I know I am only 3 days into this but I am already finding one of the big challenges is my reputation as a drinker.
Everyone expects me to lead the charge into the night and are giving me a ribbing for not drinking.
All my friends drink... That is probably how I ended up such a heavy drinker. The fact that they can stop and go to bed and I cant is not their problem. They dont need to supervise me or alter their lives. I need to alter my life.
All my work mates want me to lead the party. I am not going down that path any more!
I wonder how long it will be before people dont expect me to be drunk? The sooner the better! It is hard not living up to people's expectations....
I have read so many of you being worried about how sobriety will impact on your social life. This is a bit of a fear of mine.... I will save my marriage and my job, but will I lose touch with my life long friends. Just because they like to drink doenst mean I want to stop spending time with them....
Sure, they are not shallow and will appreciate the fact that I dont break their furniture anymore when I fall over it..... I guess all will be ok
I will need some excuses for not drinking until I tell the world I am a recovering alcoholic....hmmmm.... not ready for that one yet