiles to fit...normal size border tiles are too to make an easy job difficult!
    and wait for it...yep the dentist tomorrow...2 of the temp crowns,which to be fair were only supposed to last a coupla months and are now into month 8,have come off fact I bit one to bits!!thankfully all these visits dont cost me extra...
    right brew time........

    hiya Nora,hows things with you then?no..didnt rob any banks either ....but know quite a few who what are you up to?anything?

    hey det....hows you then mate ?all good ?nope not snark hunting or the like ,just keeping the dentist in the lifestyle he is accustomed you ever watch a prog or do you get a prog called combat dealers? some of the prices for ex military kit is unreal...a nd xsome of the weapons they find and are you getting on at work?

    hiya Lav....snap..I made soup too...leek,cabbage ,onions lentils,black peppers..a real tasty pot of rib stickers!!can you send some of the light over here?its 7.30 am,still dark,and I bet at 3.30 it will be the same!so lets have a brew while we can still see!

    hiya ppqp ....glad all is looking up for you...all they need to do now is put a few of these in your pocket!!


    hiya pauly hows you then?I was going to do self hynosis...but had trouble looking into into my eyes!heres a suggestion ...before you smoke drink ,buy anything try this ...count to 20 slowly,inhale odd numbers,exhale evens ...then ask I need this ,can I afford it ,what benefits will it give me ..will it harm me?...just try it and see may work for you...

    big shout to those not here,but have a grand day

    **FOR SALE**
    Camouflage clothing, only selling as a set.
    That's trousers, jacket and balaclava.


    Top 10 Bl,,,, Inventions note ...I never said blond
    1. The water proof towel
    2. Solar powered flash light
    3. Submarine screen door
    4. A book on how to read
    5. Inflatable dart board
    6. A dictionary index
    7. Ejector seat in a helicopter
    8. Powdered water
    9. Pedal powered wheel chair
    10. Water proof tea bags

    I went to a really trendy nightclub in town the other day.
    The doorman said, "Sorry mate, you've had too many."
    I said, "Drinks?"
    He said, "No, fcking Birthdays, now sod off!"
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Too many birthdays? Ha! I resemble that remark Hi everybody!


      Mae everybody, Mick if it snows again today take a pic hi Pie,how's the dad/caregiver saga going? Supposed to only get to 60 degrees today, yikes! Det,thanks for the links,I guess I do have a short attention span, last time I was at the docs she suspected ADHD wanted to put me on adderall,I told her I'm not taking that,she asked why and I told her I'm just NOT,no way.I did do a self hypnosis on YouTube last night and it must work cuz everytime I do one I feel totally relaxed, I just hope the message is sinking in funny how they always have a British accent, maybe it's more soothing, much love to all and I hope we all have a great AF Thursday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        MAE ALL....

        Quick pop in to say good morning. Running a little late so will check back on company time. LOL


          So much for checking back on company time....busy but not stressful day.
          It was our annual general meeting tonight so it's been a long day, time for bed and book.
          Hope you get some rest Mick.
          Have a peaceful evening all....:smile:PPQP


            Good evening Abbers,

            Pushing bedtime here but wanted to say hello

            Mick, glad to see you back at the helm here. I hope the family is OK without you for a few minutes. We appreciate your guidance every day
            Your million dollar smile will end up in the Guinness book of world records I imagine, ha ha!!
            Good luck with the tile project, does not sound like fun to me.

            I skipped exercise this morning, went to Longwood for a walk thru the annual mum display, so pretty.
            There's teeny tiny mums & mums half the size of your head & all colors, LOL
            Finished up a work project this afternoon that I will deliver tomorrow & hopefully be paid.
            YB harvested some delicious greenhouse lettuce today, there's a lot more coming along with some spinach. I stuffed pita pockets with lettuce & 'No Tuna' Salad (made with mashed chick peas, no mayo) & reheated yesterday's veggie noodle soup, yum.

            Pie, is it your birthday? If so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY

            Pauly, a lot of adults do well on Adderall, think about giving it a try at least.

            Pie, hope your day was good.

            Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone peace tonight!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              No way Lav! I don't need unnecessary medication,besides she's only guessing on the ADHD cuz I told her I love too drink coffee-who doesn't? Also the smoking led her to that thinking, full of bull,hope everyone is having a peaceful night
              Last edited by paulywogg; November 17, 2016, 10:29 PM.
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Ahoy hoy ABeroooonies!

                Mick, good to see you back in full handyman mode. I never acquired a good hand at tile work myself having only done just a little.
                Haven't seen that program but will check it out. Work is good, steady and rather positive for the most part. We have about a million USD in back orders so no lack of work

                Pauly, don't let the doc's push you around.. good job. Hypno and meditation take time and practice but the rewards are remarkable so be patient and commit to making it part of your daily routine. I like the Brit accents in the hypnos I have. Maybe Mick can make one for us? I'm sure we will be subliminally programmed to start handyman work LOL.

                Lav, I'm so jealous you're still getting fresh garden veggies.

                going to be WAY below freezing starting tonight so time to dig out the wooly pully and other winter wear tonight.

                be well loves
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)

