The day did not go as planned but turned out just fine anyway. I woke up too late to get myself to Curves & do all the other stuff I was going to do, oh well. It was darker than usual this morning because it was raining. Rain forecasted all day tomorrow as well. We did get Christmas packed up & put away today (YB helped)!!
Star, our grown kids have all they need to be complete grownups, just need little reminders from time to time.
My daughter is turning 40 this month - for real, ha ha!!! I still think of her as a kid but I also know she is fully capable

I'm sure your son will step into adulthood, just keep issuing friendly reminders.
Dill, glad you are OK & I hope things continue to settle down for you & your family. We are here if you need us.
Pauly, did you find anything good under the couch? LOL
I am getting really lazy about moving furniture anymore.
Liz, my kids were born in January & November, made for interesting holidays those years. It was kind of nice having winter babies

Cyn, I am sure you are anxious to get back home. Wishing you safe travels!
Have a peaceful night everyone!