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the thrilling thirsdi thred

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    the thrilling thirsdi thred

    mornin all ..well it was going to be a frillin fred,but Im struggling to get on the internet this morning at all...cant seem to pick it up..have to keep re setting lets see where we go..its ab solutely hammering it down today,so guess wont be working in the garden ...things are ok ish here ...still got a lot of worries about Julies dad,but we can only hope and help.
    finished the tiling ,doesnt look a lot but believe me as a beginner it was pretty difficult...



    right brew we are..

    hiya tt ..hope you are pulling yourself up tonight,every cloud has a silver lining..its just you have got to find that lining,so thats your task ,let me know what you find:thumbsupm me if you want

    hiya det ...I wouyld love to say you need to get out,dont shut yourself away ,but I cant be hypocritical..Im going through the same at the with owt..Already been told by her majesty to get out...she says I seem to be isolating myself...fine by me..cant really say Im unhappy not meeting the great british public..all I would say,is separate it all from escapism by booze..get some exercise in mate..

    hiya starty ,how are you today then?hope all is well with you..Have you got the dogs Chrimbo pressies yet?

    hi pauly how are you today then?so you are roofing today on the gingerbread house? here you go...happy to help......


    hi sf...well done you on getting a dog...what kind is it?I find it quite fascinating in your strategy for dealing with booze is pretty interesting...kidof what I wouldcall a butterfly strategy..that isnt meant to be offensive or nasty ,but it is like you find a group that helps you ,but then when you outgrow it then you move on,and find another certainly works for you ,when you recall how it was when you first started, you have done brill..mebbe you can market is a strategy??

    hiya Lav how are you today then?looks lie you are pretty busy,time for a brew?how is the gardening doing?you got the greenhouse full yet?

    hi ppqp..jeez they have certainly got you jumping thru hoops for this job arent they?glad you aint getting stressed that down to your snowman emoticon?so you havent seen a chinook for ages ?we see them reglar you are ..


    hiya snoopy are you today then?hope all is well ..Christmas doesnt hold that same sort of zing that it does for you,but everyone is different I guess...much prefer holidays..!oh and heres your second coffee to keep you going...have fun wrapping today,..especially sober ..imagine doing that full of falling down juice..

    right good people out ..the rain has stopped so will let the peskies out

    fingers crossed this posts!!!!!!
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Yo Mick and y'all.

    Tiles look spot on from here big buddy.

    TT. Career stress? well, no matter what where why, remember that you are tops in your field, and smoking hot. Ditch the naysayers and time wasters. Let them have their little agenda's and trips, as they will and must do to move forward. You however, have bigger fush to fry. Relying on other bozo's for an income? No. no. no. downsize to a cool shack on the beach to follow a career dream if you have to. Tweak it all to suit you ma'am. They all work for you really. Depression. It can also be turned around and used as a very strong positive energy. Kick their arse and take no prisoners. Secret - As a card carrying human you are not supposed to feel shit for this long in such circumstances. You are in charge, so sack the career space invaders and time hogs. 'But G, you don't understand....blah blah blah'. 'I can work elsewhere, but i'll lose entightlements'......'$100,000 payout upon retirement'.....unless this is due in 12 months or less, No. The world wants and needs strong, smart, sassy independents like you, whether that's writing a blog, or giving a neighbour veggies from your garden. Is it really this easy? Er, as time marches on the answer is a resounding.......YES. Love ya TT.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Sounds like a few of us are struggling to make it through this dark cold time, sending out positive vibes and a message that this too shall pass, even though right now it sucks. Staying AF will make it easier to manage, at least for me. Have a good one.


        Mae everybody, love the gingerbread house Mick,actually I was getting so irritated by it I almost just put the two pieces of roof together for a gingerbread tee-pee! Tile looks good Det and TT,I'm bluesy too I'm trying to be like Mr.G says and turn it into a positive energy, like SF posted mine usually passes in a few days but those days feel like hell! Great to see you btw SF dentist yesterday and I didn't realize he was gonna redo my crown,now I have a temporary one on and hafta baby it through Christmas, much love to all and I hope we all have a great AF Thursday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          MAE ALL....Thought I had posted this morning but perhaps not.

          Mick...thanks for the kick start. Perhaps the rain has something to do with the poor internet. I think the tiling job is ace. Thanks for the chinook but I think I'll wait for mine. LOL

          Gman...I get the advice you gave to TT but I still find it hard to turn depression around. I have learned to surf the wave though as it does pass for me.

          Det...glad you posted yesterday. I tend to isolate myself when depressed and usually end up in trouble ie. AL Like Mick said get some exercise. Even just walking helps get me out of myself. :hug:

 sure are positive keep it up. Staying AF definitely makes it easier.

 be careful with that temp crown and I hope you snap out of your blues soon.

          Went to work dreading it because of the tension between the new program coordinator and me. Was going to send her an email and cc the boss. Instead we talked it out, listened to where each other was coming from, came up with some positive solutions and ended up having a great day. Boss had to be at a jury duty call this morning and when he got back was going to have a meeting with the three of us and was quite pleased that it had all been sorted. One more week to go then off for 2 weeks holiday. It'll be nice not to have to get up and go out in this freezing weather.
          Have a peaceful night all....:smile:PPQP


            Good evening Abbers,

            I am actually stopping in before 9 pm for a change - it's only 8:30, ha ha!
            Still busy but OK. Still cold here & getting colder too. It is getting to be winter, for real!!

            Det, just read your previous post. Please don't let yourself be dragged down. Get yourself out & about, fresh air, exercise & all that Moods come & go, let them.....

            SF, nice to see you checking in as well. I wish you the best in finding your new career path. I hope you find something fulfilling that you really like too.

            Hello to Mick, G, Star, Pauly & PQ.

            Just wanted everyone to know that Mick has messaged me & said he may not be here too much for a while. Family circumstances will be keeping him extra busy for a while. Anyone arriving early in the morning - please feel free to start up The Friday thread!

            Peace to everyone tonight!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Originally posted by porqoui View Post

              Gman...I get the advice you gave to TT but I still find it hard to turn depression around. I have learned to surf the wave though as it does pass for me.
              Yep, i agree PQ. Depression is difficult to just flick a switch and reverse it every time it appears. Poor choice of words from me re 'turn it around'. I know we can reduce it hugely and even lift it, if we change stressful circumstances and learn how to manage our thoughts. Depression is a mood disorder/thing, and moods can be changed for the better, especially when circumstances are changed. i'm not talking about you here TT, just putting some thoughts out there about this stuff.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Gman...and there's the hard lesson for me...learn how to manage our thoughts....still working on that. I did find that when I was at my lowest I would read anything I could find on depression and it helped. Made me feel like I wasn't alone. Hope all is well with you and glad to see you posting here.


                  It may be easy for me to talk about depression looking in the rear view mirror, but with hindsight can come some clarity.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Mick...Liz Gilbert calls it the Hummingbird Effect....guess it could apply to recovery as well. I am kind of like that in all parts of my life. I like to move around a lot. Doing the same stuff all the time it's not in my nature. Except that drinking thing. But that was an addiction. Gosh, I didn't even try out different beers!

                    When it comes to recovery groups. I like RR the best, but after awhile the travel to the meetings got too much. What I meant about the unconcious is that with AA there is a lot of fear based thinking. Whether I bought it or it not on a consious unconcious was still there....hearing the hitting rock bottom, in denial, if you don't do the steps you'll relapse. It's when I realized that so much of that shit had been detrimental, not helpful. It can become a self fulfilling prophecy without you really realizing it.

                    There is also a point of diminishing return. I like to learn new things all the time. Not learn how to repeat the same quirky phrases over and over. It doesn't keep me engaged. What works for one, doesn't work for everyone. And that is why I am excited to see more people talking about it and always exploring new things.

                    Well it's up at 4a for me. Three days off flew by quick.
                    Last edited by TheSunFlower97; December 8, 2016, 11:11 PM.


                      Top of the evening ABerooskies!

                      thanks all for the love and support. I'm not super down, just feeling off my game and yes, doing good positive things and thinking the same is sage advice which I'm applying.

                      Mick, crap weather doesn't help with isolating does it? oh well.... at least you are a champ at home handyman skills. I need to get a heater in the garage so I can do some guy stuff on the weekend as it's supposed to be dumping buckets. the drive to work this morn was mighty slow and scary in the ice.

                      Guitarista, awesome positive power post mate, I love it. The cool thing about our moods is that just being conscious that we are in a bad mood can allow us to do something about it. it's being unconscious that is the worst trap of all. Just a conscious nudge in the right direction can slowly drag us back onto main street.

                      Ttops, for some reason your post yesterday reminded me of a podcast i was zoning out to last night. Lemme see if I can find it.
                      Bulletproof Radio Archives
                      podcast 368

                      Sun, the live group thing has intrigued me at times but I also tire of them for many reasons. is another cool site that has live chat although I've not been in a while.

                      well, another busy day ahead, then perhaps I'll spend the night editing some photos and being all geeky.

                      be well loves
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)

