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hiya folks ..hope all ok...Im a wee bit busy this morning,so just a quick jump in at the moment,had a cracking day detecting yesterday,found a celtic silver unit from 1st century bc pics since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12Tags: None
finally.... heya ABerooos!
oh my, what a nutty time for the Det family. Had some nasty financial surprises pile on me and even had my internet service shut off
for a few days. Trying to dig out of this hole fast as i can but it's rough. Going to get even more challenging as I'm taking Dx to the airport on Wed super early and she'll be gone for two weeks and I drive to Vegas on Thur and will be there for 8 days on work.....
going to be a super sobriety challenge for me for sure. I'll have computer with me so hopefully I'll be able to stay tight with you all.
To make things more fun.....the whole area is flooding and some of my friends places are in danger of flooding. Not sure if I'll be able to make it through to work today... will see.
PPQ, sorry to hear your having a rough go too.
Mick, can't wait to see that Celtic piece!
Pauly, be great if we could grab a coffee or something in Vegas. My schedule is going to be nutty but we could try?
Sam, good to see you.
Shouts to Pie, Snoopy, Nora, TTops and all others my sleepy head is forgetting.
be well lovesnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
Mae everybody, Mick,can't wait to see the picPPQP,that's coooold! Looks like heavy flooding up in Det's neck of the woods,glad I didn't stay up there all those years ago when we tried it out,I knew I wouldn't be able to handle the winters,my mood has been so humdrum lately,I hate that feeling! Dunno if its post holiday blahs,the sun ain't been out, something I'm eating or what,just trying to be positive, much love to the gang here and wish us all a happy(hopefully) AF Monday
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
X-post Det,great to see youthe weather looks awful up there on the news,stay safe!! We'll see what's going on with your schedule for coffee when you get here
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
hiya peeps.. well what a pain today..cutting out the skirting board behind the o man..wisdom I was 2 inches tall!!eventuaslly got it curt and out...then tried to udo the tank bolts on the cistern where it joins the cistern to the of them there is a chance Im going to have to change the whole lot!!sheeeit..its got to come off the wall over here is pretty brutal wind and rain...its supposed to be going down to -13 this week plus thats something to look forward to...out detecting yesterday found this little beauty it is a silver unit of the coriatani tribe..they lived in Britain about 2100 years ago!! it has a boar on one side and a prancing horse on the other..
still struggling to get my ass in gear..I just seem to have lost motivation..oh well..anyway ..have a good day...nice to see you det glad all is ok mate..
pauly this is handy!!
English to Scottish Slang Translator - ScotranslateLast edited by Mick; January 9, 2017, 03:46 since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Nice coin Mick...any monetary value in some of the stuff you find? Your next project might have to be another curio cabinet. Your mojo will come back, seems your making good headway so far to me. Thanks for the language translate link you sent to Pauly, that'll come in handy.
Det...good to hear from you, seems we're in the same boat ATM. You be careful driving to Vegas and I know you'll pass the sobriety challenge you've come so far, stay close if you can.
Pauly...same mood here. I've heard the 3rd Monday in January is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year. We'll help each other get through this week and look forward to Tuesday next.
Ended up working later than planned today so pizza in the oven and an early night for me. Have a peaceful rest all.....:smile:PPQP
Good evening Abbers!
Wow Mick, that was quite a find, Good for you
Good luck with your work, it's hard to stay focused on some jobs - at least it is for me. Still below freezing here as well.
Hey PQ, glad you are staying warm enough. Hope you have a restful evening!
Det, we're all glad to see you!
Sorry about the financial difficulties. Hope you can get the sorted out soon. Good luck on your trip & I hope you get to see Pauly
Pauly, don't stay focused on the bad mood. Focus on what you can do to improve, exercise, meditation, etc. Maybe you can take Louie out for lunch or something fun
Greetings to Sam, Pie, SF & anyone dropping by.
Have a peaceful night everyone!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs: