from this
to this
and finally ....
couple more ideas then on to the next project.....
sun is shining today looks pretty good out there tho it is a bit on the chilly we shall have a brew
hiya snoopers...thats a name not a job or hobby!!

hiya pauly how are you then?hope you are good ..sheeeeit I put that lego wall up yesterday..and guess what trump starts building today..oops nice pic of Louie on fb .
hiya tt hows the shoulder today then?hope its bit better...vbery similar to uk that...slippery banks..hence the ppi claims they are having to shell out...glad things are at least pointing in the right direction for you.
hiya ppqp...hows you today then?hows work doing?hope you aint doing over the odds ..look after yourself!oh yes weve got the Colonel and the clown over here too....Next jolliday?Im off to Florida next month..its Julies birthday so that and all thats happened..we is my fave ride of all time ..I actually sat and recorded this once when I was going round it ..(not this one tho) so if youve got a spare 13 mins!
some of us dont grow up.!!!
hiya SF..sounds like you are doing great !when you think back to the early done you ..hows the work situ doing....
hiya Lav how are you today then?hope all is well ..yep planted the roses in pots,not putting them out yet.they can live in the greenhouse till the weather breaks...bought another 6 roses yesterday ..yellow bush rose and 3 scented climbers for the back fence give some colour and fragrance.Need to get some lime for the veg pbeds ..there is a definite deficiency there..anyway I digress its brew time..
told you the other ones were brighter!!!!!!!!
hi det how are you today then?get back on the hoss..
hiya Sam you ok ?are you out in the fierlds?
hiya are you today then?feeling any better
right folks time to go...
I bought a new deodorant stick today. The instructions read: REMOVE WRAPPER AND PUSH UP THE BOTTOM PART.” I can hardly walk now, but whenever I fart, the room smells divine.
When I see lovers’ names carved in a tree, I don’t think it’s sweet… I just think it’s surprising how many people bring a knife on a date.
An exceptional pilot uses his exceptional knowledge to avoid needing his exceptional skill.
Who don’t penguins fly? They’re not tall enough to be pilots.
What do you call a woman who stands between two goal posts? Annette.
What must you know to be an auctioneer? Lots.
The problem with money is that it is tainted. It taint yours and it taint mine.
When a marathon runner had ill fitting shoes, he suffers the agony of defeat.
A married couple down on their luck decides to make a few extra bucks by reluctantly having the wife work the corner. After the first day the husband picks her up and asks “how did you do?”. She says, “I did pretty well, I made $200.50”. He asks, “What asshole gave you 50 cents?” and she replies “all of them”