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Daily Sat Feb 12

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    Daily Sat Feb 12

    Morning All....

    Thought I'd start the thread as it looks like Mick is out detecting.
    No flashy thread title, didn't want to confuse anyone. LOL

    Pauly...thinking of you this morning.

    Off to make our morning brew....:smile:PPQP

    thanks for the brew and the start. Believe you might have the date correct but the week day off. I'd like it to stay Saturday all the time. My own personal groundhog day!

    Bit sore this morning, 2 days of mountain work has me feeling a bit rickety. Beautiful time of year to do it though, nice and open.

    well, hope everyone is movin and groovin

    Liberated 5/11/2013


      Mae everybody, heard from Mick this morning guess he's headed home in a yucky snowstorm, told him to be careful, just wanted to say thank you all for your support for me and Det,I wish we had you in real life still feel pretty raw,seems these days that dumb alcohol just makes me sicker and sicker for longer,my own fault I take full responsibility for my mistake, I have no excuse other than being really pissed off and choosing to drink over it,I guess I just didn't want to fight the urge again for another day,hubs said that counting days is dumb to him,he said if I quit then I quit,stop counting that its been 3 months 2 hours and 31 seconds,just makes me dwell on it more,he wasn't mad at me just thinks I'm making it harder than what it is,I agree I guess,maybe I wish he'd be mad but then knowing me I'd be resentful of him being angry and have an "I'll show him" attitude and drink more thinking I'm some badass who can't be told what to do,who knows, much love to all,thanks again and I wish us all a happy AF!! Sunday
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        hiya peeps jist got is a bit grim,was snowing pretty bad,but now its turning to slush,glad you are ok pauly,hows you det?hey rickety Sam you doing ok mate apart from the aches?
        glad it was just a plain simple title ppqp..that way we arent confused could have been worse you could have got the year wrong ..and put 2017!!!!

        Im having a brew...anyone else..and yep the has started..have a grand day yall yhear missin yalready..thats me sorted langwidge wise

        There's this postman on a new round and his last drop was a little farmhouse in the middle of nowhere.... so he trundles down this little lane, through a gate and as he turns around this huge rottweiler jumps up and pins him to the wall.
        The dog is snarling, teeth bared and it as murder in it's eyes.
        Suddenly, the farmhouse window opens and a little old dear shouts: "Don't worry, kick his balls!!"
        The posty says: "You what??"
        The old dear said: "Just kick his balls.... he likes that"
        The posty has on new Dr Martins.... steel toe-capped.... he pulls his foot back and WALLOP!!
        The dog stops snarling and just stares at the posty....
        The old dear says: "You're in fcking trouble now....."
        The postman says: "Why's that??"
        The woman says: "I meant his fcking tennis balls on the lawn there....

        Fact of the day: Those who have received the death penalty have never gone on to commit a future offence.

        I got thrown out of our local RSPCA meeting the other week, we went in to a small room and all I said was, "there isn't enough room to swing a cat in here."

        I've just been watching Family Fortunes and the question came up, "We asked 100 people what they would do if it started snowing?"
        I thought "tell everyone on facebook" would have been the top answer.

        Last edited by Mick; February 12, 2017, 11:07 AM.
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Originally posted by Samstone View Post
          thanks for the brew and the start. Believe you might have the date correct but the week day off. I'd like it to stay Saturday all the time. My own personal groundhog day!
          :egad: and I was trying not to confuse anyone.


            Originally posted by paulywogg View Post
            maybe I wish he'd be mad but then knowing me I'd be resentful of him being angry and have an "I'll show him" attitude and drink more
            That's me to a "T"....good to see your post and have a great SUNDAY!


              Originally posted by Mick View Post
              glad it was just a plain simple title ppqp..that way we arent confused could have been worse you could have got the year wrong ..and put 2017!!!!
              WAIT...isn't it 2017?

              Glad you made it out of the snowstorm safe and sound.


                well I think the fact that PQ renamed Sunday as Saturday (thanks for starting us off PQ) goes to show that in the end its not the days or dates that really matter but the intent and outcomes. So Pauly, IMO it doesn't really matter whether or not you count days - the counting is just a tool in the process of helping you to achieve your end. I think what is more important for you is to think ahead, make strategies, and take action for when you get the 'what-the- F…' and go ahead and drink. Those periods need to be your focus because on the whole you do stick to the daily abstinence.
                Incredible and scary climate extremes in the world. Snow Storms in the UK (hope you are warm and dry Mick), people reporting 47 degrees celsius in Sydney, bushfires in Australia, widespread flooding across the Pacific Islands that has made many homeless. Very wet here today in NZ - but not extreme I guess.
                I am battling on, but pretty damned dispirited as there is nothing immediate on the horizon. Probably will get news this week on some legal options but they dont look hopeful.
                You all take care - especially you Det - and everyone else too.


                  Originally posted by treetops View Post
                  well I think the fact that PQ renamed Sunday as Saturday (thanks for starting us off PQ) goes to show that in the end its not the days or dates that really matter but the intent and outcomes. So Pauly, IMO it doesn't really matter whether or not you count days - the counting is just a tool in the process of helping you to achieve your end. I think what is more important for you is to think ahead, make strategies, and take action for when you get the 'what-the- F…' and go ahead and drink. Those periods need to be your focus because on the whole you do stick to the daily abstinence.
                  Incredible and scary climate extremes in the world. Snow Storms in the UK (hope you are warm and dry Mick), people reporting 47 degrees celsius in Sydney, bushfires in Australia, widespread flooding across the Pacific Islands that has made many homeless. Very wet here today in NZ - but not extreme I guess.
                  I am battling on, but pretty damned dispirited as there is nothing immediate on the horizon. Probably will get news this week on some legal options but they dont look hopeful.
                  You all take care - especially you Det - and everyone else too.
                  tt keep your chin up..
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Good evening Abbers,

                    Thanks for starting us up PQ. It really doesn't matter what day it is, does it? I mean on Friday YB thought is was Tuesday.......ho hum.

                    Hi there Sam. Sounds like you are enjoying the great outdoors these days, nice

                    Pauly, I am happy to see you :hug:
                    Counting days, not counting days....whatever makes you the most comfortable.
                    I would love to see you build up your defense shields though so you don't feel so vulnerable. I think a lot of us used AL as a defense mechanism, I know I did.

                    TT, I hope you get some good news this week.
                    Speaking of news I read about the 650 whales that beached themselves in NZ. Is that a climate issue too?

                    Hello to Pie, SF & Det.

                    Wishing everyone a peaceful night!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Happy SatSunday ABerooos,

                      PPQ, thanks for getting us off on a weird foot that's the best way to start i think.

                      TT, struggling myself with financial issues quite badly. I feel your pain. I'm literally scraping from one paycheck to the next and it's really frightening.

                      Sam, I'm jealous of your mountain time.

                      very glad to have been socializing with two close friends today for deep meaningful conversations. I can't believe I was being so much of a hermit. bad bad.

                      Pauly, same here... i dunno if counting is best or not. Something new I'm doing is programming my subconscious with the 'right' messages by doing things like putting a sobriety graphic on the desktop of my computer. I'm doing that in other ways as well to reinforce constantly what I truly need in my life.

                      went for a nice walk today and took some panoramic photos. Hope to upload them soon.

                      be well loves
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Lazy hazy view of my lake to the southwest

                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)

