hiya ppqp..yes we ordered the flowers yesterday ,they are lovely ..the plan is to lay tonys flowers with his mums on the family grave on Fri after the service,really not looking forward to this but I guess none of us are ..
the baggage handlers are in talks now..please their fkn selves for me..worst case scenario ..we are allowed 10kg hand luggage...Ill get some kit in that an d as much as I can get in my pockets etc...we are going..
did the chinook hit ?hope there wiz no damage ..take it you are in holiday mode now ?have a good one..
hiya pauly hows you then?all good I hope..many years ago I used to keep angel fish...marbled ones,they are very choosey on water conditions,the water softness and temp etc,but they are so graceful to watch ...and as was said they wont chew the cables or pee on the carpet!!
hi Nora C ..lovely to "see" you and thank you for your thoughts :hug:hope all is well with you?how are things?
hiya Starts ...you doing ok?...chin up remember!!:welldone:
hi Lav...well so sorry to here that you have got a load of hassle brewing thru the "shenanigans" .(.that word comes form your part of the world doesnt it?) of your dil...dont let the stress get to you....heres some camomile cawfee thats good for it ...well if you can have it in tea ..you can have it in cawfee too..!!any plans for today?
hiya pie tt ,sam the man and allus the others not here ...have a great day..
the bird house ..first guest eyeing it up...
93% of dog owners say their dog has made them a better person in at least one way, a study found.
This same study found that 99% of cat owners say they feel their cat has told them to fck off, at least once, this week
for all you country n western fans......
Yesterday I went to Coles to buy cabbage - I was told there is a new law that if you buy cabbage from Coles, you're legally required to purchase carrots and mayonnaise as well.
Apparently it's Coles Law.
