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Feisty Feb
Re: Feisty Feb
Morning all - so after repeated attempts to check in last night, I open the page to see that I am logged in!? Sheesh!
Anyway, sorrry not to post last night - I tried! Long day yesterday, packed up all the things I had cooked for HB and got it down to NYC and got back by late evening. Hopefully home-made organic chicken soup, mushroom barley veggie sides and dairy-free, sugar free GF muffins and and dessert will keep him cleaned up enough to heal.
Lav, I love Dr. Amy's site, and the rest of the sites that all say the same thing. I've given HB this information over and over and begged him to be proactive to protect his immune system, but his habits are to strong, and he just doesn't really get it - until he gets sick. Of course he went to a doc who gave him antibiotics and prednisone, so he's taking those, of course, completely messing up his healing system. I took every guthealth thing I could think of down to him yesterday... but he's still looking for a magic pill. Oh well.
Star, what a smart way to handle your son's housing - I'm sure that was a leap, it so smart. Keep those funds all in the family instead of enriching someone else. I hope all of this turns out well for him and for you - he is a lucky kid to have such proactive parents.
Pauly, you OK? Please check in.
Liz, I was directed to the General Discussion pan
Re: Feisty Feb
Good Morning...
Monday and I woke up a little late so no time to post except to say have a great AF day.
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Re: Feisty Feb
Goid evening friends,
Can't believe it's 10:30 already, geez.
My daughter & her crew came today & we had fun just hanging out & even cooking on the grill, ha ha! Gotta love this weather & take complete advantage, right?
My granddaughter is really maturing & developing quite a sense of humor too!!
Star, that's great that your son has a comfortable place to live. I hope he appreciates his loving & extremely helpful parents
I can't help but think we would probably do the same thing if one of our kids needed help.
Cyn, I wish you could get some young guy to help out with the roof ice. There is no way I would get on a roof to try to clear out ice clogs. Please be careful!!
I made YB call a neighbor yesterday for some lifting help. We had the new wall oven/microwave combo delivered so the old one had to be carried outside before the new one could be installed. I don't lift anything over 30 lbs, no way! The neighbor was happy to come help & I gave him a dozen eggs, ha ha!!
I hope your hudbsnd feels better soon. I just finished listening to a webinar by Amy Myers MD. She specializes in autoimmunity & swears you can reverse your autoimmune disease with diet & avoid steroids & immunosuppressants. I believe her, I really do.
Pauly, hope you had a good day!
Peace to everyone.
PS: I have signed up for email updates from representatives & both senators from PA & am following them on FB. I can see how they are voting on issues by checking Countable every day. Have to keep my strength up
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Re: Feisty Feb
Good morning ladies, thanks for all the wonderful posts.
Pauly, lucky your husband is on the same page with you regarding nutrition, it really helps to just have one dinner to make. Interesting with your daughter about your drinking, you have alot to be AF for, so great you and she could talk about it. My kids know that I am not drinking again, ever. It is a good thing, absolutely not one downside to be AF. I had a rough week in some aspects and had a few cravings, but ate right away and that seems to make the cravings go away. Also, the memories of the last time I drank made me cringe. I am sure remembering this conversation with your daughter will go a long way in helping you to maintain your sobriety. Sending you support and encouragement.
Lav, the weather is so great, makes it so much easier to get things done. Thanks for the great recipes and websites, I really appreciate your sharing your knowledge. No grandson this weekend, we moved our son into a duplex that we bought, we realize that he has problems that will be ongoing, so this will make it easier on all of us and in the long run save us money. Eventually. Right now not so much. I cannot imagine how I would have handled this challenge if I was drinking, it would have been so bad, I am so grateful to be AF, I cannot even express it. Hope your weekend is peaceful.
Cyn, yes, I remember so much snow that the eves would thaw and refreeze every day, eventually causing damage to the house, what a pain in the neck. We had to go in and out of the house through the garage. So sorry your husband is not feeling well, poor guy. Lots of people at my work are coming down with flu and colds. I am working on my immune system with vitamins, good food and plenty of rest. The stress piece is something I am working on.It is so cool that you are involved in activism, thank you.
Today getting tax stuff together, taking some furniture to my son's place and grocery shopping. I want to get in a little outside walk too. Have a good one, AF.
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Re: Feisty Feb
Hi all -
Late evening here -- so glad to hear how everyone is doing. Lav, sorry I x-posted with you last night and didn't realize it! I am trying valiantly not to get the bug that brought down my HB, I'm using all my tricks. Poor guy, he is alone in NYC stuck in an apartment feeling lousy. I was going to take fresh-made chicken soup to him tomorrow, but I'll have to see how I get through the night.
Pauly, you are doing great - making strides, listening to your body, listening to your kids. It's all good. Keep it going!
Star - I haven't minded the winter at all until recently -- but this business with the roof and the ice is really bugging me; today I can't open the front door, and I can see that water is stuck in the eaves and dripping and pulling down paint. Darn, that was a project that I wasn't thinking I'd have to deal with. Enjoy your Sunday, I hope you and HB are home together.
Lav - I have decided that I'm concentrating on the Long Game, as I think you are as well. Action, not Anguish. Otherwise it's too overwhelming, distressing, and distracting. I stay aware of all each day, but I am learning to put my energy into specifics. I have my group and now am co-chair of a women's issues group as well. I am learning to be a well-informed citizen that is dedicated to doing service to the country that I love. I feel kind of sheepish that it has taken me this long to get in touch with all of this, but maybe that's the thing to be grateful for.
At this point in my life I feel that AF-ness has given me the vision and the strength to be myself and to understand that taking things head-on rather than burying them in AL is definitely the way to go. And that is an incredible gift. Wishing all a great night and a wonderful AF Sunday.
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Re: Feisty Feb
Good evening friends,
Well it was a nice day in Lav-land, almost 60 degrees & supposed to be even warmer tomorrow, yay!
Star aka SnoopStar (haha), glad you are getting some decent weather too. Keep sending it this way, please
I have my ipad sitting next to me & I am watching a live poll on Occupy Democrats. They asked the question: When should Trump be impeached? Right Now or Wait until things get even worse. The Right now has >60,000 votes & the Wait Until things get worse has 1083. That's pretty telling in my book!!!!
I am feeling anxiety but am determined to not let it overwhelm me. I will continue my peaceful resistance.
Cyn, does your roof get any sun to help the melting? Our roof is all exposed to the sun so that stuff melts quickly. I hope it goes away fast for you!
Pauly, YB was raised on meat & potatoes. I literally had to teach him to eat salads & vegetables. Tonight I made a pot of vegan potato & leek soup & a big bowl of 'No Tuna Salad' that we used to make sandwiches. He was perfectly happy with a no meat, no dairy meal. Trading tuna fish for chickpeas is genius & delicious
Creamy Vegan Potato Leek Soup Recipe - Go Dairy Free
"No-Tuna" Salad Sandwich - Plant-Based Vegan Recipe
You probably don't have tahini sitting in your kitchen right now. I buy it in a can made by Joyva. There are lots of other brands, some are pretty expensive. I am going to try making some since I recently bought a big bag of sesame seeds. I'll just roast them a bit then toss them in the food processor like I do when making almond butter & peanut butter. I use tahini in making the dressing for the No-Tuna salad, hummus & other salad dressings. You have to start somewhere & just experiment. You will eventually figure out what you like & what foods make you feel your best
I just checked back on that poll. The numbers are now 73,188 to 1311. Hmmm.
Peace to everyone tonight!
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Re: Feisty Feb
Morning friends,Star,hubs has been trying to clean up his diet for the past few months, avoiding bread,pasta,etc in fact I always tease him for taking the bread off sandwiches and wrapping it in lettuce,now looks like I'll be doing the same,I was on Pinterest last night looking for alternative recipes,might be a fun hobby to cook things with different flours just to see how they turn out,its raining cats and dogs here! I wanna call off workits gonna be sooo slow.Cyn,wow that's so many years trying to figure out what's good/bad for your body,I'm really glad I was a few months off the booze when I took the test that way there was no skewed results,yesterday me and Kell were talking at lunch and she said she'd sometimes wish I'd drink just to cut loose,she said last weeks drinking made her rethink that cuz it gave her a creepy feeling, I also kept bringing up her lost pregnancy (I don't remember!) and it made her really sad,I'm so over dissapointing these poor kids,I cannot drink again!,Lav,we have peeps on the daily thread confused about Star/Snoop haha,thanks for the turmeric link
wishing us all a happy,healthy AF Saturday
Last edited by paulywogg; February 18, 2017, 08:55 AM.
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Re: Feisty Feb
Good morning ladies...
Lots to do this Saturday morning, so great to wake up and be feeling good physically.
Cyn, your weather sounds cold and snowy, makes it really difficult to get through each day, take care. I remember what it feels like to live up north, February and March can be difficult months, it seems like the cold and snow strengthens and becomes more intense. It does feel so good to be AF and know that I cannot and will not drink, it would make me so sick, and I have enough going on without trying to function and lose time, or waste time drinking.
Lav, I went on that website, what a lot of good information, I will definitely be revisiting for more information. The political scene make me literally sick, I am so disgusted with 45 and so many republicans who are so corrupt and want to go back to a time where the earth was not protected at all, and only white males had full rights and opportunities. I want 45 impeached, he cannot even get through a press conference coherently, he is truly unbalanced, incapable of making good thought out decisions. This is becoming so frightening. We need to keep our heads up and do what we can to inform our representatives that we are watching and know what is going on.
Pauly, I just think that if you and your husband spend a few hundred dollars on finding out food sensitivities, you can work on eating a diet sensitive to your needs, which will have a direct positive effect on your health. Better than spending it at the doctor's who could care less about you, don't follow up, and don't have answers many times. I love that you are taking action to find out what to do for your health. I remember when I found out I had sensitivity to nuts, I was surprised but after a few years avoiding them, I can now have almond milk, and it seems to be OK. I was in such a high state of inflammation at that time, I reacted to all types of foods, and it was really scary. It effects mood too I noticed. Just some thoughts on food sensitivities.
I have so much to do today, I am making a list and working hard to get most things done. Lovely weather today, 60s and sunny, in February.
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Re: Feisty Feb
Evening all -
Star - CONGRATS on 6 months!! What a great achievement, and you've stayed steadfast through some really tough times. It is so wonderful. I love your phrase "Discipline is freedom". So true - true for AFness, true for the foods that are no longer good for us. Freedom from feeling not-great! I hope all works out for your son - 1 job is better than no jobs!
Pauly - baby steps! I've been working on my health and food allergies since the 80s, and it is still a bit of a challenge. But finally I am taking Star's approach - 'Discipline is Freedom!" It's just not worth it when one doesn't feel good. If you start to think of meat as a 'side' rather than a 'main', then you can start changing your habits around that. It's better for you and for the earth, in the long run! I'll see if I can think of some recipes... that's the hardest part, being ready to make something in a flash when you're used to a certain routine...
Lav, I hope today was warm and nice as promised. It's supposed to warm up tomorrow, that would be nice. In the meantime, I have real issues with water/ice dams at the house, even though I did the roof raking. I can barely open the front door, the upper surround is so swollen, yikes. Oh well, hopefully some sun and warmth will help. I raked the roof again, but what's left up there is still frozen, darn. How is your old girl dog doing? Sleeping through the night?
I am wishing us all (and I mean ALL) strength to see the compassionate path, courage to move forward, and peace inside to send outside. Boy, this country needs it.
To the light...
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Re: Feisty Feb
Good evening friends!
Still chilly but am so looking forward to the warmup
Star, CONGRATS on your 6 months AF :welldone:
This is it, this is your forever quit so there's no going back!!!
Great that your son got the job & if he has to pick up some part time job to fill in the pay gap, so be it, right? Lots of us have had to manage more than one job to get by.
I simply cannot believe the BS coming out of the WH on a daily basis.
Reading about #45's $3 million weekends, in addition to the extreme money be laid out to provide SS protection for his wife & grown kids is just making me sick
The new head of the EPA is set on destroying the environment - what a damn nightmare.
Pauly, how about using fresh turmeric? You can make tea, there's lots of recipes online. As far as the sugar goes, we all need to think of it as the poison it really is. Think heart disease, diabetes & generalized inflammation it causes.
Why don't you make your dietary changes & see how you feel then your husband can decide if he wants to test himself. If you feel better then he may be willing to spend the money on himself. Here you go:
1 Ideas on How to Use Fresh Turmeric Root in Cooking
Cyn, you know from my FB rants today I am pretty PO'd about what's going on.
I am as stubborn as a mule so I won't be giving up on the resistance any time soon & I have a feeling you won't either, ha ha!!!
Have a wonderful & peaceful night everyone!
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Star,congrats on 6 months!you don't even look like you need to lose any weight from what I've seen but I never lose weight from quitting either,I read of some people who lose 15 lbs in a few weeks,who are these mutants?haha.I was watching the news last night and I seen DT getting all flustered cuz he got caught in false information about his electoral college numbers,my goodness why can't he let that go?such a narcissist! Lav,vegan would be very hard cuz I feel that meals are incomplete without meatI'm gonna hafta change a lot of my thinking, now hubs wants a test kit but I don't want him to know its almost $200! He might flip,Cyn,yes sugar makes me sick too but its so good sometimes, I think just finding the right balance on stuff is what I'm gonna try,I also need to go to Sprouts today and find a new turmeric that doesn't have bromelain in it cuz bromelain is a derivative of pineapple which was a level 2 reaction, can't take the one with black pepper so I shall be on the hunt,wishing everyone a light filled AF Friday
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Good morning...
Up early today, had a hard time sleeping last night. Six months AF today, I feel extreme gratitude, love feeling better most of the time, but have not lost any weight, it must be my age. I have been stressed in 2017 due to my son's job loss and the mess that goes along with that, but cannot imagine how I would be managing everything with alcohol as my manager. It would be such a mess. Life happens and I can meet my challenges so much better AF. Thanks for all your support, encouragement, and forgiveness when I messed up. I truly never want to touch alcohol again.
Pauly, well, those are unexpected results from the food sensitivity test. It will be interesting if you can eliminate those foods for three weeks or so and see if you start to feel better. I hope so. It is good to know what to avoid and begin to build on what you can eat that is healthy for you. My son starts his new job Monday, does not pay well, geez he is a whiner. I told him to go, work, do his best and keep looking. Hopefully he will be busier and I won't have to see him as much.
Lav, hey, the weather here is starting to warm up, 6 days in a row in the 60s coming up, I will make sure to get outside this weekend. I read about 45's press conference where he was truly delusional, (the White House is running like a finely tuned machine)he needs to get out before he ruins all of us. This is unbelievable. What is even crazier is that his followers (not all) think he is doing a great job. I guess they must run their lives poorly too. Chaos, corruption, ties with Russian, I can't bear to think about it.
Cyn, I have to work on tax stuff this weekend too, it will be good to get it over with and to the accountant. It was interesting to hear the symptoms you get from various foods. I notice when I have a medium amount of sugar, gluten, pasta, I ache, feel irritable, stomach upset. This also happens with processed junk food. I feel best when I eat lightly and all fresh. This is sad, Mexican food is out for me, it just hurts my stomach and I feel sick for days. Yes, this is true, and I am at the point where I do not want to do that to myself. Discipline is freedom. I am enjoying the light during the longer evenings, this is starting the best time of the year, with more and more warmth and light.
Happy AF Friday, have a good one.
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Good evening friends,
Still cold & windy here, even had some flurries today. Looking forward to 60+ weather this weekend as promised.
Star, congrats to your son! If he has to go thru background checks, physicals & all that (like my daughter) then the starting date will be delayed a bit. At leastthere is a sense of relief to come soon, right?
Pauly, with your test results back now, maybe you want to look up some vegan dishes for a while. Changing your eating habits can make all the difference in how you feel.
You have mentioned the boss being in the Phillipines before, sorry I forgot. It just seems odd that there is no one local keeping a better eye on the place. I still think I would try to contact him & clue him in to what's going on in his shop.
Cyn, SUGAR really does make me feel icky anymore. I usually avoid it but we have been up to our eyeballs in Girl Scout cookies, lol. Thankfully they are almost gone now & the majority of them have not been consumed by me
I happened to be in front of the TV when #45 started his press conference this afternoon. I had to walk away after a few minutes when I found myself yelling at the TV
What a buffoon.
Wishing everyone a peaceful night!
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Cyn,its just nice to know what's up with the foods,I feel sickly nearly all the time and at least now I know that maybe these slight sensitivities are what's causing it,the only dairy that showed up off was mozzarella cheesegluten and certain grains did come up too,mostly surprised about the chicken and turkey those are the only meats I truly love(except bacon
) I'll just hafta work on what I eat,kinda sad but I wanna feel great ya know?have a nice night
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