so lets have a brew...
hiya are you mate...all good I hope so you have got snow on the way?reckon we have as well but at the moment its that sleety stuff that gets you wet....havent seen any of those shows but will def look them up..
yo ab hows Canadia doing?you ok?
hiya are you today then?even if it was that ladys social money...look at it this way...she has got 100 bux in savings next time she comes in..has you hubby started the aint that bad ..well straight tiling that is..
hiya are you today then ? got any plans for the weekend?
hiya tt...quick guess toilet seat loose ?guess its the bushes where the screws tighten the seat into the bowl..youve done right ...go for cosy and get things sorted in your mind before going out elsewhere ...after all you have had a pretty bad deal recently,,,I understand about the non motivational attitude...I had a severe dose of cba..and still at times...but I tend to focus on one thing and put everything into kind of works for me,so it may be worth a try..
Hi Lav ru u ok?hve u lrnt txt spk yt? :egad
hi starts you ok?
hello Nora...nice to see you on the fred..
big hello to everyone else.....have a great weekend folks...
At some point in their lives everybody will gamble on a fart and lose.
Koreans have recently brought out their own vegetarian version of an instant noodle snack. It's called Not Poodle.
Dad buys a lie detector robot which slaps people when they lie. He decides to test it at dinner. "Son, where were you today?" The son says "at school dad." Robot slaps the son! "Ok, I watched a dvd at my friends house!" "What dvd?" "Toy story." Robot slaps the son again! "Ok, it was a porno" cries the son. "What! When I was your age I didn't know what porn was" says the dad. Robot slaps the dad! Mom laughs "HaHaHa! He's certainly your son." Robot slaps the mom