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January Jewel
Morning friends, great points made by everyone, I was thinking yesterday and wondering if when Kell chose to terminate her pregnancy Dill were you judging us? Was she supposed to just give birth to a baby with bad health problems if it even survived? So wed have to look at its face,fall in love with it then have to bury it? Feel it kicking and moving inside only to know it was physically and probably mentally handicapped? How many of those thousands of "pro-life" marchers have actually went out and adopted an unwanted child?? I'm really pissed off right now. I'm really hurt but whatever, this just goes go to show how more divided people are than ever before,my grandson is a Mexican, if there had been a "wall" he wouldn't be in my life right now,I care about everyone, not just rich white people,I can't post anymore right now I keep saying too much and I DO NOT wanna fight with anybody, I walk away with a sad shuffle but still wish you all a nice SundayI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Just wanted to point out that I shouldn't have called Dill out on the situation with Kell,I don't want it to seem like I'm attacking someone personally,that just isn't right,I don't assume that every Trump supporter is racist,hateful,etc although it came across like that in my post,I just don't understand what he has in mind and I wish I didn't have to even care,Dill,I'm sorry that my post came across toward you the way it did,I'll always wish you the bestI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Good morning all...
The unrest in our country is growing, we have to speak out, protest, call our representatives in congress, etc. I don't apologize, and Trump supporters are pro-birth, not pro-life. That is fact. Trump as president is a disaster already and will only get worse.
Pauly, health care for women is between the woman and her doctor. Period. To make their own decisions, it is their life. Your daughter did what she needed to do for her, and I am proud of her and glad she had a choice, not that men would make that decision for her. You realize that pregnancy used to be a pre-existing condition, people went bankrupt or were denied care. Pro-life? I think not. And the racism against all ethnicities is mind boggling. You have to be male and white. How a woman could be for Trump is beyond anything I can imagine. He speaks of women as sexual objects, sexually assaulted women for years and it is just normal to him. No apology from me. Ever.
Lav, I agree that Trump and his movement is like the Nazi's in Germany and Hitler. I thought that from the beginning. If something is not done, we may not be a democracy anymore. That is his goal, he does not follow rule of law. I am glad you are strong minded and will not be intimidated. Me neither. Having said that, I still care about Dill, but feel if she could back up her beliefs she would. But she can't and so wants to silence us. This is going to destroy the economy, all this unrest and BS.
Cyn, I have talked to Trump supporters and they are racist, and state it clearly. Vile things have been said in my presence, and I will not put up with it. Think of the birther statements made about President Obama till just a few months ago. Racist. Also, anti women and lame excuses are made up about his sexually assaulting women, and the view that women do not need to have reproductive healthcare. What? this is just not acceptable to me, at all. It saddens me that so many do not recognize evil when it is right in front of them. And yes, this affects me and my AF journey too. I feel despair and fear re: the signed executive orders of the last week.
Again, all it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.
I plan on focusing on my AF journey, it is so wonderful as each day passes to feel better and better, clear headed and healthy. May you all have a good AF day.
Morning friends,Star,my apology was to Dill as a person,this is an alcohol recovery forum and I shouldn't have used her as a poster girl for what I believe Trump supporters are,I feel like I put that all on her and after my anger passed I realized that I shouldn't have done that,we can't change people's political views,same as religion, everyone thinks theirs is right,all we can do is like you said,protest,call,petition, etc! Anyways,I weighed myself this morning 5 lbs gained this week!! Its from those late evening dinners,not exercising cuz of my tooth pull,munching on junk,aaah! Wrong directionLB,flies back to Portland tomorrow, makes me sad I hate when she leaves,I hope her flight isn't affected by the many protesters who are at the airport, ya never know, I also wanna tell my boss he needs to stay put for awhile cuz he's originally from Iraq but travels more than he's here,I'm just being cautious cuz ya never know what's gonna go on next in this strange time,Lav,I'm gonna try to get the food sensitivity kit this weekend, I'm so curious about it,Cyn,hope your weather is being kind to you,Liz,you've been kinda quiet,hope to hear from you,wishing us all a happy Monday
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Hello all -
Just returned from NYC, where there are all stripes, colors, attitudes and orientations of people, usually riding in the same subway train. I had my hair cut by the son of Chinese immigrants, who works in a small salon owned by a Lebanese immigrant. I bought food prepared by women of color at Whole Foods and paid for it with a woman cashier wearing a headscarf. This city works; it shows how the Melting Pot of America works. Yes there is desperation and disease and tribulation, but there are also people aware and doing their best to make the situation work... maybe not the billionaires on the east side, granted. But if you want to see wonderful, passionate , thinking people trying to live and support democracy, this is a good window. And an extremely endangered situation. I applaud the courage I saw on the street, in cafes, on the subway, everywhere I went, and I know that some dark days are coming.
Star, Lav, Pauly, I think you know that I am not and will not stand down from my position on all the issues that we are grappling with. A close family member is on the front lines of the women's health movement, and their health, job security, and safety are on the line each hour of every work day. I have vowed to do all in my power to stand and fight, and I am doing it every day, for health issues and all the rest. No apologies.My sobriety depends on it. But I want to be careful to keep compassion alive at the same time; that's the tricky part.
I saw a beautiful slip of a moon, accompanied by some bright star, just as I got off the train and drove home tonight. In the darkness some things shine most brightly.
Cyn,that's one of the reasons I love Las Vegas, its a melting pot of every ethnicity in the world and everyone just wants the same thing,a good job,roof over their heads and to take care of their families, I grew up in a small town and was pretty sheltered,I'm glad I moved here and got to meet all kinds of different but the same peopleI've had drink thoughts today out of the blue, my stomach is uneasy every time the news comes on,I'm already missing Bobbi and she's not even gone yet,jeez,my thoughts are romantic fantasies of just getting super drunk!why? I won't cuz its too late for that and I have Louie but why the thought, grrr.
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Good evening friends,
Pauly, I imagine the thoughts are wrapped around looking for some emotional comfort - don't go there. Just stick with your tribe of strong women here, we can get thru this together. OK? :hug:
Cyn, I saw that moon too as I was walking back into the house after tucking the chickens in for the night. It was very bright, hard to miss. I smiled & knew it was a gift from the universe
My daughter wanted to go to join the protest at the Philly airport today but don't know if she actually did.
Star, I keep thinking about an old sign YB has hanging in his workshop that says something like:
I truly think that is what #45 & his band of thieves & robbers are doing to us. There seems to be no thought or purpose in what they are proposing & doing except lining their own pockets.
How can you remove the healthcare of millions of people, take steps to destroy the environment & gag scientists from telling the truth, dismantle our public school system & claim to be a Christian? You can't!!!!
If you haven't yet - go to Countable
I signed up last week. You will get an email daily with info concerning what the house will be voting on. You cast your vote & it goes to your rep. so they know how you feel & what you want!
We need to keep our heads on straight & protect ourselves & our families any way we can. We all have kids & grandkids who deserve to grow up in a stable & safe democracy! We can become complacent & sit on our hands & hope for the best, that won't work.
Be well friends! Peace!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Good morning...
Thanks Lav for the Countable info, I will look into it today. Between what is going on here at home and in politics, I am feeling kind of tired. The loss of Dill to our thread weighs heavily, all of us have been on this thread for years, very sad.
Cyn, your description is similar to my work life, I work in a diverse environment, we all get along, respect people from all over the world, support each other and it works. I did not see the moon last night, will make a point to look tonight.
Pauly, hope you are able to get through the thoughts, cravings, it is hard when your child leaves. Just hard. We think drinking will make us feel better, but it never does. Just blanks us out for a night, but the next day is a living horror. That is how I think of it now, I have been under stress and would love a break, but not that way anymore.
Hey Lizann, hope you are doing well on your journey.
Any names for February? Faithful in February? Flaunt it in February? Feisty February? Let me know. Have an AF Tuesday!
Morning all -
Star, I'm good with Feisty (and Faithful). Lav, ditto, 100 percent, glad you saw the moon. Pauly, treat yourself well! I'm sending you deep support! take a break with breathing or music or whatever will fill the well, not empty it like drinking does. Hello Liz, how are things going in the wedding planning?
I wanted to pop on this morning to express gratitude for this thread. I had a very frightening dream last that took me a long time to shake (in fact, once I felt safe enough to move, I ran across the hall to the dog's room!). I was so glad to wake up and realize that there is a
place to come share Life. The dog sitter left a note saying that a pack of coyotes was close to the house the night before last - maybe that propelled my dream. But between that news, and no birds around, I feel like I'm a character in the Lord of the Rings, and we are on a crucial quest to restore light against the darkness. Thank goodness for the bright moon, and the ability to connect to our breath.
Wishing all a few moments to breathe and bring a slice of peace to ourselves today.
Morning friends,I like those names tooStar,I'm feeling you on the loss of Dill from the thread cuz as you've said she's been posting here for forever, long before I even started reading it, just sad.Cyn,what a creepy dream! I too am grateful for the thread
Lav,I like "tribe of strong women" that's awesome! Louie and I kept ourselves busy last night by making cookies,I let him poor in all the ingredients and the magic touch is the baking soda that fits in the palm of his little hand which I measure to be about a tsp haha,they turned out yum but I only had a piece of one cuz of the previous weight gain
hope Liz is still gonna post here,I haven't heard from her on here lately,I asked hubs to try SBD get off early so he can drive LB to the airport, my way of protecting my quit,wishing us all a terrific Tuesday AF of course
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
I was out working in a building today and it reminded me of Lav, I wonder why lol
Goes to show you that we carry the friendships we make here with us everyday!Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.
Good evening friends!
Cowboy, I think I see some of my girl's cousins in that picture, ha ha! Thanks for posting it for us
I find myself thinking about MWO members all day long, interesting!
Star, I vote for FEISTY FEB. or something like that. We need feisty this coming month, that's for sure.
I too have been on this thread since right after joining MWO - almost 8 years! I encourage anyone to post here & I highly value open & honest discussion. We don't always have to agree with one another on a topic but I appreciate honesty.
Cyn, stress related nightmares are going to become increasingly common I think. I have had a few myself this month, ugh.
Do you suppose that is something else we are going to have to accept? I cannot keep myself completely away from the news but I am trying to see/hear less of it in a day's time. However, I will continue my resistance activities! My big dg woke me up at 3 am & I couldn't go back to sleep until almost 6 am then was up just after 7. Not feeling real swell tonight. There have been coyote sightings around here too Cyn!
Pauly, we are up to our eyeballs in girl scout cookies around here so I am not doing any baking. My oldest grandson & my granddaughter love to help bake. The other one is not interested in anything but his games oh well. Teach Louie how to make all kinds of things
Hello to Liz, hope you are OK.
Have a nice & peaceful night everyone. I am planning to meet a friend or two for lunch tomorrow.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Good morning! Keeping myself busy and out of trouble. I am off from work today, it's my Christmas holiday and MLK day. I will hopefully make some headway on baby shower planning. Then lunch with a dear friend that used to be my coworker. So odd how tha relationship has evolved. When I first started working there she scared me, lol.
Lav, I love Girl Scout cookies, but sadly do not have access to them at the present time. Just as well, I don't need the calories.
Hope you are all well and wishing us all a happy AF hump day.