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January Jewel
Liz,probably cuz they're around the same age and stuff,who knowsI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Good evening friends!
Dark & damp around here with no chance of clearing, ugh. Better than snow & it's supposed to be 10-15 degrees warmer than usual, interesting.
Pauly, DO NOT let your brother in your house!!!
If he wants to 'visit' then tell him it has to be in a restaurant or some public place. He's been so disruptive to you in the past, don't give him a chance to throw you off track again :hug:
Cyn, like you I enjoy my quality 'alone' time, ha ha!
We spent our whole lives working shift work. Always on different shifts & different days off. The good thing about that was I needed very little help with childcare because one of us was almost always at home
I hope your day has gone well.
Liz, the funny thing about that wall paper was that it was only on the wall for a very short time before the kids found a couple of edges that popped & decided to start yanking, ha ha! I added the paper under the chair rail just to give the room a little color. I'm starting to look at paint colors now so I'll have to make a decision soon.
I hope you have another good day at work.
Dill, hope you are doing OK!
Star, glad you had a nice visit with your little guy.
I have been sleeping deeply the past few nights - not complaining
Have a peaceful night one & all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Good morning...
Slept well last night, really busy at work as it is a short week.
Pauly, hope things work out with your brother, do whatever it takes to stay AF. Hope you feel better today.
Lav, finally slept better last last night, feel good today. Busy day today, so happy to have the energy.
Cyn, hope you have a peaceful productive day.
Liz, that's weird about the lead in the water at work. We have bad water too and they set up something to get clean water through a water fountain. Take care.
Dill, hope you are doing well.
Today is 150 AF days for me, feeling better and better physically and good mood stability. This is so worth it. Have a happy hump day.
Star,congrats on 150 daysI'm not sure where I'm at cuz I tend to lose count but I go back and count after awhile, then lose track again haha,Lav,my brother barely even talked to me when he was here anyways, I'm really not even sure what he's supposedly coming here for,I honestly have washed my hands of it,I can't worry about my brothers, my mom,even though I love them dearly,I do still worry about Michelle though that'll never go away,supposed to rain here starting tonight and continue all weekend, we'll see, Dill,why you so quiet? Big hellos to Cyn and Liz,I hope we all have a nice AF Wednesday
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Hello all, yes I am doing ok. It's just that I can't keep up with all the demands of having children around. If I don't get up extra early, I don't have time to post in the mornings. If I don't post in the mornings, the day just has a way of taking over and I never get time to post.
Pauly, I hope your brother doesn't stress you too much and knock you off course. You are doing so well!
Cyn, I can totally relate to loving your HB but needing space. That's me! I see other couples that seem to be able to be together constantly and I am amazed at how different we all are and how different our relationships are. I sometimes feel guilty for needing a lot of alone time, but it just is what it is. And, of course, now I don't have much, if any. Very hard for me.
Lav, those naughty grandkids! LOL!
Star, glad you got a good night's sleep. Nothing better! I have been awakened in the middle of the night for the past 2 nights by gdaugher having bad dreams. Lucky for me, I have been able to get back to sleep. But I hope this doesn't keep happening.
ABC, your son is one year younger than mine. I think it is wonderful that he has you back, too!
Happy AF Hump Day everyone!Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
Evening, all -
Star, congrats on your 150 days! Way to go - keep the days coming. Pauly, I loved what you wrote; at least the day will be AF and that makes it a good day. Perfect. Lav, glad you are getting some rest, and that Maxie is not up in the night. Dill, sorry that you have had middle-of-the night excursions with granddaughter - I hope that eases. I get needing your own space, I hope you find a way once in a while. Star and Liz - what's up with the lead in the water? That sounds terrible! Good luck and steer clear...
I had a major computer issue this noon, just as I was getting some major initiatives done... a major hack and my computer froze. I made it worse by not thinking straight, but hopefully did not go far enough to endanger my info. I may lose all the info on the computer, oh well. I do have Carbonite, so I may be able to backup some things. The computer is with the guy that helped me last year... I hope he can work some magic again. I feel like someone kicked me in the stomach, but it's not life, just a computer. As long we stay AF we can weather anything, right? I think I will be OK to do my presentation on Saturday... good thing I am low-tech about these talks.
I am really wishing everyone a good night's rest, some peace, and sun in your life, even if it is just an inside ray...
To the light...
Good evening friends,
Hump day is about over already. Time has been flying for me lately.
Actually time has gotten away from me all together. I am in total disbelief that my daughter is turning 40 tomorrow - geez. How did that happen? Ha ha! We are going to go take her out for lunch & spend a few hours together
Star, a big CONGRATS to you on 150 AF days :welldone:
You are so right, your efforts do not go unrewarded. The FREEDOM is priceless!
Pauly, sorry to be such a drag where your brother is concerned but I seem to remember you having big troubles on one of his previous visits. Slap on the Lavan-ittude & protect yourself at all costs, ha ha!
Dill, YB & I have never spent a whole lot of time together despite being married for nearly 44 years. You remember how easily he took off several years ago because he couldn't get his emotional sh*t together. Shift workers never have much quality time together anyway & I think it's just as well - for some of us. I value my alone time, believe me.
I hope your granddaughter settles down soon, it's hard getting up at night with them. My younger grandson has been taking a 1 mg melatonin at bedtime for some time now. It was recommended by his therapist to help calm him & improve his sleep & it works. Maybe you could ask someone about trying her on it for a while, see if it helps.
Hello to Cyn & Liz, hope you are both well.
Wishing everyone a peaceful night!
Cross post Cyn!
So sorry about the computer hack - geez. I hope it all works out for you :hug:AF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Happy hump day! I am in agreement with you all here. I love my hubby, but I enjoy my space and some alone time. He is now working from home and it is taking some getting used to.
Dill, I'm glad you're able to get back to sleep after your granddaughter nightmares. Hopefully tonight will be a better night!
Congrats on 150 days! That is quite am accomplishment! I'm like Pauly, I count, then I lose tract and have to go back and count again. For me right now knowing I have been sober for a good amount of time works for me,
Wishing you all a peaceful AF night,
Morning friends, Cyn,I'm sorry about your computer messing up but I'm sure you'll do fine with your presentation on your ownStar,I'm the opposite this morning I woke up too early! LB and her boyfriend are here for a catering job,we'll probably celebrate LB's birthday next week cuz her b-day is Feb 3,close enough, speaking of that Happy birthday to your daughter Lav
hope you all enjoy your lunch,Liz,are you buying a bunch of baby stuff yet? When Kell was pregnant with Lou I went hog wild,it was so much fun,I really wish I had gotten my shit together back then,I have a great relationship with Louie now,he adores me but his first year is a vague memory cuz I was up/down in/out with stupid alcohol, Dill,only 3 more weeks till TWD,I wonder what they've got planned? Defo take Negan out but I wonder how,when,its gonna be good
I hope everyone has a wonderful AF Thursday(already!)
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Evening all -
I hope everyone had a good Thursday. I am hanging in there - I put on my big girl pants and stopped being freaked out about the computer thing. It sounds like my guy will be able to get the hard drive working again. At least I learned from dropping the laptop last year that I have to memorize some passwords... and I've manually logged into this site ever since! No more being frustrated because I have passwords on auto Fill!
Lav, I hope that your lunch with your daughter was good - I get it, my SD turned 46 last October - sheesh! Star I hope your day went well - it''s almost Friday! Pauly , it sounds like you've made huge strides in your AF journey in the last years - congrats! Dill, I hope you got some sleep last night... maybe Lav's melatonin suggestion would help? Good luck! Liz, I hope you aren't working solo tomorrow, good luck.
I just came across a great site for gut health/happy health information: It sounds fancy, but the language is clear and generous and the recipes look good. Check it out! I also read about Ayurvedic suggestions for good health, and sleep is key, with a recommended time of getting up at 6. I've been sleeping in and not feeling too well, so I'm going to do that each day now and see how it works. Then I found a 'sleep aide' in the Timer app of the iPhone - - you choose how many hours you want to sleep, when to get up, if you want it to remind you 1/2 hour (or whenever) before bed, etc. interesting!
OK, off to do a little more work on my little website... wishing all a good night ...
To the light...
Good evening friends!
I had a nice time taking my baby girl out for lunch today, ha ha!!!
Fortunately she lives in an area that is loaded with great lunch places & we went to a newer one today, nice
Star, I hope your day went well. I always felt weird getting a late running start.
Liz, my husband retired last June & I am still trying to adjust, not easy. It's not so bad when he has a project to keep him busy & out of the way. He does a little consultant work from time to time, which is good. Otherwise I'm afraid he would spend the day sitting in front of the TV, ugh.
Pauly, I was up at 4:30 with the old dog but wasn't about to stay up, LOL
An early birthday celebration sounds like a good idea
Cyn, I think I've adjusted to being the mother of a 40 yr old, ha ha! It really had me feeling 'oldish' for a few days.
Thanks for the info - I will definitely take a look. I think I may have to write a book about my gut journey, geez. Glad you got your computer stuff straightened out.
Dill, thinking about you!
Have a peaceful night everyone!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Pauly, I haven't bought baby clothes yet. I have been buying diapers if I have a coupon and they are on sale. I did go into the baby store just today and it's overwhelming. I do remember how much stuff you need for the little ones, but I sure didn't miss having it around. I still have my kids baby dishes and utensils and am thrilled to be using them again. I need to get going on the baby shower arrangements.
Glad you've got that computer thing worked out. I have no idea whT some of my passwords are. I wrote them down, somewhere.
Working solo tomorrow so off to bed I go. Wishing you all a peaceful AF night!
Good morning...
Slept well, but woke up a little early so have some time to post. Everyone's posts were bright and chipper, so here we go. It's Friday, and this is not such a great day, due to the change in power of our government. I hope to go to a Women's March tomorrow, to march for all of us, our rights, respect, to be free from sexual assault, for minorities, for self-respect and competent people in office. A young woman I work with is on her way to DC, and many young people are becoming politically aware, a good thing. We are in for some scary times.
Glad it is Friday, off early for a meeting, on my first cup of coffee.
Pauly, hope you are feeling well and have a great day.
Lav, how wonderful to spend time with your daughter on her birthday, truly blessed to be with your daughter on her 40th. Hope you had fun. Sounds like YB is doing OK, better busy than not busy. Any other projects you can give him this winter? The weather here is rainy and warm, but tomorrow, it is supposed to be in the 60s, can you believe it?
Cyn, what a relief the computer geek can fix your computer issues, I love those computer guys. The ones I have worked with are always so nice. I have all my passwords in my phone, I have to, I have so many.
Liz, my daughter, expecting a boy in May, says she needs onesies, but has alot of stuff from the first baby, although she lent alot out. That's OK, I will need to go shopping as the time gets closer. The diaper idea sounds good though. I will start looking at the store. Isn't it exciting? Being a grandmother is the best experience of my life. I still love my grandson so much I can't believe it. Lucky you.
Having alot of stress over the last several weeks, I am so happy to not want to drink, I am realizing that I am OK the way I am, with my weight, social life (or lack of), relationships, material possessions. I guess what I am trying to say is that I am grateful and satisfied with all that I have and who I am, AF. Drinking, not so much. It is amazing to me how much better I can manage my feelings, most of the time. I had a moment yesterday after I got home from work, of unreasonable happiness, out of the blue. I was just happy to be home, ready to eat a good dinner, watch a little TV, and just be. Never felt like that while drinking. To much BS with the alcohol. Anyways, have a great Friday.
Hello All, it's so great to read all the positivity in your posts. It's so much easier to be positive without al coursing thru our bodies! I'm just popping on to check in and wish us all a good, productive AF Friday.
Cyn, Victoria is very good!
Pauly, I'm counting the days til TWD too.
Lav, thanks for the melatonin suggestion. I tend to think tho that her issue is simply a bit of insecurity at this point, so I'm going to wait and see.
Star, loved your description of your moment of "unreasonable happiness". It reminded me of a passage in C.S. Lewis' book, Surprised by Joy. Those moments are a gift.
Liz, hope your solo day goes ok.Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.