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    howdo folks ....just a quick jump in ...running about like a loony this havent got a lot of time...trying to gert things done before the service tomorrow when the ashes are put into the family grave,so got a wee bit to do ..its a bit complicated paperwork wise,we have found an anomaly in the past that needs to be sorted out,so will try n jump in later on

    soooooooooo heres a quick brew

    Burglars are getting really clever lately, I was in bed last night when my Wife woke me up and said, "I can hear a noise downstairs."
    It wasn't until I checked every room that I thought to myself "hang on I'm not even fecking married

    Why is it everything you buy from Ikea requires assembly?
    I bought a pillow the other day and they gave me a duck!

    I stayed at my mates house in Liverpool last night. It was so bloody cold this morning. I went out to the car and it was minus four.
    Minus four fcking wheels, thieving gits

    The second Fifty shades of grey film is set to be the sexiest film ever, unless you're Welsh in which case it's the Shawn the Sheep movie.

    The 1st passenger said, " I am Steph Curry , the best NBA basketball player. The warriors and my millions of fans need me , and i can't afford to die" So he took the 1st pack and left the plane
    The 2nd passenger , Donald Trump , said , " I am the newly elected US President , and I am the smartest President in American history , so my people don't want me to die." He took the 2nd pack and jumped out of the plane.
    The 3rd passenger , the Pope , said to the 4th passenger , a 10 year old schoolboy , " My son , I am old and don't have many years left , you have more years ahead so I will sacrifice my life and let you have the last parachute." The little boy said , " That's okay , Your Holiness, there's a parachute left for you. America's smartest President took my schoolbag.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Mick, good morning and thanks for your jokes, they are a positive every morning. Thinking of your as your mourning continues. Hope it goes smoothly.

    PPQ, hope you are feeling better, what are you reading? I just read, What Alice Forgot, really enjoyed that one.

    Sunflower, wow, I wish I could figure out a way to work a deal to keep the money coming in after it was over. 401ks are not very stable, very scarey.

    Det,hope you get a chance to check in today, thinking of you.

    Sam, when do you get to go to Guatamala? The warm weather and scenery would be nice.

    Hello to LAV and PAULY and everyone else. Happy Hump Day,AF.


      morning all
      thanks for the quick brew, Mick. good parachute joke!

      Snoopy, probably never get there, fact is my wife still hasn't got there, they couldn't land because of a helicopter accident at the airport, flew to Nicaragua, waited to get to Guatemala, could not, back to Atlanta at midnight. Poor thing has been up since 2 AM. When she called last night at midnight, she said one last try today and if she can't land she's coming home, I haven't finished re-decorating yet!! Only got one pile of clothes on the floor so far.

      PQ, hope you're on the mend!

      Lav, you a tax expert? I always behave!!**!!

      well friends off to do the animal thing
      Liberated 5/11/2013


        Mae everybody, loved the parachute joke Mick and the IKEA duck Sam,what a hassle for your daughter,hope it works out for her tonite,SF,I wish I could figure out a business, sounds like you have a great plan in the making,when you were talking about age and jobs it reminded me of some of my customers who have been working in the casino industry for years only to be booted out cuz they're not young and sexy anymore, they want young bartenders,dealers and such no matter if they don't do the job as well,I guess its just life,wish I could hit a megabucks jackpot but I hardly gamble haha,if I did hit it big I'd probly buy the shop I work at and a bakery for fun PQ,hope you're feeling better, sheesh,that came on fast! Hi Star nothing else to report here in paulysville,everyone is safe and sound, happy and healthy and that's enough much love to all and I hope we all have a wonderful AF Wednesday
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          MAE everybody, my days seem to speed past as I jump from one thing to the next. Mostly the new real estate gig keeps me hopping, though I've yet to earn any money. Still, it's very interesting, and there's so much to learn.

          Thanks for the start up and the jokes, Mick!

          PQ, I tried to make prime rib, but grocery didn't have one, so I used a bone-in ribeye steak thinking it would work just as well. Oy! I figure if my biggest embarrassments these days are cooking related, life has improved!


            Quick jump in. Sorry just been so busy with applying for things. Thinking of you Mick as you prepare for the internment.
            Sam that is too bad about your wife. I hope she can eventually land.
            Meetings today and more applications to do.
            Hi there to everyone.


              Good evening Abbers,

              We had record breaking warmth today & there is snow on the way over night & tomorrow - insane!

              Mick, I hope everything works out as well as possible for you tomorrow.

              Hello SnoopStar & Sam.
              I am NO tax expert Sam - I just gather papers & hand them over to an accountant, believe me.
              I hope your wife gets to where she needs to be, sounds exhausting!

              Pauly, it never hurts to pick up a lottery ticket once in a while

              TT, you sound busy. I hope something good shows up soon for you.

              Pie, I hope the mortgage rates stay decent so people are willing & able to buy houses. Don't know what to expect in the coming months with all the craziness & changes going on.

              SF, good for you! Sounds like you have put a lot of thought into your future & new ventures. I hope it all works out well for you

              My grandson dropped off his cub scout shirt & 5 new patches that need to be sewn in. Glad to be of service.
              Wishing everyone a nice & peaceful night.

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                MAE ALL...thanks for the well wishes, I actually went into work today. Not 100% but getting there.

                Mick...good luck with the service tomorrow. Bet Florida can't come soon enough.

       of my co-workers and I exchange books all the time so I never know what I'm going to be reading. LOL Currently reading a Wilbur Smith book that I haven't read before.

                Sam...geeze what an ordeal with you wife. Hope she makes it in the end.

                Pauly...if you do hit the megabucks jackpot remember your MWO friends. With my compromised immune system and dealing with -40F/C temps it doesn't take long.

                Pi... I figure if my biggest embarrassments these days are cooking related, life has improved! It sure has! Ribeye bone-in steak not quite the same. But I like ribeyes.

                Ttops...hang in there. Good luck with the applications.

                Lav...isn't sewing one of the badges. LOL

                SF...sounds like you're on the right track.

                Definitely going to be early bed tonight. Don't think I slept a wink last night. Chinook supposed to roll in tomorrow so looking forward to that! Have a peaceful evening all....:smile:PPQP

