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    morn are you doing today then?all good ish I hope..having probs with the computer ..its telling me that the wifi hasnt got a valid ip address...and keeps cutting out any whizz kidsout there with windows!scrapped Julies old car yesterday,she has now got another one to break!things are a little better here,as everyone knows ,grief comes in waves...very similar to the urge to drink and sometimes the most stupid little thing can set it off.Her dad is doing better than I thought,mainly because he cant remember too much,and thats one of the hard things,Julie has to deal with..repeating over and over again what happened.we will get there...dont think we will be going away for chrimbo tho....

    ok so brew time it is then..

    hiya snoopy,how are you today then?as you say door closes another one opens,sometimes tho at the time it is hard to see that...just being nosey now..what line of work are you in?its strange isnt it when you are in a job you cant see past it...I have been in 2 loooong term jobs and thought the same..but once you are out of it for whatever look back and think ..actually was it that good?I know I did..I couldnt see past the army ,or the prison me wabbits!!have a great day..

    hiya are you then?no doubt going through the emotive cycle of not getting your will get better can do it ..just look for the open door...I have a good friend,who wrote a story book for his autistic child..just basically to help is now in all the major bookshops in uk and has just gone into America I have just typed the title of it into google..and it is in the top 5 search engines and also facebook and you never know..just find that door..

    hiya pauly how are you today then ..hope all is good with drama at work I hope?mbh .chrimbo isnt doing it for me either this year strangely enuff.....anyways you have a good day.

    hiya are you this fine day?hope all is well..talking about sorted out ok?

    hiya det...well what didya end up watching anything specktacular?like you Iaint too big on holidays n celebratin....but each to their own buddy ...keep up the good work you are doing ace..

    hiya ok?hows the invalid doing?bet you are running about after him alllllllllllllll the time..not yep Im still here ...not as strong as you think tho..I have my cries etc ..but try to do it on my own ....anyways brew time..I let the rabbitz out earlier..and could hear this row..thought ..oh no Mr Fox is about I rushed out to find a pheasant in the garden yakking its head off!dont know who panicked most me or it..

    right peeps..have a good Lav so put it "regulars and irregulars!" have a good one...
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Hey Mick, good to see you here. I am a social worker and have worked at several different types of jobs in my career. Never thought I would be doing what I am doing now but I love it and my life has completely changed in the last two years. That is why I have hope for TT, you never know what is out there till you are looking. Hey TT, hope you stop in today. We are hear for you.


      Originally posted by Snoopy56 View Post
      Hey Mick, good to see you here. I am a social worker and have worked at several different types of jobs in my career. Never thought I would be doing what I am doing now but I love it and my life has completely changed in the last two years. That is why I have hope for TT, you never know what is out there till you are looking. Hey TT, hope you stop in today. We are hear for you.
      good for I reiterate snoopys post..jump in
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Mae everybody, TT^^what they said but I'm sure you need time to digest all of this stuff going on in your life,I'm wondering how your hubs reacted? Mick,I guess that's the one good thing of having dementia,getting to forget the sadness, slept like poop last night, couldn't fall asleep and when I did it was hard sleep for 5 hours then laying there in and out for another hour,oh well,Det, we could use some nice pics its been a bit much love to all,wishing everyone a nice AF Wednesday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Very sorry to hear of Julie's brother passing. What a difficult time for you and her.

          Thanks for the support everyone. Its been really awful and I am sorry but it has not been comfort to me to be told the waiting is over. It was a complete shock.
          Now there are new issues (I cant go into these online) and so more meetings and more waiting. I may not get get my job back but there are issues I am trying to negotiate. I also have to keep seeing my colleagues (who are safe) - its not a job where I can just walk out the door.
          One of the reasons I haven't posted is that I am sick of being told that this is a golden opportunity. This is not realistic and for all the stories I am told of people bouncing back after redundancy, I know of so many who do not. There is not another career I want to retrain in at my age. I knew exactly what I wanted to do, I had great job satisfaction and I worked incredibly hard to get the qualifications I had and then build up decades of experience. I have had my identity and lifetime career pulled from under me. I am in shock, I am unbearably sad, I feel totally worthless and all that is keeping me going is the love from my daughter and my love for her. That might sound weak and selfish.
          Sorry folks but you asked how I was and the truth is I am not good. It doesn't get better each day. It is getting worse.


            It doesn't sound weak or selfish TT,it sounds honest
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Thank you Pauly.


                MAE ALL...

                Mick...thanks for starting us off this morning. Glad to hear you got Julie's car sorted. Did you ever tell us what happened with her job interview? You're sounding better but like you say grief comes in waves, take it as it comes. I can understand you not going away for chrimbo, just be there for each other. Work is getting a bit sorted, at least for now. Will wait till after the Xmas break to address more issues.

                Snoop...sounds like things are going good for you.

                Pauly...hope your day was better than your sleep. I'll send the sleep fairy your way tonight.

                TT...dead honest and thanks for sharing that with us. Apologies if I offended you in any way. Man having to deal with more issues just plain sucks! Keep your daughter close and if it all gets to be too much I hope you reach out for help.

                Three more sleeps till Xmas break, can hardly wait. Most of the classes are having their potluck Xmas lunches and dropping of goodies at the office for the staff. There's food and chocolate everywhere. Hope we all have a peaceful evening....:smile:PPQP


                  Good evening Abbers,

                  It's about bedtime but I'm checking in anyway.

                  Mick, good to see you up & about!
                  I quite imagine that it's going to take time for all of you to heal after all this heart wrenching. Just keep doing the best you can do :hug:
                  Last week I saw a bald eagle lunching on some road kill right around the corner from my house - WOW, that was a surprise, such a huge bird!
                  The invalid is just fine & I am urging him to get moving. Two weeks of laziness is enough, ha ha!

                  Star, you certainly have found happiness in your new job & new home. You are living proof that it can be done.

                  TT, you have every right to feel the loss of your job & career that you have nurtured so long. Please don't give up hope though because you never know what the universe has in store for you. Your daughter's presence & comfort are a plus!

                  Pauly, the full moon will be over after tonight so hopefully we will all sleep better

                  PQ, don't hurt yourself with all the extra food & chocolate around the office, ha ha!

                  Greetings to the rest of the crew.
                  Have a peaceful night everyone!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Typed a lovely post and lost it. Guess it wasn't meant for the world to see.

                    TT....I'd be more concerned if you didn't feel the way that you do. This only happened days ago....I think the proper response is to feel like shit, pissed off and all the other crappy emotions. BTW....I could have written the same thing a few years back. Unfortunately I did have something similar I do understand.....which honestly I wish I didn't understand.

                    Mick--your in my thoughts. I know this is a difficult time.

