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Feisty Feb

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  • Lavande
    Re: Feisty Feb

    Good evening friends, happy Hump day!

    Mild temps continue here thru Saturday then drop 30 degrees on Sunday, geez. I am itching to start doing some things outside but I know it's too soon. I peeked under the straw & said hello to my strawberry plants today

    Cyn, I just checked that list & fortunately do not have any funds in those banks at this point. We have dealt with some of them in the past. Wells Fargo held our mortgage until last month when we dumped them, ha ha.
    Glad your meeting went well. I am sticking with my Call to Action daily & contacting my Reps & Senators very frequently whether they like it or not!
    The level of corruption in the White House & Congress is just incredible. It seems like a nightmare but I have to keep reminding myself that this is our reality now
    Good luck with your poodle lodger!

    Star, sharing food at work was always a nice thing. I had the chance to try some really good international dishes. My favorite was homemade Indian food that our OT brought in, made by his lovely wife.
    We need to keep ourselves focused on the resistance but having small & pleasant distractions helps our stress levels manageable.

    Pauly, don't let yourself get dragged into your husband's mood swings. Damn, it's hard enough to deal with our own, don't you think? Keep your focus where it belongs, on you

    Glad to report my blood pressure was back to normal today. I think I over 45'd yesterday or something. Won't do that again.
    Wishing everyone a peaceful night!


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  • paulywogg
    Re: Feisty Feb

    Cyn,its absolutely heartbreaking what's going on,feels like a bad dream good for you on taking action and taking your business elsewhere

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  • treegirl
    Re: Feisty Feb

    Hello all - thanks for the good wishes, the meeting was small but mighty, we will have voices heard, state strengthened and bad legislation halted, even if it takes some time.

    Lost Soul, so good to hear from you! Stop by anytime! (And PS, love the Blake excerpt...) best of luck in your AF journey.

    Pauly, I'm SO impressed with your bread! Fantastic - you are doing it, keep it up. Sorry for the bumps w/ HB at home,.. that's being married, right?

    Lav, I picked up SDs dog this morning so that she can take a week off - she deserves it! Even though the dog is a small poodle and easy to take care of, it seems to change the dynamic here at the house... but no biggie, just some adjustments.

    Star, nothing good is going to happen in this country except through the judicial system (while we still have one) and through citizens' efforts. I hope you can find an action-a-day that suits you... I find it very healing. Good luck! So proud of your AF days...

    Sorry to be direct here on the thread, but to me today is one of the blacker days in the last 32... DAPL was rerouted around Bismarck because they felt it might poison their water supply. Today the Sioux are literally being forced at gunpoint to accept geological risks that No Dakota's residents refused. The water protectors were arrested today for protecting their own land. Wow. I am cutting ties and getting my money out of any of the 17 international banks that are funding DAPL, and that includes the bank I have used for decades. Enough. None of my money will fund this immoral stance or this technologically backward way to line the pockets of the already-rich.

    I am grateful to the huge hearts of the people who have made it so clear that they are protecting our home, earth. I am grateful for the tenacity of those here to face the AF life with courage. Thank you all.

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  • paulywogg
    Re: Feisty Feb

    Morning friends, Star,no not 32 days AF 32 days stuck with that hemmoroid in the white house! Cyn and Lav mentioned 32 days he's been in yesterday just feels a lot longer,tired this morning, sleep has been weird past couple of days,hubs is having work issues and I think my subconscious is worried, I'm irritated cuz I hafta deal with crap everyday but I do it,he whines about every small thing and wants to quit! Meh,I'm detaching from the situation, hope we all have a happy AF Wednesday

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  • Snoopy56
    Re: Feisty Feb

    Good morning...

    Lav, great your daughter is starting her new job soon, big adjustment after being off, but personally it is great to be busy and working. You really enjoy cooking up new recipes and finding out alternate ways to prepare the old but true dishes. Having a potluck at work today so I make Irish Coddle Soup in the crock pot and soda bread, it was alot of work but fun, we need something to get us through the week, although I have to say the temps have been mild and I am getting used to it. Cool off for a few days this weekend.

    Cyn, hope your meeting went well, just not sure why nothing is being done to stop the foolishness going on at the White House. Thanks for all you do. I think my husband is getting a cold, darn, I don't want to get sick so keeping a friendly distance.

    Pauly, having fun with pinterest recipes, glad your new one came out tasty and Louis liked it. 32 days AF is great!!! Let's keep the momentum going.

    LS, nice of you to stop by, hope you are doing well on your journey.

    Have a good AF hump day!

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  • Lavande
    Re: Feisty Feb

    Checking back in as promised

    Cyn, you are the chicken soup healer to beat all, ha ha! Glad your husband is feeling better.
    I am happy to hear that you don't go on the roof - geez, just the thought freaks me out. It's funny when we have to disappoint the dogs by changing their routines just a little. Good luck with your meeting tonight, you are awesome!

    Pauly, I imagine Brady is graduating this year? Has he looked into any trade schools or anything like that? Congrats for hopping into the healthy baking. You can really impress the little ones when you bake something from scratch, lol.
    I made a pizza with my homemade non-dairy mozzarella & fresh tomatoes tonight, it was good. I also added some roasted garlic oil on top which was good but gave me a touch of heartburn, oh well. Keep cooking

    LS, nice to see you here. Feel free to hop in anytime, please.

    Have a peaceful night everyone!

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  • Lost Soul
    Re: Feisty Feb

    I hope you are all well in monthly Abs!
    I am from the nest but wander around MWOF & found myself here & had to say you guys are awesome! I really admire what your doing about stuff you feel strongly about & think it is so important & you guys are my heros!
    "The world begins to end the day we become silent about things that matter" - Martin Luther King
    Stay strong & never give up x (oh & don't drink!)
    Take care

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  • paulywogg
    Re: Feisty Feb

    Cripes,its only been 32 days?!?! Feels like way longer than that

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  • paulywogg
    Re: Feisty Feb

    Morning friends,Lav,Brady's birthday is Sunday too,19 dunno how that happened, I can't believe DT spent that much on travel in one month! My coworker and I were talking and right now we're thinking that we actually miss Bush(who I couldn't stand!) At least he had half a brain(I think) Cyn,Louie and I made some coconut flour bread yesterday from a recipe I found on Pinterest ,it actually turned out pretty good for me just throwing stuff together and not having a mixer,Lou ate 2 slices cuz he loves bread anyways and this one is kinda sweet cuz it has honey in the dough,it will be fun to try different, healthier recipes,like Cyn advised"baby steps" just trying to add in more vegetables with our meals,Star,I hear you on having him have his own space,I need peace and so do you off to the daily thread,wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday

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  • treegirl
    Re: Feisty Feb

    Morning all -
    Glad to see everyone here.

    Pauly, I have been wondering about Michelle and how she is doing - I hope OK. How's things from a cooking angle? Lav reminded me of all the great recipes I have on Pinterest; maybe I'll find some and post them here. Wishing you strength for the changes in diet - it's worth it!

    Lav, I don't get up on the roof! I just rake as much off as I can, but the 3 inch underlayment of ice that fell 3 weeks ago isn't going away fast. This situation is because of an overhanging eave plus no sun getting to this area during the winter (plus poor insulation!) so, I just have to wait it out. Poor girl dog, she really prefers going out the front - she's kind of mad about it!��

    Star, thanks for the soup recipe - fortunately in NYC food can be delivered right to your door, so I recommended that HB order hot and sour soup. I think the chili in it really helps the immune system. He is finally feeling human today - he called me early to report. Personally I think it was my excellent chicken soup that did it. Ha!

    Having another meeting tonight at my house. I think I'll make a flourless chocolate cake; seems like the last 32 days has really taken a toll on everybody; I figure if people can still drag themselves out to a meeting, they deserve chocolate!

    Be well all, and enjoy our beautiful light. I was so grateful for the sun yesterday - where would we be without it? The early morning light was peach-colored this morning, just gorgeous.

    AF and strong everyone.

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  • Lavande
    Re: Feisty Feb

    Good morning friends, happy Tuesday!

    Making a rare morning appearance, ha ha! I woke up to a text message from our friend Mick who is making the long trek from his homeland to Disney World today. I hope he enjoys Mickey & friends

    Star, nice recipe, thanks! I save it on Pinterest & will make it when I have some leftover pork or chicken (don't use tofu here).
    The temp is only heading to 50 today but I can certainly handle that. Mostly I am grateful for the sunshine this time of year.
    Glad to hear your son got started in his job OK. My daughter is heading in for a physical this morning & fingerprinting this afternoon. I think she said orientation is set within the next two week, exciting.
    My granddaughter's 6th birthday is Sunday so we will be heading out there for lunch & gifts.

    Greetings to Cyn & Pauly. I hope everyone has a great day.
    I'll check in later.


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  • Snoopy56
    Re: Feisty Feb

    Good morning...

    What a lot of great posts, still trying to wake up, coffee is helping.

    Cyn, so sweet of you to make all that good food and drive it over, it has to be hard having your hubbie away most of the time. I am sure it becomes part of your way of life though, just as my husband always working on Saturdays and one to two nights a week is normal, it is just the way it is. Last night I just rested, watched TV, and read on the computer, not productive but what I wanted to do. Wanted to share this recipe, it was good, not sure if you could use it: Hot and Sour Soup | Gimme Some Oven Thanks for the support re: my son and the duplex, geez, what a year it has been so far.

    Lav, my Monday was OK, work was busy later in the afternoon,and that was OK. Today I am really busy, so the day will go quickly. I just don't understand how 45 is getting away with lying, making up things that never happened, over spending, acting irrationally, and inability to even fill his cabinet, speak coherently, plus the ties to Russia. He is going around campaigning, not knowing what else to do, and his supporters think he is doing a great job. Unbelievable. Thanks for your support re my son too. He made it though day one with the new job. Taking it one day at a time.

    Pauly, hope you are doing well, cooking differently can be fun, but again, challenging. Feeling good is a great outcome and makes all the extra work worth it. Yes, having a safe house for your adult kid is a big expense, but living in my house would not be good for me at all, I would definitely lose my mind. Hope Michelle is doing well.

    Off to get ready for work, have a good AF Tuesday.

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  • Lavande
    Re: Feisty Feb

    Greetings friends,

    'Twas a busy Monday for me for some reason but I did get a lot of things done

    Star, I hope your day ended up OK - as OK as possible for a Monday, ha ha!

    Cyn, I cannot get YB to change any habits either. It's just plain stupid that they insist on doing everything the 'old way' when science clearly has shown the 'new way' is better!!! I don't think YB has noticed that I haven't even had a cold, let alone a sinus infection or any of that stuff for YEARS!!! DUH! I hope your husband heals quickly anyway
    We had another warmish day today but I haven't forgotten about your ice situation. I hope it's manageable.

    Pauly, have you decided on any dietary changes to accommodate your test results?
    I made a dairy free veggie lasagna a few days ago & we had leftovers tonight - yum.
    Let me know if you are interested in trying the cashew ricotta cheese recipe. it's pretty simple & it works great in the lasagna or stuffed shells.

    My level of disgust re #45 grows by the day. Today when I read that in 1 month he has cost us (the taxpayers) as much in travel expenses as the Obamas did in 1 YEAR I just wanted to scream. This is an immoral & unethical burden for all of us, just ridiculous

    On that sweet note I'll wish everyone a peaceful night!

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  • paulywogg
    Re: Feisty Feb

    Morning friends, seems like a lot of people couldn't log in Jackie posted the message from admin in the Army,since I use my phone I just stay logged in its easier, Star,that's a nice solution for your son, when Michelle was still here I wished I had a place I owned she could stay at or at least pay her rent somewhere, so even though I worry about her being so far away with that creep at least I don't hafta put up with her pot smoking and odd hours,Cyn,I was wondering what you were trying to post in that last bit haha,Lav,glad you had a nice visit with the girls I think DT is best off just not talking, seems everyone he opens his mouth something dumb or untrue flies out,yesterday it was all over the news about his Sweden flub,people said they voted for change,well I guess they're getting it,wishes for a great AF Monday

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  • treegirl
    Re: Feisty Feb

    OK, I think that's all I get to write today... I tried to give a shoutout to Liz, but posted instead, and it wouldn't let me edit - just wishing you well with the empty nesting going on, Liz.

    I'm wishing all well, and I hope you all get some sunshine in your lives today.

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