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sunny sunday

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    sunny sunday

    morn all ...when I say morn its actually antipodean for evening dont feel left out upside downies..cold and frosty today,rabbits are out playing happily fox there its usually dusk and dawn they appear on their way back, how are we ?never went detecting today,probably go next week,its not just jumped out at me this last coupla weeks,..just been scraping all the grout out of the edges on the old tiles,ready for when I cut the insert to fit in..start that tomorrow after dentists..think tomorrow is either my last or 2nd last visit...Ive got lotsa projects going round in my head ,but want to leave them till after jollidays,..Im looking forward to building this big wabbit hutch ,but I need to do a lot of thinking and planning ...theres method in my madness as you will see when I get a round tuit..

    ok brew time it is..

    hiya tt..not until you had pointed out my comparator did I notice....!! how are the driving lessons going?ok I hope..Julie has her interview on toozdi for her own job also..hope there is light at the end of the tunnel for you too..

    pauly hows you then today ..did you block out the hairdressers from hell yustaday?hope it all went well..yep that dinner in the tin looks manky,but I bet wnen its laid out it looks ok ..put a bit of holly on the top..ho ho ho ..job done..yep sometimes I wonder where some of the older names are and how they are doing ..shue,kaslo,lilly e,sausage,.....

    hiya pie ...nice to see you are things avec vous?you doing ok?how are the dogs doing ?anfd your dad ....not necessarily inm that order its just my brain...have you any more additions to the dog clan?

    hiya Lav ..hows the in valid today then he eating ?and the daughter on the wheelie machine?she doing ok?you said you are busy that with work or domesticity?what a good word ...sounds a bit like bleach...anyways heres a sunday brew..hope all goes well..

    hiya ok ..hope you aint getting hassle.....

    hiya sam ,starty ,sf nora c ,snoopy,Mr G (well done btw mate),and any more that my cabbaged head cant think of..hope you are all well and doing good

    Mary texts husband on a cold winter morning:
    "Windows frozen."
    Paddy texts back:
    "Pour some luke-warm water over and wipe it dry."
    Mary texts back:
    "Computer totally fcked now

    I'm selling my pet python on ebay. Some bloke just rang up and asked, "is it big?" I said, "Massive." He said, "How many feet?" I said, "None, it's a fecking snake you idiot!"

    40 Scousers arrive at the Pearly Gates. St.Peter consults with God and says to them, "We've only got room for 12 of you so you'll have to decide amongst yourselves who comes into the house of the lord." 5 minutes later St.Peter says to God, "I don't believe it, they've gone!" God says, "What, all 40 of them?" St.Peter says, "No, the fcking gates!"

    , I'M GONNA FIND YOU! I can't believe this has happened to me just before Christmas! I just got home to find all the windows open! They've taken everything. It's all gone. I'm waiting for the Police! The dirty rotten thieving bstards. What kind of sick minded person would do that to another person? You are not human, you are low life scum!

    That was my advent calendar and you had no right to open it and eat all of the chocolates!
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Happy Sunday morning Mick, great to be AF, good night's sleep, and looking forward to seeing my family today. Hope your day is great. That fox does not realize who he is dealing with!


      Morning Mick, Snoopy,and all yet to arrive! It's anything but sunny here. Very nice to see some drenching rains for a change, though they will likely interfere with plans for doggy photos with Santa this afternoon. One of my clients offered me a bottle of wine yesterday. I declined, but was truly tempted. Oh! Got my real estate license this week. Looking forward to seeing where this new career opportunity may take me.


        Mae everybody, outstanding jokes Mick haha,just had to do a lot of ignoring yesterday but I was busy with customers so it was ok,thinking about activating Kells old phone and sending it to Michelle but I'm wondering if he'll even let her have it,this lack of contact is driving me crazy and I can handle it during the day ok but my dreams are filled with her so obviously my subconscious is pissed off! Or sad,Pie,good for you on not taking the wine! My grandpuppy was gonna spend the night last night but I guess Kell came and got her after I went to bed,she's such a sweet pup,I love her much love to all,I hope today brings happiness to us all
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          MAE ALL.....I've been feeling pretty overwhelmed these last couple of days. Have fallen back into my old habit of worrying about anything and everything. Think it started with the weather forecast for next week, highs in the -20C (-4F) starting tomorrow. So thought I'd better get out and get some things done before it hits. Had to get blood work done as doc has put me on another med (Methotrexate) to deal with the psoriasis outbreaks, concern is liver damage especially if consuming alcohol, so at least that's one thing I don't have to worry about. Checked in at 10am and had the blood taken at 2:30pm, what a waste of a day. When I left the "low tire pressure" light came on and after filling up the tire, my check engine light came on and won't go off. Talking to emergency roadside assistance they said they would have to tow it to the dealership, which was closing in 10 mins so I said I'd call them back. Phoned my boys and they said is it making any noise and I said no so they said just come home and they would run a diagnostic on it. They bought the Ford software for diagnostics that they run on their laptops which would cost me $100 at the dealership. Told them I couldn't afford any car repairs and was promptly reminded that it was under warranty. That did make me feel better but I don't want to deal with the hassle of not having a vehicle. We shall see what they find today. The ex issue is that he sent an email to his and my family, plus a bunch of people I don't know, saying that my $100,000 interest in the Duchess property has been transferred to the new property. Replied all and said that was pure bullshit and unless he's contacting me to say he's paying me the $100,000 he stole from me, not to email me, phone me at work or phone me at home. The house is just sitting there with the utilities being paid so I could move in there if I wanted to. He now has 4 places that he's paying utilities on and I am using all my paychecks and credit to make the rent and pay my utilities. It just infuriates me. Sorry this vent was so long but had to get it off my chest. Speaking of chest I've also been coping with a cold and stubborn cough that seems to just exhaust me.

          Mick...had go back and read about the fox, hope you figure out a good strategy soon so you don't have to worry about them. Sounds like a good idea to put getting more rabbits on hold for a bit.

          Snoop...good night sleeps are the best! Enjoy your visiting.

          Pi...I would settle for rain. Good job on declining the wine. Thankfully AL has not been a temptation for me. Congrats on the License!! A new adventure awaits. Good luck with the doggy Santa photos today.

          Pauly...was wondering how things were going with Michelle, sounds like not much has changed. I hear you about the lack of contact, our minds just go crazy. Hope it all gets sorted soon.

          Sure you've all had enough of me yabbering on so will leave it at this.
          Have a Super Sunday all and all to come.... :smile:PPQP


            Vent away PQ big((hugs))
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Yo Abbers!

              The jokes are a morning highlight for me Mick, thanks mate. Can't recall if you have a dog, but a mutt would probably keep those foxes at bay?

              What's cooking there Sam?

              Congrats Pie!

              Keep on raawkin it there PPQ. You're a legend.

              Yo Pauly.

              All fairly good here. Another day ahead/opportunity to be who i am. Take care out there.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Good evening Abbers!

                I had a busy Sunday but managed to get a lot of stuff accomplished

                Mick, good luck with your dental visit tomorrow, hopefully the last!
                I am sure the bunnies will love their new condo when construction is completed.
                The tree is still sitting outside in the bucket - no time for that today, ha ha!
                YB eating a little better today & actually went out to the garage & greenhouse to do some stuff.

                Hi there Star, Pauly & G!
                Pie, Congrats on the RE License, exciting

                PQ, wow, I can't believe your ex is such a master manipulator
                I truly wish you could find a resolution.
                My mom was on Methotrexate for her CML & a friend is on it now for her RA. Neither of them have had any liver problems due to the medication, try not to worry too much. I hope you are getting enough rest & staying warm.

                Hello to the rest of the crew & wishing everyone a peaceful night!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

