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Dealing with Expectations

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    Dealing with Expectations

    :new: well 3 days new anyway.....

    I know I am only 3 days into this but I am already finding one of the big challenges is my reputation as a drinker.

    Everyone expects me to lead the charge into the night and are giving me a ribbing for not drinking.

    All my friends drink... That is probably how I ended up such a heavy drinker. The fact that they can stop and go to bed and I cant is not their problem. They dont need to supervise me or alter their lives. I need to alter my life.

    All my work mates want me to lead the party. I am not going down that path any more!

    I wonder how long it will be before people dont expect me to be drunk? The sooner the better! It is hard not living up to people's expectations....

    I have read so many of you being worried about how sobriety will impact on your social life. This is a bit of a fear of mine.... I will save my marriage and my job, but will I lose touch with my life long friends. Just because they like to drink doenst mean I want to stop spending time with them....

    Sure, they are not shallow and will appreciate the fact that I dont break their furniture anymore when I fall over it..... I guess all will be ok

    I will need some excuses for not drinking until I tell the world I am a recovering alcoholic....hmmmm.... not ready for that one yet

    Dealing with Expectations

    You are on the right path my friend....
    Remember this is about you not "all them"
    You have decided alcohol is not your do not need the poison and the pain.
    Stay strong...It is time for this journey in your life...we are all here to support and listen...

    Best wishes.

    Control the Mind


      Dealing with Expectations

      Rocky is so right. This is about you and if theyare real friends, then they will stand by you in what you choose.

      I think one of the subtleties wit alcohol is that we end up believing what our alcoholic mind wants us to believe. I think if you were to say, pull your best mate aside and explain to him/her what you're doing and the reason you're doing it, and wholeheartedly ask for their support, you'd be surprised at how much support a true friend will offer you.

      If you want this enough, you can have it. Stick around here and do some soul searching. I think you can have just as much fun being sober... just different, I know, but at least it's real and memorable.

      :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


        Dealing with Expectations

        I totally understand. It is something new for me too, and over time, I hope to find some new friends that DON'T have drinking as a cornerstone of socializing. Drinking is so much a part of being social for me that it will take a while to get used to it, and what bette way than having some friends that don't drink?

        I don't have any answers at this point, but it's something I'm going to be working on as well. All my drinking friends are very supportive of my efforts at this point. They all know they should be doing something about their drinking, too....

        Good luck on your journey!
        AF as of August 5th, 2012

