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Thursday June 14th

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    Thursday June 14th

    Morning Folks,
    Well, crisis over!
    I had a rotten day, one of those where nothing goes right and all your plans go right out the window, and I've been losing sleep lately.
    I'm glad I didn't cave in.

    Have a great AF Thursday.

    Thursday June 14th

    Hope your day today goes better. Only one more day until vacation right?


      Thursday June 14th

      Hope Thursday is a new day for you.
      I'm on day 5 here AF and sadly day 1 smoke free.
      I smoked 10 cigarettes last night.

      I had a feeling of overwhelming sadness for no reason last night and decided to smoke - didn't help.Feel ok now, guessit's just no booze/fags - I convinced myself I was under too much pressure - not true really probably should have had a quick bath and rode out my 3 minute craving/felt sad.
      Have also lost a pound since last week which must be down to increased exercise and no booze as I have been eating like a pig!
      Anyway - back on smoke free wagon again today for me - I am seriously considering hypno for this. Having it for confidence at the moment and I think it is working - for the first time ever I feel more clear about what I want.
      anyway good day all, see you tomorrow a smoke and booze free bear still
      one day at a time


        Thursday June 14th

        Popeye, I haven't had one of those challenging days yet but when I do, I'm going to do what you did, and stick with it. I think you just gained some more AF strength without even realising it

        Bear, Mr Scoobs is booking into see his Hypno... he swears by it. I think the clear minded thinking is a direct result of thinking with a booze clear head Good stuff!

        I'm drawing a close to Day 11 and I just feel better and better every day. The thought of alcohol is actually repulsing me so I must be doing/thinking something right. I've been running around like a chook with my head chopped off - I am snowed under with work which is great but I just want to get a big chunk of it out of the way so I think I'll be pulling a late one tonight and try to get ahead.

        I wonder if Rachele is having a good time in Chicago (I think she said Chicago). Fingers crossed she's sticking with her resolve. I think holidays will be quite a challenge, but far easier if they're recognised as a challenge and raising the conscience before leaving home.

        Scoobs xo
        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


          Thursday June 14th

          I'm glad that you're feeling better, Popeye. I hope your sleeplessness gets better. It is crappy feeling tired all the time.

          Hi Louise. How is your day going so far?

          I know it can feel very sad sometimes without warning, bear. I'm glad that you are getting back to smoke free again. Brilliant on losing the weight!

          Scooby, you sound like you're doing great with lots of energy! I'm always so tired at first; I just slog through the first week. I start to get some energy back during week two. Can't wait for that!

          The house is so quiet here. Maddy is still down at the university. It is a different kind of quiet. Is this what it will feel like when she leaves?? Hmmmm. Not sure I like this feeling...

          Beginning Day 3 for me.

          Hugs to all and to all that come today.:l


          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            Thursday June 14th

            Good morning AB crew from the sunny sierras. Glad it's just a bump in the road Popeye.
            Bear I've heard that brushing with cinamon toothpaste can help with giving up the cig's although I haven't tried that personally. The idea is you brush as many times per day to help fight the cravings....who knows? harmless anyway.
            Scooby, most yanks won't have any idea what a chook is LOL. I recall the little shops with the sign out front "Hot Chook". yum......
            Kathy, yes I also don't like that "quiet" feeling in the house alone. that's why I've got all kinds of fun projects to do to keep myself occupied.
            Hi to Louise and all to come
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Thursday June 14th

              Morning all-just a quick hello.

              Busy day with errands & chores.

              Pop-awesome job. I take days like those and say "I've had so many good days that life needed to throw a load of crap on me to even things out". So happy you rode it out. Look forward to your well deserved vacation. You've been working so hard lately that you deserve it.

              Gotta run-Have a great day everyone.
              You all are stars in my eyes! Let's all keep up the GREAT work. Attached files [img]/converted_files/264381=1098-attachment.gif[/img]
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                Thursday June 14th

                Good Morning dear friends -- I'm sorry you had one of those rotten days Popeye but you weathered it -- that's a good deal. Scoobs you sound good, I don't know, everything is different for me this time quitting. I'm just disgusted at the thought of alcohol as well. I read about many going through all the symptoms I went through the first time I quit and had long term sobriety but it is hard to know where to be now. I'm not having the same symptoms, though I can identify -- it's just different. Well, anyway enuf about that.

                Kathy I went to the orientation with my son (the last one) earlier this June and both my sons stayed down in Tucson. I came home and the next day I thought the same thing and spent the morning crying --sigh -- couldn't help it. I'm terrified of that empty house next August. I'm proud and excited for them but ...its a transition time for me as well and some days aren't easy. I guess they don't call it empty nest for nothing. My plan is to go back to school and finish my degree -- hope it fills part of the space in my heart.

                Bear don't worry about the smoking, it was a little glitch, you are still not drinking and that is fantastic. Wishing you luck on your journey.

                hey Louise and Det.

                have a really good day everyone.

                AF 21, March 2010

                "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                  Thursday June 14th

                  hi all also had on of those days yesterday and did cave in wish i was more like you pops good on you son got suspended from school for 2 days writing on school walls and it is his birthday today so hard to keep punishing him plus starting tomorrow i am working 2 weeks with no days of and they are 12 hour shifts so won,t be on here much only good thing is it will stop me from drinking enough of my gripes hope you are all doing well today and see yu around soon

                  love maryt


                    Thursday June 14th

                    Thanks for your words, Padme. Maddy's my one and only. I keep saying that I won't miss her treating the whole house as if it's her personal closet, but I can see it's going to be more complicated than that, now. Especially with a girl--they can be so "in your face" sometimes as teens!! It still is hard when they leave though! I'm glad we'll be going through this together!

                    You don't sound like you're griping to me, Mary. Sorry about the slip, but the long workdays will help you get back on track. Hope things get better with your son.
                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      Thursday June 14th

                      Glad your feeling better Popeye x


                        Thursday June 14th

                        hey mary. sorry to hear about your son and your slip. i feel you though and the good news is you are alive and healthy and get to start over. i've put another day of briety under the belt and am happy that popeye didn't cave also. for some reason that really really makes a difference for me. so thanks popeye you are giving me strength to go another day. padme haylo and determin love that you are such a great cook. saw that on another post. scoob always great to hear your cheery sober voice. and young at heart, you are such a joy and a treasure to hear. warms my heart whenever i see your avatar. like a really great cup of tea and nice cookie you are for me. funny image huh? well that is how i feel whenever i see your avatar. bear i uhhhh am with you on the cigs thing. i was doing to good and then smoked 1/2 a pack nite before last. ah well, back at it again. but determination is key and watching lots of shows about people who die of lung cancer. so i watched like 2 seasons of house the dr these last two nites. congrats on the sobriety day all. boots is off to sell some real estate and keep it quiet and mellow.

