anyway,just thought I would start the fred,I wont be doing it all the time,because still kinda in bits and crying if that makes sense...basically at times dont know my ass from my elbow,but we will get there...
all I will say for anyone lurking or reading this who want to give up drinking but dont think they can....believe me you definitely can...5 years almost ago,I was in that very same position,couldnt see past a bottle of falling down juice, I lied,bluffed and sneaked every single way possible to get a drink...and yet this year has brought us some tragic circumstances,and not once have I thought ...gimme a drink ..I am proud in the fact that I can help my family,proud of the fact that I am of some use and not just a nasty horrible person..(well not all the time:congratulatory

anyway brew time...all in?
tt know where I am,if you want to talk,dont bottle it up..let us try and help ,even by listening to you :hug:
ok folks lets see if we can put some yoomer into today..
No matter how old you are, an empty Christmas wrapping paper tube is a lightsaber
if you see a sign on a van, saying "no tools left in van overnight", break in and leave a note saying, "just checking".
BREAKING NEWS.....A man from Sydney
After having swallowed a boomerang
has been discharged from hospital several times today!!!.
Someone needs to invent an alarm clock
that after the 3rd snooze button press
it automatically calls in sick for you..
Red Indian introduced me to his wife...
"This is four horses.....
"I said, wow That's a beautiful name, What does it mean....?
He said, Nag,nag,nag,fckin nag!
Watching TV is a nightmare nowadays, Violence, fighting, cursing, swearing and thats just to get the remote!

Congratulations to my wife who reached a new culinary milestone today by setting off the neighbours' smoke alarm!..
wish me luck...
I am on my way to speak to the Bank Manager, and if things work out for me my Life will be drastically changed.... I'm talking millions of pounds here..!!!
I am so excited I can barely get the Stocking over my Head..!!
Changed my WIFI name to "Police Surveillance Van #4"
Just to mess with the crack dealer next door..