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    mae are we today then?all ok ?or at least as ok as can be?..good,well you couldnt write this lot,took Julies car to the garage yest morning,..she told me that it kept snatching at the steering and pulling to the left...this was last week..I tried it and it did..garage phoned yesterday..the subframe on the car had wasnt safe to drive repair it...£700 for the parts we made the decision to get another car!quite fortunate really,because when we got the phone call on Sun morn at about 2 am to get to the hosp asap,it was either hers or mine we used,and took mine...on the motorway to Liverpool,at times I was doing over 150 kph..any traffic cops on here ...only kiddin!but imagine if we had of used hers with the shot out subframe...eek...
    anyway,just thought I would start the fred,I wont be doing it all the time,because still kinda in bits and crying if that makes sense...basically at times dont know my ass from my elbow,but we will get there...

    all I will say for anyone lurking or reading this who want to give up drinking but dont think they can....believe me you definitely can...5 years almost ago,I was in that very same position,couldnt see past a bottle of falling down juice, I lied,bluffed and sneaked every single way possible to get a drink...and yet this year has brought us some tragic circumstances,and not once have I thought ...gimme a drink ..I am proud in the fact that I can help my family,proud of the fact that I am of some use and not just a nasty horrible person..(well not all the time:congratulatory reading some of the things people have written has made me realise how I have changed...and its all down to this site and the special peeps who helped me..

    anyway brew time...all in?

    tt know where I am,if you want to talk,dont bottle it up..let us try and help ,even by listening to you :hug:

    ok folks lets see if we can put some yoomer into today..

    No matter how old you are, an empty Christmas wrapping paper tube is a lightsaber

    if you see a sign on a van, saying "no tools left in van overnight", break in and leave a note saying, "just checking".

    BREAKING NEWS.....A man from Sydney
    After having swallowed a boomerang
    has been discharged from hospital several times today!!!.

    Someone needs to invent an alarm clock
    that after the 3rd snooze button press
    it automatically calls in sick for you..

    Red Indian introduced me to his wife...
    "This is four horses.....
    "I said, wow That's a beautiful name, What does it mean....?
    He said, Nag,nag,nag,fckin nag!

    Watching TV is a nightmare nowadays, Violence, fighting, cursing, swearing and thats just to get the remote!

    Congratulations to my wife who reached a new culinary milestone today by setting off the neighbours' smoke alarm!..

    wish me luck...

    I am on my way to speak to the Bank Manager, and if things work out for me my Life will be drastically changed.... I'm talking millions of pounds here..!!!

    I am so excited I can barely get the Stocking over my Head..!!

    Changed my WIFI name to "Police Surveillance Van #4"
    Just to mess with the crack dealer next door..

    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Just wanted to stop by and say my deepest sympathy to you and yours Mick, what a time for your family. So good you are AF and can be there for yourself and your loved ones. Take care.

    TT, I am so sorry to hear you were treated so poorly after so many years of service. It is hard to understand, but with time, you can heal from the trauma you have been going through. My husband and I are in our 50s, and in the last two years have had to recreate ourselves, and the jobs we found (we did not expect this) are the best we have ever had, so I have faith that you too will find something better. It is scary and unfair, but giving yourself time to heal and grieve your loss is important. You have described being treated poorly for some time, and thank goodness that is over.

    Hello to all on our AF journey.


      MAE ALL....

      Mick...thanks for kicking us off this morning, especially with everything going on right now. Wow...I'm glad the car scenario worked out the way it did, you don't need any more drama in your life. You take it easy and know we are here while you go through the grieving process.

      Snoop...morning to you as well.

      Shout out to all to come....have a Terrific Tuesday all.....:smile:PPQP


        Mae everybody, Mick,that's terrible about the car,I'm so glad you two ended up taking yours,I'm really sorry for these losses your family has faced,I dunno what to say but just know I care about you TT,you too,I don't know what to say, I don't know how I'd feel in your situation except sad,empty and wtf am I gonna do now?!?!I'm thinking of you though and like Mick says if you need to come here and vent,cuss,scream,cry we're here for you! A bunch of faceless online peeps but still friends ya know? I've got to get this Christmas crap done this week, I'm not going next week and dealing with crowds I hate being such a scrooge,grinch bah humbugger but I'm just not into it this year,usually I can feel that special feeling inside, this year,meh,even Kell's feeling like that,Lou doesn't have any interest either, oh well, much love to all and I hope everyone has a peaceful AF Tuesday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Hidy ho ABeroonies!

          Mick, what a shining light you continue to be. thanks so very much for all you do.

          Pauly, you can't be a bigger grinch than i am... i never celebrate Xmas or much of any holiday come to think of it. On NY's eve I try
          to stay up til midnight but usually just go to bed around 10:30. Boy am I big fun or what?

          TTops, please check in to say hi. I'm sure your down and hope this does pass soon.

          PPQ, good to see you.

          wow, small crew today. Hope all are good and well. I'm pretty tired after a full day at work, then grocery shopping. Going to have some homemade chow, then snuggle on the couch with Dx and watch something funny or at least fun, then off to bed to meditate.

          be well loves
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Good evening Abbers,

            It's a bedtime check in for me but that's OK.

            Mick, glad to see you are standing strong thru all this stuff but I knew you would :hug:
            I think maybe you do have an angel watching out for you whether you believe it or not. I am grateful that you & Julie travelled safely. We will be here if you need us!

            Hey there Star, PQ & Pauly!
            Thinking about you as well TT. Don't be a stranger OK?
            Hello to Pie, Det & all the regulars & irregulars

            Peace to everyone tonight!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

