Sorry to hear you had the flu Pie. Hope you are on the mend. Mick - did you get some rest? More sight-seeing to do. When is Julie's actual birthday?
Pauly -I get confused with your large family and their movements!!! Great that you had a nice birthday for Brady. At that age they often dont want much fuss. At least not with parents around.
Det - you sound OK but make sure you reach out for that help this week.
Lav - you too had a birthday - with a child it was probably a bit more lively than the ones Pauly and I took part in.
Hope you had a good relaxing weekend PQ.
Yesterday Mr GB pranged the car - again… This is our new car. It was not very serious but will require panel work and a new light that is expensive and it affects our insurance cover. It was a bloody stupid mistake - he thinks he can judge distances when parking and he is hopeless. Backed into metal pole. Must have been going fast by the extent of the damage. So I have to deal with the insurance and the repairs because he is at work today. To make me even more pissed off he reacts by being an immature jerk. Scream, scream, scream (thats me silently screaming not him) ….

Oh well, he's at work now and at least I dont have to interact with his childish ways.
Hope you dont have to encounter such 'domestic bliss' today