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Mar first

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    Mar first

    Mae all ..white rabbits! !!how are we all is well. .yesterday was a bit of a bummer day..fingers went a bit haywire. .went to universal stoodios. .Julie lost her sunglasses. .which she needs in bright light so there was me giving it loads of you need to be more careful blah blah when I looked I had lost my electronic wristband which is your pass to everywhere so we had to go back to the hotel and report it...they replaced it no problem. ..phew!!today is magic Kingdom.'s a small world. And dinner with eeyore. old am I????hope all are well...details glad you sounded a bit better mate
    One thing I have found...tea tastes rubbish over here. .dunno why but it does so let's have caw fee
    Have a great day peeps



    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: Mar first

    Mae everybody,Mick,I'm glad you're having a great time! I'm like Julie and have to have sunglasses on outside too or I start getting bright spots in my vision, I wonder why the tea tastes rubbish here? Details(as Mick called you haha) you're sounding much better Lav,did you track Sam down on Facebook? I know he's OK just wish he'd pop in,Pie,are you feeling better yet? PQ,be sure and tell us what you buy for yourself TT,how are you doing?are you feeling less bummed out about everything that's gone down? Ugh,the jeans I found in the back of the closet are strangling me!! Need to change,much love to all and I hope everyone has a grand AF Wednesday
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Re: Mar first

      Hi there. Must have been the day glasses have a life of their own. Mr GB lost his vision glasses and that was a mission - I found them.
      Mick it's easy to misplace things on holiday - different environment, lots to do, tired etc. Don't get cross with Julie.
      Like you Pauly I have to wear glasses although now it's my vision glasses that I wear all the time.
      Thanks for asking. I had a bad day yesterday. - just not getting anywhere and so much to sort out before I vacate my office. Feeling bloody lonely and abandoned which is poor me speaking as I have my family (even if they crash cars!) and friends - although much of that support is virtual and not in real time. Just feel so sad, tired, defeated. But the good news is that I am back into my writing which although it doesn't pay it keeps me sane. I have some projects to complete and want to see them through.
      March already. This is the nicest time if the year in my country - warm and sunny. Kind of like a late summer.
      Sorry to prattle on about moi but hi there to all you good folk. Take care.


        Re: Mar first

        Greeting Abbers,

        White rabbits to all, ha ha!
        Thanks for starting up the day for us Mick. Great pictures - especially the one with the snow on the roofs in Florida, Lol
        Misplacing items gets so much easier after a certain age

        Pauly, I haven't heard from Sam yet but I will keep pestering him. I am good for that

        TT, I understand your feeling lonely, I really do. I have the ability to feel lonely in a room packed full of people. For me it is due to the lack of attention I am receiving rather than body count - if you know what I mean. Doing something like writing is good for the soul, keep that going.

        Hello to Det, glad you are feeling perkier. I hope the pizza day didn't disagree with you too much. I can't handle pizza either.

        Greetings to the rest of the crew & wishing a peaceful night for everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Mar first

          MAE ALL....

          Checking in so I don't go to the liquor store and drown my anxiety in booze! :sad:
          Received a bill in my mailbox last night from the "Lawyer from Hell" demanding $20K or ACTION would be taken.
          Thought that had all been sorted out!!!
          Spoke to my boss, who is very supportive, and we came up with some positive steps to deal with this.
          His main concern is that I'm OK!
          Needless to say it was a very anxious emotional day. I'm exhausted.
          I have my first appointment with a Behavioral Therapist tomorrow, timing couldn't have been better.
          It had been set up by my family doctor after my last visit to her. Hah, the therapist won't know what hit her!
          So I'm doing the right things, feeling more positive tonight and looking forward to sleep as I didn't get much last night.
          Thanks for letting me share, sorry I couldn't be more supportive to you all....:smile:PPQP


            Re: Mar first

            :hug:PPQP :hug:
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Re: Mar first

              Hidy ho ABeroos!

              oh my, some tough times going around and extra hugs for PPQ and TTops XXXXXXXXXXXXX
              TTops, since you write, maybe a blog would be good therapy?
              PPQ, I've been having to remind myself lately it's only money. They can't lock me up for that or take my life.
              Let us know how therapy goes.

              Mick, challenging day in a magical place i see. Hopefully yer next cuppa tea they'll get right.

              snapped a panorama of our lake last night:

              I've had a breakthrough in my thinking just last night. It's hard to explain but in a nutshell I feel simply calmer and more
              enthusiastic about life than i have in ages. So glad for that.

              Pauly, sorry you are being attacked by your jeans. yikes!

              be well loves, a new day cometh sooneth.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Re: Mar first

                Mick, loved the pictures,it makes me want to visit Universal Studios or where ever you are. Fun.

                TT, hope things turn around soon, this has not been easy. Lovely that you are a writer, as Lav says, good for the soul.

                Porquoi, sorry about the big bill, hope you can figure it out.

                Det, I have been dealing with some real sh** since this last bout of being AF, but I can tell you, drinking would push me over the edge, for sure. So happy you are feeling a change in your thinking, that makes all the difference, loved the picture of your lake, so beautiful. You are lucky to live around such magical nature. Have a good one.

