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    mae all..and how are we all today then?all good I hope..not too much happening over here at the mo,Julie had her interview yesterday ..apparently it went well ,but there is still 1 more to interview ,so she wont know till next week.Raining here,finished the tiling in the bathroom ..looks ok,but considering the work I put into it,the end result for me isnt that staggering,but hey ho at least the crappy tiles have gone..Ive been told not to start anything else, as we go away soon!got to take rabbits to the vets for their check ups,...
    so brew time it is ...

    Evening tt ,how are you today then?any updates on the work situ?keep yer chin up...

    Snoops day 108...go for it...hope all is well with you you,Dubai doesnt do a lot for me...pretty expensive place..Iceland been there many moons ago,but never been to Hungary...what are you up to anything special today?

    hiya ppqp...hows you today then?how did the party go last night?was it ok?take it that it was a cold buffet!was there booze there?just wondering if you had any performers...hope your tooth getssorted out quick..thats some weather you have got ...take it easy today ..hope things are ok with you..

    hiya are you today then?all good I hope...yep guess you should chuck all the old meds out!!you feeling better appetite wise? to do the grave accent thingy,numbers lock press alt and 0233 at the same time. like so.. fiancé.....

    hiya should have said earlier ...Im making a pot o lentil n leek soup today!!so you can have a choice soup or coffee ..glad the patient is doing ok...yep I was wondering where folks have disappeared to too...hows that for English!!

    right peeps have a good one....


    Sorry, the password must be more than 8 characters.
    Sorry, the password must contain 1 numerical character.
    1 boiled cabbage
    Sorry, the password cannot have blank spaces.
    Sorry, the password must contain at least one upper case character.
    Sorry, the password cannot use more than one upper case character consecutively.
    50FckingBoiledCabbagesShovedUpYourArse.IfYouDon’ tGiveMeAccessImmediately
    Sorry, the password cannot contain punctuation.
    NowIAmGettingReallyPissedOff50FckingBoiledCabbages ShovedUpYourArseIfYouDontGiveMeAccessImmediately

    Sorry, that password is already in use

    My mate wished me a Merry Christmas today. A bit early but he does suffer from premature congratulations

    Save money this Christmas by simply buying your kids an Easter Egg each and telling them they overslept.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Hi Mickaloo what job is Julie going for?

    Have a great day all :hug:


      Mick, wishing you a great day, love Wednesdays cause at one my work week is half over! Sent out my Christmas cards, continuing to buy for Christmas or think of ideas, my husband loves to give, which means I get to buy stuff, and he wraps. Christmas means alot to us, memories from the past, gratitude for the family we have today. You get to go somewhere fun don't you? That would be great too. Sipping my coffee, need another one to wake up. Have a good day!


        MAE ALL....

        Mick..Julie's interviews remind me of mine with 1 more to go. Hope her outcome is the opposite of mine. The party was worth dealing with the cold to get there. Yup there was booze but nobody performed, it was all very dignified. Was going to say no we had a hot meal and then got the pun. LOL Things are good with me, I've gotten over the worrying and nothing's stressing me out ATM. Think it's cause I got the elephant processed. ositive:

        Start...hope you have a great day too.

        Snoop...I'm going to need a thermos full this morning. get the medicine cabinet cleaned out pronto. Don't need that happening again. Hope work speeds up for you today.

        Lav...snow on hold, let me know when you're ready.

        Glad I plugged the car in last night, currently -22C (-8F). No chinook in sight for 2 weeks!! It'll feel like a heat wave.
        Have a great day all and all to come....:snowman:PPQP (found a snowman smilee)


          Mae everybody, Mick I had a laugh at the password joke haha,that's why I can't remember any of mine! Capital letters,8 character, a number blah,blah,blah,PQ,glad you had a good time,what did they serve? Hi Starty dentist right after work I'm sick of going over there, this will be it for awhile for me,it's fillings and I feel like I'm running out of teeth to fill anyways, me and Louie tried to put our gingerbread house together last night and the roof kept destroying it! I'm gonna try and put it on this morning so it can settle in, much love to all and I hope we all have a wonderful AF Wednesday
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Originally posted by starty View Post
            Hi Mickaloo what job is Julie going for?

            Have a great day all :hug:
            listen to this for a title...Head of Business and Corporate Assurance...think it means numbers figures and targets massager...
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Only a few minutes left in my day to say hello & good night
              Busy here but everyone is healthy at least.

              Hello to anyone stopping by later.
              Wishing a peaceful night for all.

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Evening greetings ABerooos!

                sorry to be a stranger, just been going through a weird mood thing. Maybe a winter depression?
                anyway I've been isolating and just not feeling myself. no harm done other than just being no fun, but trying
                to pry myself back into my fun, happy state.

                will catch up soon. Until then everyone have a stellar thursday!

                be well loves
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  is there someone you can talk to Det? Just try to interact a little but each day and dont cut yourself off. I think its important to acknowledge that you are depressed.
                  Take care - sorry I dont have answers myself at the moment as I am in the midst of depression. In my instance its not seasonal, its not related to diet or to my physical health. Its just huge stuff going on in my career and I feel quite helpless in the midst of all of this.


                    Thought I would pop in. I've been enjoying a few days off.

                    Mick-congrats on Amy's engagement! Hope that Julie gets the job. I am loathing the idea of interviewing again, they make it so complicated these days. HR departments seem to like to give these silly tests these days.

                    PPQ-I don't envy your weather. The other day I had a bit of frost on my car and refused to get out and scrape it off. If my northern friends could see me now

                    Det-I try to not give the blahs too much attention. I'll just motion through those periods knowing that they will end. I do try to get extra sleep. Mine will last around 3 days and then it's like they vanish for no reason---which is the same way they come in.

                    TT-Sorry you are still dealing with the work stuff. I know it can wear on you to the point of exhaustion.

                    We got a dog--we haven't had one for about 10 years. We love having her here, she fits nicely in with the family.

                    My work basically gives us unlimited therapy sessions. So I decided to go with the aim of figuring out my next career move. I've never had good experiences with therapists. But I do really like this one. I'm aiming to try to have an adult job sometime in the spring. I still love working at the health food store, but it's not a long term gig for me. It's been good too to see what working for a company that treats its people well is like.

                    I've stopped going to my support groups. It's good only for so long and the universe usually steps. I got tired of meeting people for coffee to only have them try to sell me on their "network marketing" gig. Then I had one woman not like something I said....and threaten my anonymity. The thing that got me on that one, was she has been in the program for 20 years and anonymity is in the freaking name of the group.

                    With that I've kind of have latched on to things like Hip Sobriety (podcast) and others. It's refreshing to see that there are more people speaking up on "other" ways to recover. I've become more tuned into my unconcious mind. I can go months without remotely wanting a drink....then boom something seems to have triggered. I'm not so concerned with the trigger these days because they are all around us. Alcohol companies spend billions on that. More interesting though has been my recognition that the unconcious can work very much in the same way with things I've been told in recovery circles. I never bought into the fear tactics of many support doesn't mean that my unconcious brain wasn't absorbing it on some level. We are fed so much bullshit....that our conscious minds aren't always the ones in control. Anyways, glad to see some of this alternative recovery coming more to the forefront. They are also working to change the stigma.....with the intention that if there isn't this huge stigma more people would address the problem sooner, with more options readily available to them. I wish more of this stuff had been around way back when I had started to try to get sober. I still think it needs to be easier to find, but definitely easier today than back in 2004.
                    Last edited by TheSunFlower97; December 8, 2016, 03:09 AM.

