ok so brew time it is then..
hiya snoopy,how are you today then?as you say ..one door closes another one opens,sometimes tho at the time it is hard to see that...just being nosey now..what line of work are you in?its strange isnt it when you are in a job you cant see past it...I have been in 2 loooong term jobs and thought the same..but once you are out of it for whatever reason...you look back and think ..actually was it that good?I know I did..I couldnt see past the army ,or the prison service...now...its me wabbits!!have a great day..
hiya tt...how are you then?no doubt going through the emotive cycle of not getting your job...it will get better ..be positive..you can do it ..just look for the open door...I have a good friend,who wrote a story book for his autistic child..just basically to help him...it is now in all the major bookshops in uk and has just gone into America I have just typed the title of it into google..and it is in the top 5 search engines and also facebook and twitter...so you never know..just find that door..
hiya pauly how are you today then ..hope all is good with you.no drama at work I hope?mbh .chrimbo isnt doing it for me either this year strangely enuff.....anyways you have a good day.
hiya ppqp...how are you this fine day?hope all is well..talking about dramas...work sorted out ok?
hiya det...well what didya end up watching anything specktacular?like you Iaint too big on holidays n celebratin....but each to their own buddy ...keep up the good work you are doing ace..
hiya Lav..you ok?hows the invalid doing?bet you are running about after him alllllllllllllll the time..not
right peeps..have a good day...as Lav so put it "regulars and irregulars!" have a good one...